The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 158 Tachibana Ukyo Appears, Juggernaut Lost

Chapter 158 Tachibana Ukyo Appears, Juggernaut Lost
Jiang Ming undoubtedly advanced to the top [-], as did Miyamoto Musashi and Shiranui Mai.

It is worth mentioning that Miyamoto Musashi, a martial idiot, eliminated 99 players on the same stage with one move.

The referees in charge of the arena were dumbfounded. They had to let the 99 contestants go through another knockout round, and only nine of them were selected to advance to the top [-].

After the top [-], there will be a one-on-one knockout match.

After deciding on the battle list, Jiang Ming saw a familiar name—Tachibana Ukyo.

"Unexpectedly, my opponent turned out to be Tachibana Ukyo."

Jiang Ming was slightly surprised.

Shenmeng Yidao Tachibana Ukyo was not well-known in Fusang, he was considered an anonymous swordsman.

But his real strength is definitely in the top ten of the younger generation, and in the entire Fusang, he must be in the top thirty.

However, Tachibana Ukyo was very unlucky to meet Jiang Ming. I am afraid that his martial arts path will stop at the top [-].

Just when Jiang Ming was deep in thought, a slightly deep voice brought him back to reality: "Are you Panasonic asking the boy?"

Jiang Ming raised his head, and it was Tachibana Ukyo with blue hair and sharp edges.

"That's right, you are Tachibana Ukyo?" Jiang Ming asked knowingly.

"Yes." Tachibana Ukyo nodded, "I have seen your battle, you are very strong, you are a strong opponent, I will give my best in the next game."

Jiang Ming smiled slightly: "Thank you for your approval, I will also take tomorrow's game seriously."

Tachibana Ukyo nodded, took a deep look at Jiang Ming, then turned and left.

"Brother Panasonic, who is this person?"

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi came over, looked at Tachibana Ukyo's back, narrowed his eyes slightly, "He has a very pure fighting spirit, he must be a good opponent, I want to fight him."

Jiang Ming smiled: "Don't think about it, he is my opponent."

The next day, there was a one-hundred-for-fifty contest at the Martial Arts Conference.

The [-] arenas were full of voices, among which Jiang Ming and Tachibana Ukyo's arena with the largest audience.

Because these two people are young leaders who have suddenly become famous, and they have one thing in common, that is, they are both handsome.

After the game started, Jiang Ming and Tachibana Ukyo faced each other face to face, silent, and no one made a move first.

This is a kind of confrontation of eyes, the competition is whose sword intent is purer.

No one can understand unless he is a master of swordsmanship.

Both the referee and the audience were blindsided. They only saw the two people staring at each other, like a piece of wood, as if they were competing for the longest time without blinking.

"Two, you can start fighting..."

The referee reminded in a soft voice that he couldn't understand what the two of them were doing, but the strong pressure told him that he had to pay attention to his attitude when talking with the two great gods.

Otherwise, you don't know how to die.

At this time, the confrontation of sword intent between the two had just come to fruition.


In terms of pure sword intent alone, Tachibana Ukyo and Jiang Ming are on par.

Of course, this does not mean that the two are equal in strength.

Ju Youjing shrank his eyes, and said: "Panasonic asked the boy, your sword intent is extremely pure, I want to ask you, why did you use the sword?"

What is the sword for?
Jiang Ming was a little confused, this was the first time someone asked such a question.

For number one in the world?

No, Jiang Ming has no obsession with this false name.

In order to expand the fish pond?

This is a bit sincere, but just saying it like this is too out of character.

A mighty warrior with star power, fighting for women?
Jiang Ming hesitated for a moment, then said with a serious face, "For... the peace of King's Continent!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around was shocked.

"For the peace of King Continent, what a lofty ideal!"

"This is the mind of a real warrior. Those warriors who can only fight and kill are simply too inferior!"

"Wow, he is so handsome, I really want to give birth to him."

Jiang Ming stopped the exclamations around him, even though he was as thick-skinned as a city wall, he was a little embarrassed.

"Ah, I'm just pretending to be aggressive, don't be so serious."

In fact, it wasn't all for pretending. Jiang Ming took over the Miracle Roulette from Shu Zu, the successor of Nu Wa, the savior of King Continent.

It's just that this savior is a little unscrupulous.

"I didn't expect you to have such a great ambition. I admire you."

Tachibana Ukyo didn't doubt Jiang Ming's words at all. In his opinion, Jiang Ming's sword intent is so pure, he must be a sincere and pure person.

How could such a person lie?

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Jiang Ming's shamelessness.

Jiang Ming showed a meaningful smile, and then said: "Then what about you, what are you using the sword for?"

Tachibana Ukyo was silent for a moment, and said: "I'm ashamed to say that my ambition is far less great than yours. I only used my sword to find a legendary flower."

"For a flower?" Jiang Ming was confused, "Can you explain in more detail."

Tachibana Ukyo looked into the distance with an expression of fascination.

That was his hometown, where there was his beloved girl.

"I love a girl whose mother is seriously ill. It is said that only that flower can cure this disease."

"In order to find that flower, I left my hometown and stepped into the rivers and lakes, and finally got the news that the flower is in the hands of the Emperor."

"So, for my lover, I must defeat all opponents, win the emperor's favor, and ask him for that legendary flower."

Unexpectedly, Tachibana Ukyo is still a seed of infatuation. . .Jiang Ming sighed in his heart.

It's just that he won't release water because of it.

Tachibana Ukyo has Tachibana Ukyo's reasons, and Jiang Ming also has Jiang Ming's reasons.

He must make a name for himself in the Martial Arts Conference, so that it is possible to catch Di Jun.

Otherwise, the whole continent will be in crisis if Dijun hides in the tortoise shell and plays tricks secretly.

"You and I both have reasons to win, so let the sword decide the outcome!"

Jiang Ming's eyes flickered with brilliance, and he slowly drew out the magic knife Thousand Blades.

"Right on my mind."

Tachibana Ukyo also drew out his favorite knife——self-deprecating.

"Brother Matsushita, how about we decide the outcome with one move?"

"of course can."

The two looked dignified, and at the same time they made the most peak strike.

"Thunderbolt flash!"

"Fine snow!"

One gold and one blue, two different but equally pure sword intents collided together.

The sword energy tore through the clouds, and the wind howled in an instant, changing the color of the sky and the earth.

At this moment, all warriors in Kyoto were shocked by a sharp breath.

After a long time, the storm stopped.

Jiang Ming stood proudly on the field. On the other side, Tachibana Ukyo's hand holding the knife trembled slightly, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

The swordsman loses his sword, he loses.

This sword fight was won by Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming did not rely on the power of the east wind, but simply used his own strength to win.

"Brother Panasonic, it was you who won, I am convinced."

Tachibana Ukyo is not a person who can't afford to lose, so he should admit defeat.

He raised his head, but saw Jiang Ming with his eyes closed, motionless, as if he was feeling enlightened.

At the same time, majestic power gushed out from Jiang Ming's body, circling like a whirlpool.

Jiang Ming, upgraded.

Diamond Three!
"Phew, it's been a long time since I felt so refreshed all over my body."

Jiang Ming took a breath of turbid air, and felt his body was more powerful, and it was easy to go up five hundred floors in one breath.

Although his rank is Diamond III, his real combat power has already reached the level of Xingyao III.

If it were him now, facing the blood clan Cao Cao, he would be able to kill him without the power of the east wind.

Of course, the devil seed Cao Cao still can't do it.

"Ah... Panasonic asked the boy to advance after the battle!"

The referee's voice was excited, and the whole person wanted to jump up.

You know, Jiang Ming, who has not been promoted, can already kill the three Xingyao in an instant, but now that he is promoted, isn't Fusang invincible?

For a time, all the audience boiled up.

They were all cheering, celebrating the emergence of a super strong man in Fusang.

Hearing their cheers, Jiang Ming smiled coldly in his heart.

Hehe, you guys are too happy, I am a mainlander!

Tachibana Ukyo was extremely shocked.

He actually advanced like this. . .Got promoted. . .

Is Lao Tzu an experience pack?
Just when he was in a daze, Jiang Ming came over and said, "I've been stuck on this step for a long time, thank you Brother Ju for making it happen."

The corner of Ju Youjing's mouth twitched: "You're welcome, this is all your good fortune, and it has nothing to do with me."

After finishing speaking, Tachibana Ukyo looked a little disappointed:

"I lost. The Martial Arts Tournament stopped at the top [-]. It is impossible to get that legendary flower."

Thinking of her lover, Tachibana Ukyo felt guilty for failing her.

"Brother Orange, you don't have to be so depressed." Jiang Ming patted him on the shoulder and said, "Maybe I can heal your lover's mother's illness."

Ju Youjing's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he said in surprise: "This is true? Are you kidding me?"

"of course not."

Jiang Ming smiled confidently, and said, "Actually, apart from being a warrior, I have another [-] million identities—grand master doctor!"

"Grandmaster Physician!?"

Tachibana Ukyo was shocked.

The most senior doctor in Fusang is only at the master level, and he actually claims to be a master doctor?

If Tachibana Ukyo didn't believe that Jiang Ming was a pure person, he would definitely think he was bragging.

"If you are a master doctor, maybe you can really help me!"

Tachibana Ukyo looked excited, pulled Jiang Ming's arm hard, and begged: "Brother Matsushita, I, Tachibana Ukyo, have never begged anyone in my life, this time I beg you, I must treat my lover's mother!"

Jiang Ming smiled, and said: "Brother Orange, don't get excited, I'd be happy to help you, but we have to wait until after the Martial Arts Conference is over."

Tachibana Ukyo calmed down, and said: "Yes, I was too anxious and forgot that you still have the next game."

Jiang Mingdao: "There are still a few days left in the Martial Arts Conference. Brother Ju should stay in the capital for now. When the competition is over, I will go with you."

"Okay, thank you Brother Matsushita!"

Tachibana Ukyo nodded vigorously, his eyes full of gratitude.

After that, the two laughed and left side by side, this scene stunned countless audiences.

After watching hundreds of battles, the winners were arrogant, and the losers cried bitterly.

It was the first time that two people were so happy. Could they be gay?

Hiss~ I am very scared to think about it!
In the next match, Mai Shiranui stopped in the top [-]. After all, the strength of the peak diamond was not enough, and an opponent who was unlucky to meet Xingyao would have nothing to do.

Jiang Ming and Miyamoto Musashi entered the final without any suspense, and a man named Tang Zejun also entered the final.

The top three of this martial arts competition are the three of them, and the specific order of ranking depends on the results of the finals.

Looking at the list of finalists, Jiang Ming frowned slightly.

According to the player information above, this Tang Ze agent came from a small family in the south of Fusang, and the oldest senior in the family was only a low-level diamond.

Is it really possible for such a little-known small family to cultivate a powerhouse that surpasses Fusang's top ten swordsmen?And it's about the same age as Jiang Ming?

If he was really talented, why wasn't he famous before?

Tachibana Ukyo is not famous because he likes to live in seclusion, and this Tang Ze intermediary comes from a martial arts family, so there is no reason for him to be unknown.

"Brother Matsushita, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Miyamoto Musashi asked suspiciously.

Jiang Mingdao: "I'm thinking, this Tang Ze agent appeared too suddenly, something is wrong."

Miyamoto Musashi laughed: "What could be wrong, isn't it the same for you? Tomorrow is a duel between me and him. How much he has, we will see soon."

"You're right, why didn't I appear suddenly in the eyes of others?"

Jiang Ming shook his head and smiled, temporarily putting this matter behind his mind.

On the second day, the duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Tang Zejun began, and the winner will face Jiang Ming in the final.

The viewing stand was full of people, and almost all Kyoto martial arts enthusiasts came to watch the battle, even Emperor Fuso was among them.

"Brother Matsushita, when I win against Tang Ze's agent, I will compete with you for number one in the world."

Miyamoto Musashi said confidently.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you."

Jiang Ming smiled slightly and watched Miyamoto Musashi go to the battlefield.

Standing opposite Miyamoto Musashi was a young man - Tang Zejun.

His face was pale and his eyes were gloomy, as if he lived in darkness all year round.

When Jiang Ming saw this person for the first time, he was inexplicably disgusted, but he couldn't explain the reason.

"You are Tang Ze's agent? I'm not interested in you, let's start the fight directly."

Miyamoto Musashi also didn't like this person, and frowned slightly when he spoke.

"Miyamoto Musashi, the sword sage, has only a false name. After all, he is just a humble human being."

Tang Ze's agent sneered.

The people around were dumbfounded when they heard the words.

"I'll go, this young man is too arrogant, doesn't he even pay attention to the sword master?"

"Humble human, what are you talking about? Could it be that you are an alien?"

"I support Juggernaut in this game, Master Juggernaut, kill him!"

Miyamoto Musashi was not angry because of Tang Ze's intermediary's contempt. As a figure who is at the pinnacle of kendo, the only thing that can affect his mood is the strength of his opponent.

"Anyone can say big words, but the real strength is this!"

Miyamoto Musashi's eyes were fixed, and his figure rushed forward like a ghost, and his shots were a set of silky little combos.

Super fast + Kongming cut!
The sword energy tore through the void, and came to Tang Ze's agent in the blink of an eye.

"Joke, real strength, you have never seen it before."

Tang Ze intermediary snorted coldly, and grabbed the sky-piercing sword energy with his bare hands.

At the same time, a bloody aura surged out of his body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"Receive the sword master's attack with bare hands, young man, you are floating!"

"The victory and defeat have been divided, and the Juggernaut has won."

The audience thought Tang Zejun would die under Miyamoto's sword, and some people even stood up and prepared to cheer for Miyamoto Musashi.

Among the crowd, a certain dignified look was out of place with the surroundings.

Jiang Ming's eyes widened, and he realized that Tang Ze's agent was actually a vampire!
The moment the bloody breath appeared, Tang Ze's intermediary strength suddenly increased several times, and the palm of his hand was covered with blood, like a claw soaked in a pool of blood.

He grabbed Miyamoto Musashi's sword energy and squeezed it lightly.

The sword energy was defeated.

Miyamoto Musashi was unbelievable.

In more than ten years, it was the first time someone had cracked his Kongming Chop with only one palm.

He finally realized that this opponent was far stronger than he imagined.

“Top two days!”

Miyamoto Musashi is no longer underestimated, and he performed a famous stunt-the crow flies (crossed out) and is first-class in two days!
The two knives danced wildly, making a thunderous sound.

Miyamoto Musashi soared into the sky, like a rolling thunderbolt falling from the sky, directly hitting the top of Tang Zejun's head.

The corner of Tang Ze's intermediary mouth twitched, and his palm condensed with bloody power slammed out.

There was a loud thunder, the air wave swept across, and the entire arena was almost shattered.

A hurricane set off in the auditorium, and warriors below platinum directly ascended to heaven.

"What a terrifying power, is this the Juggernaut?"

"That arrogant kid should have no scum left."

The gust of wind subsided, and everyone hurriedly looked towards the ruins of the arena.

I saw Tang Zejun standing steadily, while Miyamoto Musashi fell to the ground and passed out.

"The sword master... actually lost?"

"That kid is actually so strong?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Tang Ze's agency won the game, and it seems that he has no intention of stopping.

He approached Miyamoto Musashi with a smirk, and stretched out his hand to pinch his neck.

The red energy visible to the naked eye was extracted from Miyamoto Musashi's body and flowed into Tang Ze's intermediary body along the arm.

Miyamoto Musashi seemed to be in severe pain, even in a faint state, he kept twitching.

"He is absorbing the flesh and blood power of Miyamoto Musashi!"

Jiang Ming's complexion changed drastically, and it immediately turned into a golden light and disappeared in place.

"Thunderbolt flash!"

The golden light shattered the sky and forced Tang Ze's agent back.

"Brother Orange, please take care of him."

Jiang Ming picked up the unconscious Miyamoto Musashi and threw him to Tachibana Ukyo in the audience.

Then he looked at Tang Ze's agent, his eyes were as cold as everlasting ice.

(End of this chapter)

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