Chapter 202 King Zhou
Jiang Ming pushed open the golden gate of Chaoge Palace, and a strong wind rushed towards him.

"I smell it, it's the smell of history, very strong." Dongfang Yao closed his eyes, enjoying it.

Jiang Ming glanced around, but it was too dark to see clearly, like a black hole that could swallow sight.

There is a strange force boiling around.

The corners of Jiang Ming's eyes twitched slightly, and he really wanted to give Dongfang Yao a mouthful: "The taste of bullshit history is space magic."

As soon as the voice fell, the space magic was activated, and the entire space flipped and folded, like a rolling Rubik's cube.

After a whirlwind, when Jiang Ming opened his eyes again, the darkness had faded, and there was a magnificent palace in front of him.

"Is anyone there?" Xi Shi yelled in panic and appeared from the other side of the palace. The moment she saw Jiang Ming, her beautiful eyes suddenly brightened. I thought I was the only one, and scared me to death."

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Jiang Ming comforted gently, while turning his neck to look around.

From the looks of it, this should be the main hall.

Jiang Ming was slightly surprised that the palace that had disappeared for hundreds of years turned out to be the same as the new one.

Suddenly, a tyrannical aura appeared on the dragon chair, Jiang Ming suddenly turned his head, and the miracle roulette in his body responded at the same time.

The power of miracles!

On the high dragon chair, a half-empty and half-real spirit condensed and formed.

Sharp edges and corners, majestic appearance, born emperor.

Jiang Ming inherited the knowledge of several Thousand Cave City scholars, and recognized the man on the dragon chair at a glance. He was the king of Chaoge—— King Zhou!
King-level existence!

King Zhou looked at the men and women in the audience, with disdainful eyes: "Trespassing on my palace, young man, do you know the consequences?"

The irresistible coercion spread, and Xi Shi's delicate body trembled slightly.

Jiang Ming frowned slightly, and with a swipe of the knife in his hand, the invisible pressure was instantly resolved.

A surprised light flashed in King Zhou's eyes: "My son, you are also God's chosen one."

King Zhou knew that his power came from the gods, but he didn't know which god it was, so he regarded himself as the chosen one.

And Jiang Ming clearly has the same power as him.

"That's right." Jiang Ming nodded and admitted, "King Zhou, your era has passed. Is guarding this palace a delusion to restore the country?"

The Chao Ge that once ruled the mainland only exists in the history books. King Zhou's soul is immortal. Jiang Ming guessed that he must be waiting for an opportunity.

A chance to be reborn, just like Di Jun.

King Zhou was silent for a moment, then he laughed loudly: "My son, you underestimate me too much. As a king, I have already looked down on the success or failure of life and death. The reason why I am immortal is to wait for someone."

Jiang Ming wondered: "Who are you waiting for?"

"A person who can inherit the power of the gods in me." King Zhou stared at Jiang Ming, "Do you want to give it a try?"

"Please enlighten me!"

Jiang Ming arched his hands, and his figure rushed forward like a ghost. It was the stealth technique he learned from Fusang.

Call ~
A punch pierced King Zhou's body. Jiang Ming couldn't see the joy of victory in his eyes, but his face was serious, with his arms crossed to protect his head.

It was just an afterimage, the real King Zhou had already appeared in the sky, and he fell down hard with a slap in the face.

Jiang Ming fell like a cannonball, making a deep hole dozens of meters on the ground.

A hand protruded from the cracked ground on the edge of the pit.

Jiang Ming crawled out from the bottom of the pit, looking very embarrassed, but he was not substantially injured.

"Bah!" After spitting out the dirt in his mouth, Jiang Ming raised his head with serious eyes.

King Zhou in the state of mind and soul only has the combat power of Xing Yaoyi, but because he is not bound by his body, his speed is faster than at his peak.

It has reached the point where the naked eye can't catch it. Jiang Ming barely found the position by following his breath, but he still couldn't dodge the attack.

"Jiang Ming, are you okay?" Xi Shi, who was watching the battle from a distance, struggled, as if considering whether to help.

"It's okay, don't come here." Jiang Ming added in his heart: Your little cultivation can only hinder you, just be a vase obediently.

"Xiaosheng, if you only have this level, you are not worthy of inheriting my divine power." King Zhou floated in the air with an indifferent expression.

Jiang Ming remained silent, his brain running fast.

King Zhou intended to test, but he didn't use the power of miracles, and Jiang Ming naturally didn't use the reason for Dongfeng Po.

In all fairness, King Zhou's strength was no stronger than Jiang Ming's, but his speed was too fast, so he couldn't touch him or avoid him.

Stealth doesn't work, and Amaterasu can't catch it, so it's hard.

"I have to find a way to tease him." Jiang Ming rolled his eyes, "Yes!"

There was a sudden stop on the ground, and the whole body's strength was concentrated in the right fist, and it bombarded King Zhou in the air.

"Stupid, your explosive attack can't touch me at all, it's a waste of energy. As long as I dodge your fist, you will have no strength to fight me anymore." King Zhou sneered, and his figure flashed to the side, Dodging the oncoming fist, he leaned forward and slapped Jiang Ming's chest, "It seems that you are nothing more than that, I declare you ineligible..."

Before King Zhou finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Seeing Jiang Ming being slapped, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and he smiled instead: "Don't speak too early, it's easy to slap your face."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ming's eyes froze, he firmly grasped King Zhou's shoulders with both hands, and slammed his forehead forward.

The two heads collided with each other, making a loud noise like ringing a bell.

Jiang Ming let go, and King Zhou fell to the ground with a thump, his eyes were slack, his head was buzzing, his whole body was as hard as mud, and only his head could barely think: "It turns out that the punch just now was just a cover. , it is his head that really condenses all his strength."

King Zhou was dumbfounded, even though he had been fighting all his life, he would never have imagined that someone would use his head as a weapon.

Jiang Ming looked down from top to bottom, the corners of his mouth curled up proudly.

He said with a smile: "In terms of speed, I am not as good as you, and in terms of head iron, you are not as good as me."

(End of this chapter)

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