Chapter 131 The Qiao Family
Under the leadership of Zhou Yu, Jiang Ming and others set off for Jiang County.

This time, Jiang Ming deliberately brought Xiao Qiao along.

Xiao Qiao is his fiancée. She has done nothing wrong, but she has been wronged for ten years because of other people's stupidity.

Jiang Ming couldn't stand it, and wanted to seek justice for her.

Even if you want to crush Qiao's family.

Of course, Jiang Ming didn't tell Xiao Qiao about this idea, he just said to take her to Jiangjun to play.

On the way, Jiang Ming tried his best to make Xiao Qiao happy, telling her a joke from time to time, or weaving a garland for her.

The few light bulbs on the side have different moods.

Zhuge Liang was envious and blessed. While acknowledging that Jiang Ming is excellent, he silently complained in his heart: Can you keep your happiness down, it's disturbing my loneliness. . .

Zhou Yu is jealous and remorseful: Unexpectedly, there is such a perfect woman as Xiao Qiao hidden in this small town. The most annoying thing is that Hao Cabbage has been overwhelmed by an outsider like Jiang Ming. I hate it! ! !

Sun Shangxiang was in a complicated mood, she was jealous and at the same time didn't know why she was jealous, but every time she saw Jiang Ming taking care of Xiao Qiao in every possible way, she had the urge to give him a shot.

In this way, Jiang Ming and Xiao Qiao abused single dogs all the way, and finally arrived at the destination of this mission - Jiang County.

Jiang County is close to the east coast, and the rivers in the city are intertwined and the shipping is prevalent. It is the most prosperous city in one-third of the land.

But also because there are many rivers and few plains, the population of Wu State is far smaller than that of Wei State and Shu State, and it is the country with the weakest military power in one-third of the land.

Entering Jiang County, Sun Shangxiang mysteriously said goodbye to Jiang Ming and the others, and then left alone.

Jiang Ming knew that she must be looking for Sun Ce to act like a baby and refused to marry Liu Bei.

But he didn't tell the truth, because with the help of the blood clan, Sun Ce would hardly reject the alliance's proposal.

In the imperial palace, Sun Ce looked at the situation map of the third quarter of the land, and his tough face was full of sorrow.

"On the surface, the traitor Cao Cao only attacked Shu, but in fact he was very ambitious. He always wanted to dominate the third part of the country. If I didn't send troops to help, Liu Bei would definitely be defeated. After annexing Shu, the next country would be Wu. And even if I help Liu Bei defeat the Without Cao Cao, who can guarantee that Liu Bei will not turn against me? At that time, without the check and balance of Wei State, our Wu State will have nothing to do with Shu State, and we will end up in the end of destroying the country after all."

Sun Ce thought about it, and finally sighed helplessly.

Dead end.

At this moment, he felt someone pat him on the shoulder from behind, and turned his head to see his eccentric younger sister.

Sun Shangxiang said with a playful smile, "Brother Sun Ce, I'm back."

Sun Ce was surprised at first, and then overjoyed: "Xiangxiang, you can be regarded as coming back. The world is so chaotic now, and you are a girl who is alone in the rivers and lakes, but you worry about my brother to death."

Sun Shangxiang stuck out her tongue, and shook the cannon in her hand like a demonstration: "Don't underestimate others just because I'm a girl, I'm very powerful!"

Sun Ce's face darkened suddenly, and he said, "Why are you still like this? Didn't I tell you that it's not appropriate for girls to play with artillery?"

"What's wrong? I can kill dozens of villains with one shot!" Sun Shangxiang said confidently.

Sun Ce covered his face with his hands: "Forget it, forget it, it's up to you."

Sun Shangxiang smirked twice, and said: "Brother Sun Ce, I saw that you were frowning just now. It seems that there is something bothering you. Tell me, maybe I can help you."

What can you do to help, it would be nice not to add to the mess. . .Sun Ce complained silently, but still told his sister about his troubles.

Sun Shangxiang fell silent after hearing what her brother said.

It turned out that so many major events had happened during his absence, and Wu Guo had reached such a difficult situation, no wonder my brother looked much older.

Seeing the wrinkles in the corners of Sun Ce's eyes, Sun Shangxiang began to regret that she could not share the worries of her brother.

She suddenly thought of Liu Bei's marriage proposal. Perhaps this was the only way to save Wu, but she was unwilling to marry a middle-aged uncle who was 20 years older.

What should I do, I can't just watch the country of Wu perish with my own eyes.

Sun Shangxiang was very distressed.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to her mind.

Marriage is necessary, but it doesn't have to be with Liu Bei!
Sun Shangxiang's eyes lit up, and the figure of that person appeared in his mind.

"Brother Sun Ce, I have a good idea to save Wu..."

. . .

When Jiang Ming entered Jiang County, he didn't go straight to the palace, but asked Xiao Qiao where Qiao's house was.

Xiao Qiao looked around, and finally said in frustration: "I have been away from home for too long, and I can't even find my way home. Why do you ask me this?"

Jiang Ming said casually: "It's nothing, I just want to visit my father-in-law. After all, you and I have a marriage contract."

Father-in-law, this change of words is too fast, he hasn't married you yet. . .Xiao Qiao blushed.

Jiang Ming looked at Zhou Yu again: "Then please Mr. Zhou Yu take us to Qiao's house."

Zhou Yu thought for a while and said, "Well, anyway, Qiao's house is not far from the palace, so it can be regarded as a way."

The Qiao family is the largest family in the Wu Kingdom, and the head of the family, Mr. Qiao, is the most powerful demon cultivator in the Wu Kingdom. He is comparable to a diamond peak warrior. Coupled with the strange and unpredictable methods of the demon realm, his real combat power may be comparable to that of Sun Ce of Star Yaowu. Not too much difference.

Under the leadership of Zhou Yu, Jiang Ming and others came to Qiao's mansion.

Zhuge Liang looked up at the luxurious mansion of the Qiao family, and couldn't help expressing emotion: "As expected of the No. [-] family in Soochow, the scale of the mansion is almost comparable to the palace of our Shu Kingdom. It's really magnificent."

Jiang Ming didn't care about these, but directly dragged Xiao Qiao into the gate of Qiao's mansion.

"Stop! The important place of Qiao's house, no one is allowed to enter without Mr. Qiao's invitation!"

The two guards at the gate crossed their long knives and blocked Jiang Ming's way.

Jiang Ming was not angry, and he didn't want to be angry with the gatekeeper, he said calmly: "Go and inform Mr. Qiao that his second daughter and her son-in-law have come to see him."

"Second daughter?" The guard looked puzzled.

Jiang Ming pointed to Xiao Qiao: "This is the second lady of your Qiao family, Xiao Qiao."

The doorman suddenly realized, and then a mocking look appeared on his face: "Oh, it turned out to be the second young lady who was kicked out of Qiao's family with unknown background. I'm sorry, Mr. Qiao said that he only has one daughter in his life, and that is Da Qiao."

When Xiao Qiao heard this, her face turned pale as paper. She pulled the corner of La Jiangming's clothes and said softly, "My lord, forget it, my father doesn't even recognize me as a daughter."

Jiang Ming held her soft little hand and said: "How can I forget it, I must seek justice for you today."

He turned his head, looked at the two guards, and said coldly: "Go and inform Mr. Qiao, or just get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Russian? I'd like to see how rude you can be."

The guard sneered: "She, Xiao Qiao, has been expelled from the Qiao family. She is not eligible to enter this threshold. Get out!"

"No shame, fuck you!"

Jiang Ming slapped each of them, sending them flying away.

(End of this chapter)

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