Chapter 148
Cao Cao died, Emperor Jun fled, and Wei Jun was completely defeated.

Xiahou Dundian Wei Sima Yi and other generals of the Wei army looked at each other helplessly.

As the saying goes, the monkeys scatter when the trees fall, but now one-third of the land is in the territory of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. Where can these monkeys go?
What's more, that Jiang Ming, who is like a god of war, has not agreed to let them go.

Just ask, are you moved?

dare not move!
Jiang Ming looked at the generals of the Wei army, thinking about how to deal with them.

Kill them all?
It's not appropriate, although they used to be enemies, but they are their own masters, and now their master Cao Cao is hiccupping, so there is no need to implicate them.

What's more, these people are all rare generals, so it would be a pity to kill them.

To Liu Bei and Sun Quan?
Again, these are rare talents, and it is a bit reluctant to give them away for nothing.

"If only I were the lord of the country, these people can be accepted as subordinates... By the way, why can't I be the lord of the country!"

Jiang Ming's eyes lit up, and he slapped his thigh suddenly.

As the person who contributed the most to this battle, I built a brand new country on Wei Guo's corpse, isn't that too much?

I am afraid that Sun Ce and Liu Bei will not be happy.

Go test and test their tone first.

Jiang Ming walked up to the two of them, said with a smile, "Cao Cao is dead, and the Wei army is no longer a threat. Congratulations to the two lords, you can rest easy from now on."

Liu Bei cupped his hands and said with a smile: "It's ashamed to say that our two kings didn't help much, it's all thanks to Brother Jiang Ming."

Sun Ce also had a happy face, and said: "Liu Bei is right, thanks to you brother-in-law this time."

brother-in-law. . .Sun Ce is trying to win over Jiang Ming.

Liu Bei frowned slightly, especially the word brother-in-law deeply hurt the heart of this 40-year single man.

My mother-in-law has been practicing handicrafts for 40 years, and the iron pestle is almost ground into a needle. Finally, I heard that Soochow has a good sister, but Jiang Ming chopped off her beard.


Sighing in his heart, Liu Bei said, "That's right, thanks to you, General Tiance."

The implication is that you, Jiang Ming, are not only Sun Ce's brother-in-law, but also my Liu Bei's number one general.

Sun Ce said again: "Brother-in-law, since Cao Cao is gone, I think you and Xiangxiang will choose a date to get married, and then stay in Dongwu?"

Liu Bei did not show weakness: "Brother Sun's words are wrong. Jiang Ming is our general in the Shu Kingdom. It should be Lingmei who followed him back to the Kingdom of Shu."

Sun Ce: "No, no, it should be in Soochow."

Liu Bei: "It's bad, it's bad, it should be in the Kingdom of Shu."

The more they talked, the more excited they became, and finally they quarreled directly.

Sun Ce: "Straw Shoes Liu, don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Bei: "Boatman Sun, see if I don't tear your mouth apart!"

The two normally majestic and dignified lords were arguing in front of everyone, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Jiang Ming saw the two dogs biting dogs with a smile, and suddenly interjected: "Don't argue, the two lords, I'm not going anywhere."

As soon as these words came out, both Sun and Liu were stunned: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Ming asked back: "Once Cao Cao dies, what should we do with Wei's huge territory?"

Sun and Liu are all smart people, and they can understand what Jiang Ming means after a little thought.

This kid wants to become king on his own!

In all fairness, the two of them definitely do not want someone to take Cao Cao's position, but if that person is Jiang Ming, it is not unacceptable.

What's more, according to Jiang Ming's terrifying strength and contribution in the battle, discussing with them is enough to save face, even if they don't say hello, they have nothing to do.

"If you want me to say, this land should be handed over to brother-in-law and you are the master."

Sun Ce was the first to express his opinion.

After the fall of Wei State, Shu State became the strongest in this land. This situation is very unfavorable to Soochow.

At this time, if Jiang Ming could become the third king, it would definitely be beneficial.

At least with Jiang Ming around, Liu Bei would never invade Soochow.

Liu Bei hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "I think so too."

Let Jiang Ming be the lord of the country, Liu Bei believed that he would not do something like Cao Cao.

Jiang Ming listened to the speech, and secretly praised the two for being good, but on the surface, he pretended to be flattered, waved his hands and said: "This is not acceptable, it is not appropriate."

Sun Liu: "It's suitable, no one is worthy of this seat except you."

Jiang Ming: "Okay then, I'd rather be respectful than obedient!"

Both Sun and Liu laughed, feeling 1 mothers in their hearts.

Jiang Ming came to Xiahou Dun and other generals of the Wei army, and explained his idea of ​​accepting them as his subordinates.

Xiahou Dun didn't speak, but looked at Sima Yi.

Sima Yi had the sharpest mind, and after a little thought, he realized that following Jiang Ming was their best destination.

At least I can stay in my hometown instead of wandering all over the world.

As for the fact that Jiang Ming killed Cao Cao, Cao Cao was already a demon at that time, and he was still spreading dark viruses all the time. If he didn't kill him, the whole third of the land would be finished.

Speaking of which, what they should really hate is Di Jun, the chief culprit.

Sima Yi wanted to understand these things, so he knelt down to Jiang Ming and saluted: "My lord, Sima Yi, pay my respects!"

Xiahoudun followed up with the same action: "Chen Xiahoudun, meet the lord!"

Dianwei Tiehanhan stiffened his neck and refused to kneel down: "I, Dianwei, only follow the King of Wei, never..."

Before he finished speaking, the two big brothers Xiahou Dun and Sima Yi hurriedly covered his mouth and knelt down while pressing him.

Dian Wei: "I will never... woo woo woo..."

Sima Yi: "My lord, look at how happy Dian Wei is. He was so happy that he cried."

You guys are good at being dogs. . .Jiang Ming smiled and nodded.

Dian Wei has a straight mind, and he can always accept it if he is given some time. If he still refuses to accept it, then reason with him (violent physics).

Jiang Ming came to Lu Bu again.

The former strongest man in the third place, even now, is not inferior to Sun Ce and Liu Bei.

Lu Bu had a deep hostility towards Sun and Liu, and it was impossible to follow them.

Besides, even if Lu Bu was willing to follow, Sun and Liu would not dare to take him in.

This is a beast that only the most elite hunters can tame.

Jiang Ming looked at Lu Bu, his eyes sparkled, "Lu Bu, be my subordinate."

Lu Bu stabbed Fang Tian's painting halberd to the ground, and said coldly, "I, Lu Bu, only follow men who are stronger than me."

A golden sword glow directly sent him flying, smashing into the opposite mountain.

Jiang Mingyun put the knife back into its sheath lightly, and said in a calm tone, "Okay, from now on you are my Jiang Ming's subordinate."

Lu Bu: "What the hell am I..."

Several generals surrendered, and the remaining soldiers naturally had no reason to refuse.

"Meet the lord!"

The remaining one hundred thousand soldiers of the Wei army shouted in unison, and their voices shook the heavens and the earth.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Jiang Ming looked down at the thousands of soldiers lying down, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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(End of this chapter)

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