Chapter 144 Please Eat Peanuts
"Jiang Ming, you are finally back! Have you got the Dongfeng Altar?"

Sun and Liu asked hurriedly.

This battle has been fought so far, and only the Dongfeng Altar can save the situation.

"Don't worry, you can always trust me, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Ming made a done gesture, and the two immediately burst into smiles.

But Jiang Ming looked at Xu Fu who was standing still in the distance, and his expression gradually became serious.

This was the first time he saw Xu Fu in person, and he felt an inexplicable nervousness in his heart.

With Boss Cao's character, it is absolutely impossible for his subordinates to rest and work on their own.

Could it be that Xu Fu is a stronger boss than Cao Cao?

"You are Jiang Ming? You rescued Liu Chan?"

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed, and his tone was cold like the cold wind blowing from an ice cellar.

"Yes, it's me."

Jiang Ming puffed out his chest proudly.

"Okay, very good. I heard that you can display strength beyond your rank. What I, Cao Cao, like to do the most is to kill young people with potential like you."

Cao Cao sneered, and the strength of the four warriors of Xingyao swelled up, and the blood-colored sword light seemed to tear the sky and the earth apart.

Jiang Ming did not retreat but advanced, forcibly colliding with Cao Cao.

Boom boom boom!
The collision of swords and swords stirred up huge waves of energy, and the ground was cracked and devastated.

The two top powerhouses in the three thirds fell into a fierce battle under the shocked eyes of everyone.

Cao Cao's swordsmanship can be summed up in two terms, that is overbearing.

Opening and closing, the power is unparalleled, and it breaks all tricks with one force.

Although Jiang Ming has a combat power comparable to that of the Four Stars, but compared to the real four warriors of the Stars, he is still a bit behind, and gradually falls into a disadvantage.

"Jiang Ming, you are nothing more than that. I, Cao Cao, are the strongest in this land. In order to defeat Sun Liu, I have paid so much. Anyone who stops me from unifying a third of the land will die!!! "

Cao Cao became more and more courageous as he fought, and his demeanor gradually became crazy.

The eyeballs turned blood red, and a faint blood-colored steam radiated from his body, terrifying like a demon.

The most frightening thing was that his strength suddenly doubled.

"Blood, you are also a blood!"

Jiang Ming turned pale with shock.

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao turned himself into a blood clan in order to have more powerful power.

A lunatic, an out-and-out lunatic!

Cao Cao under normal conditions is already difficult to defeat, and Cao Cao who has gained the power of the blood clan is even more invincible.

"Death to me!"

Cao Cao let out a roar like a beast, and the bloody giant sword was raised and lowered, cutting off the sky.

The power of this sword is almost equal to the entire strength of the three warriors of Xingyao, and it is the strongest enemy Jiang Ming has encountered so far.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind of blood howled, and everyone felt uncomfortable as if they were being strangled by the neck.

A loud noise almost shattered everyone's eardrums.

Jiang Ming flew upside down and smashed into the hill in the distance, spitting out a mouthful of sweetness.

He slowly raised his right hand, only to see that there was only a handle of the knife left in his palm, and the blade had been shattered into countless pieces.

"Gah, Cao Cao, you are so rude, even a pure man like me can't stand it, don't even think about marrying a wife in this life."

Jiang Ming stood up with a pale face, seriously injured.

Ordinary people would say a few harsh words to save face when they were deflated, but Jiang Ming was different, the more Jiang Ming suffered, the more he liked to talk coquettishly.

Cao Cao snorted coldly: "You're still talkative when you're about to die, Jiang Ming, your knife is broken, how can you still fight with me?"

"Hehe, naive, how can someone Jiang's blade be retired so easily? Right, the magic knife thousand blades?"

Jiang Ming whistled at the blade fragments all over the floor, and the fragments spliced ​​together spontaneously, returning to normal in the blink of an eye.

The Demon Saber Thousand Blades was opened by Jiang Ming with the power of the gods, and it has its own consciousness. At this time, it hated Cao Cao very much, and stabbed Cao Cao behind him, as if provocative.

Jiang Ming laughed, and translated: "Cao Cao, my knife said to stab your chrysanthemum."


Cao Cao's face suddenly turned cold, bloody steam exploded, and he cut the hill on which Jiang Ming was leaning in half.

He got angry and slipped away. . .Jiang Ming knew that he was no match for the blood clan Cao Cao, kicked his legs, leaped high and landed on the altar in the air.

Head to head I am not your match, but why do I have to head to head with you, I am a man with the power of miracles!

"Cao Cao, let me show you something good."

Cao Cao raised his head and saw Jiang Ming standing on a suspended altar, pointing his finger at a huge ball of light.

"Do you think I can't hit you if I hide high?"

Cao Cao sneered, and followed Jiang Ming into the sky.

He didn't know the Dongfeng Altar, and he couldn't perceive the Nuwa power remaining on it, so he thought it was just a flying machine.

Was Cao Cao always so brave? . .Jiang Ming smiled, and controlled the power of the light ball to aim.

The Dongfeng Altar is essentially a weapon, equivalent to a flying fort.

It's just that the power of this fort is unusual, after all, it was built by Nuwa herself.

"Cao Cao, look here, yes, just don't move, I'll treat you to peanuts."

Jiang Ming aimed at Cao Cao, the corners of his mouth curled up.

In the next instant, a beam of laser cannons shot out from the ball of light at a speed as fast as lightning, wiping out sparks from the air.

"Oops, hit the jackpot!"

Cao Cao's face changed drastically, and every cell in his body was sending out danger alarms, but it was too late.

The laser cannon exploded in front of Cao Cao's chest, and Cao Cao smashed a huge crater [-] meters deep on the ground like a shell, with green smoke still emitting from the hole.

"The lord!"

Seeing this scene, the generals of the Wei Army almost had their eyeballs pop out.

Cao Cao, the invincible hero, was defeated like this?
In the distance, Xu Fu, who had always been calm and calm, suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Nuwa, it's Nuwa's power! Unexpectedly, in this small three-thirds of the land, there is actually hidden behind Nuwa's arrangement. It seems My plan has to be postponed later, and I can't let this kid who has received Nuwa's inheritance be aware of my existence."

As Xu Fu spoke, the thought of retreating came into his mind, and his figure slowly disappeared like a phantom.

Looking at the bottomless pothole, Jiang Ming felt that the Dongfeng Altar deserves to be the number one killer.

He only used less than one-tenth of the energy of the Dongfeng Altar for the shot just now.

Originally, he wanted to try his power, but he didn't want to directly drive Boss Cao into the ground.

It's too much, how can you treat Boss Cao like this. . .Jiang Ming shouted towards the entrance of the cave: "Cao Cao, are you still alive? If you are still alive, just say a word, and I will treat you to some more peanuts."

The extremely insulting voice echoed in the cave, and Jiang Ming seemed to feel the ground shaking.

Immediately afterwards, a figure emerged from the ground not far away, and it was Cao Cao covered in blood.

I saw that his chest was bloody and bloody, and he could even see the white bones. If it weren't for the thick skin of the blood race, he might have gone to see the king of Hades long ago.

"Jiang Ming, I will kill you, eat your flesh, and drink your blood!"

Cao Cao was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Okay, come on, let's see if your teeth are hard or my peanuts are hard."

Jiang Ming chuckled, and the Dongfeng Altar aimed at Cao Cao again.

Cao Cao immediately faltered, swallowed his saliva, and retreated involuntarily.

He suddenly looked at Xu Fu behind him, and said loudly, "Master Di Jun, please act!"

Ok?Emperor Jun?

Jiang Ming frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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