Chapter 180

"Jiang Ming!"

"Brother Panasonic!"

The blood servant's punch was so powerful that even Mai Shiranui and others who were fighting with the blood clan a hundred meters away were knocked over by the air wave.

Several people quickly got up from the ground, looking at the pothole after the explosion, they were shocked.

Fuso Sword Saint Miyamoto Musashi trembled slightly.

The strength of this blood clan in front of him far exceeds all his previous opponents, and he is absolutely invincible in Fusang.

Brother Matsushita, are you still alive?
The blood servant withdrew his fist, and the hill-like Gorefiend avatar leaned over, staring into the pit with lantern-like eyes.

The lantern's giant eye slowly turned around, but found no trace.

The blood servant grinned: "Hahaha, what kind of nonsense Nuwa's successor, you can't beat me with a punch!"

Mai Shiranui's heart sank, her face turned pale.

Jiang Ming, he is dead?
"Don't be sad, I'll send you to see him right away!"

The blood servant raised his head, scanning with vicious eyes.

Tachibana Ukyo was the first to bear the brunt, as if stared at by the god of death, his body suddenly became half cold.

Seeing the blood demon's avatar attacking rumblingly, Tachibana Ukyo's legs were limp, and he couldn't even move.

"go to hell!"

The bloody palm patted Tachibana Ukyo's head.

When it was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe, a figure appeared in front of Tachibana Ukyo.

"Have you ever asked me if you hurt my friend—Dongfengpo!"

Jiang Ming's eyes were cold, and an energy beam condensed with [-]% of the power of the east wind burst out.

The light beam penetrated the blood palm, without any loss of momentum, and pierced a huge blood hole on the blood servant's forehead.

The blood palm stopped half a meter above Ju Youjing's head, the blood servant's eyes turned white, and he fell backwards with a bang.

There was an expression of disbelief on his face, as if to say: Why, this is impossible!

"Master Blood Servant is dead..."

"That blood servant with terrifying strength is not even Jiang Ming's opponent?"

"I'm so panicked, why don't we go."

"Where are you going, if Master Di Jun knows that you have become a deserter, your death will be even worse!"

The blood clans were at a loss and wanted to run away, but they were afraid of Dijun's punishment, so they just bit the bullet and rushed forward.

"Stupid low-intelligence creatures."

Jiang Ming looked indifferent, harvesting the lives of countless blood races with one blow.

It's boring, there is a sense of boredom like Liushen pretending to kill pigs.

"The blood race here is handed over to you, I will go find Di Jun."

Jiang Ming dropped a sentence, kicked his feet on the ground, and shot out like a cannonball.

The target is directed at the blood palace.

Miyamoto Musashi looked at his back, opened and closed his mouth a few times, and swallowed it back.

He originally wanted to say wait for me, I want to personally avenge Ah.

But considering that even the blood servant is enough to hang himself, forget it.

Just don't bother Panasonic Brothers.

"I can't kill Di Jun, so I can only kill you for revenge!"

Miyamoto Musashi's eyes were ferocious, and he slashed at the surrounding blood races mercilessly with two knives.

Blood Race: "Damn it, you're shameless!"

In the blood palace, Di Jun leaned on the golden dragon chair and drank blood.

"Master, Lord Blood Servant has lost, Jiang Ming is rushing here!"

A vampire with an anxious expression reported.

"You don't need to say, the god already knows."

Di Jun shook his glass calmly, raised his head and drank it down in one gulp, and finally licked his lips with a deep aftertaste.

The scarlet tongue is terrifying.

At this time, the gate of the palace was kicked open from the outside.

Jiang Ming broke into it, fingering his evil sword, and his voice was loud: "Di Jun, long time no see, I won't let you run away again this time!"

"Jiang Ming, open your eyes and take a closer look. The remnant soul of this god has fully recovered its strength. Do you think I will still be afraid of you?"

Di Jun sneered, his breath swelled, and an invisible coercion enveloped the entire palace.

In an instant, Jiang Ming actually had an urge to bow down.

The pinnacle of star shine!

Di Jun's strength has reached the peak level of Xingyao. Among the people Jiang Ming has met, he is second only to Wu Zetian, who is a half-step king.

A mere one percent of the remnant souls can possess the strength of the peak of Xingyao, it is hard to imagine how powerful the former emperor must be.

Jiang Ming can be sure that it is definitely not as simple as adding a hundred Xingyao pinnacles.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Dijun's full strength should far exceed that of ordinary kings, perhaps at the level of a king of glory.

Feeling the domineering and arrogant aura of Emperor Jun, Jiang Ming's face involuntarily became solemn.

The full power mode of the power of the east wind is not inferior to the peak of Xingyao. The key is that he just used [-]% of his power to deal with the blood servant, and now only [-]% is left.

This is how to do?
Damn, what a mistake!

How about calling STOP first, let's take a break and fight another day?

Ghosts will give you a chance to breathe!
Jiang Ming panicked, his eyes began to wander.

"Jiang Ming, where is your confidence?"

Di Jun's eyes widened, and his figure disappeared in place like a ghost.

In the next second, he appeared one meter in front of Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming's complexion changed drastically, and black lights flickered in his eyes as he retreated.


Call ~
The black flames devoured Di Jun completely.

"No, it's just an afterimage!"

Jiang Ming was shocked.

Dijun's speed was so fast that even his eyes couldn't catch it, Amaterasu felt lonely.

"Feel the ultimate speed and power."

Di Jun's voice spread into his ears like a dark wind, and Jiang Ming trembled all over.

Gah, can I say no?

Obviously not, the fist wrapped in thick blood bombarded Jiang Ming's abdomen.

click ~
Jiang Ming heard the sound of his ribs breaking, and he flew upside down like a broken kite, smashing a deep hole in the wall.

The power of Xingyao's peak is simply not something that Jiang Ming can handle at the moment.

If the power of the east wind is full, it can still be a tie, but now, Jiang Ming can only be beaten.

At the peak of Xingyao, it was so terrifying, Jiang Ming felt that his body was only one punch away from falling apart.

"Master is wise and mighty, invincible in the world!"

That vampire in the palace is very good at flattering.

Jiang Ming slowly turned his head and glanced at him.

Call ~
The black flame devoured him into slag.

Can't help Dijun, can I still not help you?
While Jiang Ming was proud, his heart felt desolate.

Amaterasu, the most powerful fire-type ninjutsu, was reduced to a skill of the Qing soldiers, and he was so aggrieved to death.

The old ancestor Shiranui knew about it, and feared that he was about to uncover the coffin and rise up, so he gave Jiang Ming a slap in the face.

The death of Di Jun's subordinates has no fluctuations. A blood race of this level can create infinitely as long as he wants.

Pulling his right arm back, he charged towards Jiang Ming like a bull, crushing the floor with his heavy steps.

Fuck, it's getting cold.

Every cell in Jiang Ming's body was calling the police for danger, but he just couldn't come up with a good solution.

Use the power of the east wind?
It doesn't work, [-]% of the power of the east wind can't stop Di Jun who is at the peak of Xingyao!
Is it possible that I want to end my handsome and romantic life here?
No way, the fish pond is still waiting for my luck!

How can you just say goodbye without even leaving a seed?

(End of this chapter)

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