Chapter 161 Qinghe City

After spending three unforgettable nights, Jiang Ming once again entered the state of a sage who has no desires or desires.

Women are all burdens, and a man should put his career first.

By the way, my career is to eliminate Emperor Jun and maintain peace in the King's Continent.

Di Jun created a kind of high-level vampire. At this time, he should hide in a dark place to grow his team. Unless he goes to grab him, he won't show up on his own initiative.

But I don't know where he is hiding, how to catch him?
Jiang Ming confessed to the old emperor his intention to come to Fusang, and the old emperor was very happy to hear that, after all, he also suffered from the blood clan for a long time.

But when Jiang Ming asked where the blood clan's lair was, the old emperor hesitated and couldn't tell.

This emperor is really useless. . .Jiang Ming complained in his heart, and gave up the idea of ​​getting help from the Fusang government.

He thought for a long time, since he had no goal, he just let nature take its course and went to treat Tachibana Ukyo's mother first, maybe he could get some clues about the blood race.

So, Jiang Ming Tachibana Ukyo Shiranui Mai and Miyamoto Musashi set off for Tachibana Ukyo's hometown.

A small town in the south of Fusang, Qinghe City.

The sky is blue, the water is clear, and the grass is luxuriant. It is a very comfortable small city.

Here, there is no hustle and bustle of martial arts struggle, and most of the residents live a life of self-sufficient small farmers.

On a high mountain outside Qinghe City, Jiang Ming looked at the green mountains and green waters in the distance, feeling inexplicably happy, and said: "Ju Sang, your hometown is really a good place."

Tachibana Ukyo showed a smug look on his face: "That's natural. Everyone here is a down-to-earth and honest person. There is no arrogance that is difficult to approach like a warrior. This is what I like the most."

The arrogance of warriors. . .Jiang Ming felt that Tachibana Ukyo was connoting someone, and secretly glanced at Miyamoto Musashi beside him.

I saw him proudly raising his chin, looking down at the small town below, with a little disdain on his face.

As if to say, where there is no opponent, I don't like it.

Having said that, Tachibana Ukyo and Miyamoto Musashi are two completely opposite personalities.

Both of them have very strong strength. Miyamoto Musashi pursues the title of No. [-] in martial arts. For this reason, he even challenges the masters all over the world like a lunatic.

Tachibana Ukyo, on the other hand, is just the opposite. He just wants to enjoy the rest of his life in a remote town, and he doesn't feel comfortable like a Xingyao-level warrior.

As for Jiang Ming, if one day Di Jun is wiped out, he should also lead his women to live a comfortable life.

At this moment, Mai Shiranui who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "Tachibana Ukyo, is that what you mean when you say that you are down-to-earth and willing to work hard?"

Everyone looked in her direction, and saw a few tall young men rubbing another old man on the ground on a main street in Qinghe City.

There were crowds around, all watching with cold eyes, no one stepped forward to help.

After Jiang Ming and the others finished watching, they all cast puzzled looks at Ju Youjing: "Is this what you call an honest person?"

Ju Youjing's face turned green, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


After a long time, he yelled and rushed down.

Tachibana Ukyo rushed to the street, angrily pointed at several young men in black, and said, "Stop! Why are you bullying this old man?"

The leader of the man in black glanced at Tachibana Ukyo, who was slightly thinner, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "The Sato family is doing business, idlers, stay away!"

"The Sato family in the north of the city?"

Tachibana Ukyo was slightly taken aback.

The man in black raised his chin proudly: "That's right, it's Beicheng Sato, one of the three major families in Qinghe City. I'm Kazuo Sato, the captain of the Sato family's guard. Get out of here quickly!"

Qinghe City is located in a remote location, and most of the residents live on agriculture, so it is not considered developed.

The Fusang government didn't even bother to manage this place, but handed over the management to the three big local families.

The Sato family is one of them, as is Tachibana Ukyo's Suzuki family.

"The Sato family can't bully others, why do you have any reason to beat this old man?"

Tachibana Ukyo argued hard.

At this time, Jiang Ming and others also came slowly, standing beside Tachibana Youjing to build up momentum for him.

Kazuo Sato saw that the other party came with three more companions, one of them had a scarred face with fierce eyes and looked very difficult to mess with.

He immediately changed his attitude, and said politely: "Of course our Sato family will not do things that bully others. It is this old man who disobeys orders."

"What order?"

Tachibana Ukyo asked suspiciously.

"It's just conscription. Each household sends out one person. The young and strong are given priority. This old man hides his son and doesn't let him apply for it."

Kazuo Sato said.

"If it's just conscription, there is really no problem."

Tachibana Ukyo murmured softly.

As mentioned earlier, Qinghe Town is a place that the government does not care about, and the maintenance of law and security depends on the three big families.

When the three families are short of manpower, they will recruit soldiers from the city and give them a certain reward.

Therefore, it is normal for the Sato family to recruit soldiers, but this old man is a little unreasonable.

At this time, the old man on the ground got up and said angrily: "What nonsense conscription, they are picking young people to die, I will not let my son go!"

"I said I'm not dead, so don't talk nonsense. Security guards are inherently dangerous. It's not normal for someone to die. How can it be called death?"

"Ah, ah, hurts, big brother, big brother, please let go..."

Kazuo Sato stared, and was about to slap the old man's mouth as he spoke, but was pinched by a strong palm, howling in pain.

"Speak well if you have something to say, don't keep thinking about being rough."

Jiang Ming made a small punishment and a big admonition, and let go of his palm.

"Yes, you are right."

Kazuo Sato nodded like pecking at rice, looking at Jiang Ming with fear and fear in his eyes.

Judging from the one hand just now, this person is definitely a warrior.

In this small city where a golden warrior can dominate, no one dares to easily provoke a warrior whose strength is unknown, not even the three major families.

Jiang Ming withdrew his hand, looked at the old man, and said, "Old man, you said that the Sato family picked people to die, what do you mean?"

The old man looked at Kazuo Sato, then at Jiang Ming and the others with kind faces, and chose to trust these strangers.

"Old man, I saw with my own eyes that the Sato family took the recruited young people to a barren hill outside the city, followed by screams, and those young people never came back!"

"That's why I definitely won't let my son apply for it!"

The old man stared and trembled when he spoke, as if he was deeply terrified by what he saw and heard that day.

There is such a thing, could it be. . .Bloodlines! ! !
Jiang Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "Old man, are you serious?"

"Really, can it be false that my old man witnessed it with his own eyes?"

The old man said firmly.

Good guy, there is such a coincidence.

"Say, where did those people go?"

Jiang Ming grabbed Kazuo Sato by the neckline, his eyes gleaming fiercely.

"I don't know about that either. I'm only in charge of recruiting soldiers, and all the recruits are handed over to the patriarch."

Kazuo Sato said hurriedly, it doesn't look like a fake.

Jiang Ming threw him on the ground, glanced at Tachibana Youjing and the others, and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid this matter is not simple, we have to go to Sato's house to have a look."


Several people nodded at the same time, and immediately got up and went to Sato's house in the north of the city.

Before leaving, Jiang Ming glanced at Kazuo Sato on the ground, and Kazuo Sato just happened to look up at him.

Just because I was in the crowd, I took one more look at you.

"Come with me, you!"

Jiang Ming directly pulled the dazed Kazuo Sato.

Kazuo Sato: I ****! ! !

In less than a quarter of an hour, several people appeared in front of the gate of Sato's house.

The gate was closed, and there were no guards around, which was not normal for a large local family.

"No, there should be guards at the door, where are the guards? Did you eat shit?"

As the captain of the guard, Kazuo Sato was very angry at the guard's dereliction of duty.

Jiang Ming sniffled, his pupils contracted suddenly: "No, there is a bloody smell in the air!"

He kicked open the thick copper door, walked in quickly and took a look, his face froze immediately.

In the hall of Sato's house, there were dozens of fresh corpses lying impressively, with blood flowing from the hall to the front of the door, to Jiang Ming's feet.

"Where have everyone gone?"

Kazuo Sato muttered and walked into the door. The moment he saw the horror in the hall, his whole body was petrified.

"Father, mother!"

After a long time, he let out a miserable cry, and ran towards the hall like crazy.

Among the corpses all over the floor, there were his parents.

Just when he was about to reach his parents' corpses, a bloody hand suddenly stretched out from the pile of corpses, strangling his neck tightly.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-soaked figure stood up from the corpse, with a hideous and terrifying expression, like a demon escaped from the Nine Nether Hell.

"Clan, patriarch..."

Looking at the ferocious face, Kazuo Sato froze.

Because this person is the current patriarch of the Sato family, Taro Sato!
Sato Taro is the only gold-rank warrior in the family, and only he has the strength to kill so many clansmen.

"Patriarch, you killed my parents and clansmen, why did you do this?"

Kazuo Sato looked at the demon in front of him in disbelief.

From the perspective of family relationship, Kazuo Sato should call him uncle.

But it was this uncle who killed the entire Sato family in one go!
"It's Kazuo, it's really time to come back, I'm not full yet, give me your young body."

Taro Sato licked the corner of his scarlet mouth, his eyes showed greed and bloodthirsty, and the people who watched were terrified.

"Uncle, how did you become like this?"

Kazuo Sato said crying.

He didn't dare to imagine that his formerly kind uncle would turn into a man-eating demon.

"Kazuo, I'm not a human anymore!"

Sato Taro grinned ferociously, the corner of his mouth split exaggeratedly, and he opened his mouth to eat his nephew raw.

At the moment of crisis, a golden light flashed.


With a crisp sound, Taro Sato suddenly stopped eating people, followed by a mouthful of fangs shattered.

He withdrew his mouth in surprise, but saw that his eldest nephew disappeared at some point, replaced by an extremely hard magic knife.

"What about people?"

Taro Sato turned around angrily, only to see a figure in white clothes standing upright not far away.

"You can't be a dog if you don't want to be a human being. If you love to bite things so much, you will be beaten."

The corners of Jiang Ming's mouth curled up in a playful smile.

By sensing Sato Taro's energy, Jiang Ming can already be sure that he is a blood clan.

Only crazy vampires would do this kind of act of eating their relatives raw.

"Mind your own business, who are you?"

Taro Sato narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not launch an attack immediately.

Because he felt a dangerous breath from Jiang Ming.

"Who am I? A person who is afraid of even your master."

Jiang Ming said lightly.

"Haha, the ignorant child uttered wild words, do you know who my master is? He was once the strongest man in the world, Lord Dijun. Now in this world, there is only one person who can make Lord Dijun afraid, and he is not in Fusang. "

Taro Sato laughed wildly, mocking Jiang Ming's ignorance.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and his eyes suddenly widened: "Could it be, are you Jiang Ming???!!!"

"If you answered correctly, I will reward you with a fist."

Jiang Ming smiled slightly, and punched him hard in the face.

Taro Sato flew upside down like a kite, smashed through the wall, and made a deep hole in the ground.

Jiang Ming picked up the magic knife without haste, and said to Kazuo Sato, who was still in shock, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, thanks for helping me."

Kazuo Sato's face was ugly, he hesitated for a moment, and gritted his teeth word by word: "The patriarch has become demon, please kill him to avenge my relatives!"

"Don't worry, I won't let him and the source of evil behind him go."

Jiang Ming nodded slightly, and walked out of the hall holding the magic knife.

Outside the hall, Taro Sato had already stood up, looking at Jiang Ming angrily.

Master Di Jun once said that this person is the only obstacle to his ruling the continent.

Whoever can kill him will gain more resources and powerful power.

Worth a shot!
"Jiang Ming, I'm going to kill you today, and then use your head to ask Lord Dijun for credit!"

"The future will eventually belong to the blood race!"

Sato Taro grinned ferociously, his body swelled countless times, and turned into a monster with blood-red skin.

It is the special skill of the high-level vampires - the avatar of the blood demon!
In the state of Gorefiend's real body, his combat power has reached the level of Xingyao, which is a realm he never dared to imagine before.

Self-confidence has also been greatly magnified.

The blood demon Sato opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards Jiang Ming, causing a bloody storm.

From gold to Xingyao, Taro Sato ate hundreds of humans.

Such a crime deserves death.

The stench came over his face, Jiang Ming's eyes were fixed, and he silently pressed the handle of the knife.

Pulling out the knife, a golden thunder suddenly appeared.

Sato Taro's huge body suddenly froze, and in the next second, it exploded into a puddle of blood.

"Crooked ways will not be able to get on the table after all. If you want to become stronger, you have to rely on your own efforts."

Jiang Ming looked at the squirming piece of meat on the ground, and said expressionlessly.

At the same time, I added a sentence in my heart: Unless it is a chosen child like me.

Kazuo Sato looked at the dead patriarch with a complicated expression.

Looking at the proud and lonely Jiang Ming again, a strong admiration suddenly arose in his heart, and he wanted to kneel down to him.

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(End of this chapter)

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