The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 134 Sun Shangxiang's Thoughts

Chapter 134 Sun Shangxiang's Thoughts

Not long after Jiang Ming left, Mr. Qiao woke up under the care of his two sons.

Seeing the Qiao family in ruins, he wept with grief.

"The Qiao family is ruined in my hands, I'm sorry for my ancestors..."

Qiao Haiqiao Yang took the opportunity to throw dirty water: "Father, it's not your fault, it's all Xiao Qiao and her wild man's fault. Although we are not his opponents, we can ask Lord Sun Ce to seek justice for us!"

"Yes, Lord Sun Ce must have a way to deal with him, and I want him to pay the price!" Duke Qiao gritted his teeth. Until now, he still stubbornly believes that he is right.

After listening to the conversation between his father and his two younger brothers, Da Qiao shook his head in disappointment.

Jiang Ming took Xiao Qiao around the city for a while, bought some jewelry that girls like to make her happy, and then found an inn for her to stay.

As for himself, he took Zhuge Liang to do serious things.

Jiangjun is very big, but the palace is easy to find. Jiang Ming just found a passerby and asked where the palace is.

In Jiangjun Palace, Sun Shangxiang and Sun Ce are still discussing the strategy of saving the country.

Hearing his sister's proposal, Sun Ce frowned and said, "What? You want to marry a small diplomat from Shu Kingdom? No, I don't agree!"

Sun Shangxiang said anxiously: "But at present, only marriage can change the situation, otherwise Soochow will be annexed by Wei sooner or later."

Sun Ce was silent for a moment, then compromised and said, "Even if we want to get married, Liu Bei must be able to match my sister, not a mere diplomat!"

The embarrassment on Sun Shangxiang's face flashed away, and he flattened his mouth and said: "What's wrong with the diplomat, the diplomat is not only handsome, but also a master doctor..."

"Grandmaster doctor, that's barely enough..."

Sun Ce rubbed his chin, and suddenly noticed something unusual in his sister's expression.

He smiled narrowly and said, "My dear sister, you must have fallen in love with him, right?"

"No, I didn't!"

Sun Shangxiang repeatedly denied it, but in Sun Ce's eyes, it was clearly a cover-up.

Sun Ce narrowed his eyes and said, "I understand. You should have said it earlier. If my brother knew that you liked him, even if he was just an ordinary soldier, I would not object."

"Oh, brother, you talk nonsense, so I didn't like him."

Sun Shangxiang said coquettishly, ran away shyly, came back halfway through the run, and reminded worriedly: "Brother, don't make things difficult for others."

Sun Ce made a clear gesture: "Got it."

At the same time, hurried footsteps came from outside the hall.

The two looked up at the same time, only to see Qiao Gong coming in a hurry with the support of his two sons.

"Your Majesty, please make the decision for me!"

The Qiao family, father and son, entered the palace and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"What is Mr. Qiao doing, please hurry up."

Sun Ce was a little confused, and pulled Qiao Gong twice, but he couldn't pull him up.

"If His Majesty doesn't make the decision for me, I'll just kneel here and do nothing."

Qiao Gong told the story of the destruction of Qiao's family in tears, but deliberately omitted the fact that they abandoned Xiao Qiao.

"Your Majesty, that thief is not only bullying my Qiao family, but also the face of our Soochow!"

"Presumptuous! It's too much!" Sun Ce yelled, his tiger eyes widened, and his eyes shot out like flames: "Mr. Qiao, hurry up and tell me the origin of that thief. The master of this country will definitely take him down himself!"

The corners of Qiao Gong's mouth curled up indistinctly, thinking that Sun Ce was still too young, and he would be irritated by just a few words, which happened to be used as a spearman.

He had already inquired about the identities of Jiang Ming and the others, and said, "Your Majesty, that person is a diplomat from the Kingdom of Shu, his name is Jiang Ming!"

Diplomat, Jiang Ming. . .Sun Ce and Sun Shangxiang looked at each other and looked at each other.

"What's going on, didn't you say that Jiang Ming is not good at fighting, why did he even beat Qiao Gong, who is at the peak of the diamond?" Sun Ce communicated with his younger sister Sun Shangxiang using family secrets.

Sun Shangxiang tilted his head and said: "I didn't know he was so powerful, but isn't it better, we have another powerful helper."

"You're going to piss me off..." Sun Ce covered his face with his hands, and said speechlessly, "Is it a question of whether he is strong or not? The problem is that he ruined Qiao's house. Mr. Qiao came to me to complain, what should I do?" what to do?"

Sun Shangxiang said: "Brother, don't pay attention to him, you don't know, this old man actually believed foolish words, abandoned his own daughter, and ignored him for ten years."

Sun Shangxiang told Sun Ce about Xiao Qiao, and the latter was filled with righteous indignation.

"The old miscellaneous hair actually did such a stupid thing, it really deserves to be beaten, and the owner of the country doesn't care about it!"

Sun Ce shook his hand, suddenly felt something was wrong, he looked at his younger sister Sun Shangxiang suddenly, his eyes were full of doubts: "You know he has a marriage contract with Xiao Qiao, and you want to marry him?"

Sun Shangxiang's eyes wandered, and she pouted, "What's wrong with the marriage contract? Liu Bei's child is already in his teens, not to mention you have five wives too?"

Sun Ce choked for a moment and tried to quibble: "Then, can I be the same as him? I am the lord of the country, so I naturally want to spread my branches and leaves. He is a small diplomat with three wives and four concubines."

Sun Shangxiang complained: "What's the difference? Aren't they all men? You're not as good-looking as him..."


Sun Ce's mentality collapsed.

This sister, don't mind!
The encrypted phone call between Sun Ce and Sun Shangxiang flirted with each other, and all three of Qiao's father and son were stunned.

What are you doing?

After a while, Duke Qiao coughed twice and said, "Your Majesty, how are you thinking?"

Sun Ce cleared his throat and said, "That Mr. Qiao, the Lord cannot help you with this matter."

"Your Majesty, why is this?"

Duke Qiao turned pale with shock.

You didn't promise well just now, why did you suddenly turn your back on it?

"Because you did something wrong. How could you abandon your own daughter for ten years? The tragic ending is all caused by your own stupidity, and you can't blame others."

Sun Ce's words were like a thunderbolt in Duke Qiao's ears, and he was immediately stunned.

How did Sun Ce know about Xiao Qiao?
Qiao Gong was puzzled, and suddenly thought of Sun Shangxiang's reputation as a phantom girl. It was unmistakable, Sun Shangxiang must have told her.

Smelly girl, talk too much. . .Mr. Qiao cursed in his heart, and stopped pretending to be wronged. He directly threatened, "Your Majesty, please think deeply. Now is a critical moment. Without the help of my Qiao family, Soochow may not be able to survive."

The implication is that if you don't help me teach Jiang Ming a lesson, I won't help you deal with Cao Cao. Let's see whose life is more difficult.

The Qiao family is the No. [-] magic family in Eastern Wu, and Duke Qiao himself is the strongest under Sun Ce. He thinks that Sun Ce will compromise with him.

However, Qiao Gong didn't know that Sun Ce had already found someone who could replace him.

Yo, threaten me Jiangdong Xiaobawang. . .Sun Ce sneered and said, "Mr. Qiao, you may have overestimated your status in Soochow. To be honest, the Lord of the country has already found a stronger helper than you."

"Impossible, apart from you, who in Wu Kingdom can defeat me?"

Qiao Gong said proudly.

Sun Ce gave him a contemptuous look, and jokingly said, "How come no one can beat you? Didn't you just get beaten up by him?"

When Qiao Gong heard this, his face suddenly became stiff.

He shook his head, in disbelief: "No, you must be lying to me. How could he, a native of Shu, help you deal with Cao Cao?"

Sun Ce laughed loudly: "Why do you think he came to Soochow? Liu Bei ordered him to come and discuss cooperation with me!"

Qiao Gong was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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