Chapter 205 Master Luban
Tian Ji lost his breath, and his body gradually became cold. Holding his body, Sun Bin cried loudly.

Jiang Ming and the others lowered their heads and remained silent.

After a long time, Sun Bin's crying tears were all dried up, Jiang Ming walked over and patted him on the shoulder lightly: "My condolences, we should take him out and bury him in peace."

"En." Sun Bin nodded, and then left the palace with Jiang Ming's support.

He has no feeling under the knees of his legs, which is equivalent to a cripple, and he can't even stand up without a hand.

Dongfang Yao picked up Tian Ji's body and silently followed.

A few people walked out of the illusion and appeared on the edge of the cliff again. Jiang Ming was proficient in Fengshui knowledge, so he found a Fengshui treasure on the spot and buried Tian Ji in peace.

After worshiping Tian Ji, everyone returned to Jixia with a heavy heart.

The six-person team that had just been formed lost a general before it had time to get acquainted. Dongfang Yao was very troubled. He attached great importance to the Guixumeng Performance Competition.

But right now, the most important thing is not to find replacement teammates, but to make a pair of prosthetics for Sun Bin.

Sun Bin lost his legs in the confrontation with the monster, but it was a blessing in disguise. When he killed the monster, he gained the power of time, which can reverse time for a short time.

Very short, about one or two breaths.

When he mastered this power, Tian Ji was hopeless, and it was impossible to reverse one or two breaths.

"I heard that there is a master Lu Ban in Jixia College who is especially good at making things. Let's ask him to make a pair of prosthetics for Sun Bin." Dongfang Yao suggested.

"Master Lu Ban, I've heard of him. He is the top mechanism artist in King's Continent, so it's hard to hire him." Meng Ya hesitated.

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to try it. You rest here, and I will go alone."

Jiang Ming took over the problem with an unquestionable tone, and then went to Jixia College alone.

In fact, with his mechanism creation technology, even if he is not as good as Master Lu Ban, it is more than enough to make a pair of prosthetics for Sun Bin.

The reason why he didn't do it himself was because he was very interested in this well-known master Luban in mainland China. If possible, it would be good to join the team.

It was already night when Jiang Ming arrived at Jixia College.

The moonlight is so bright that even if you don't have a lantern in your hand, you won't get lost in the criss-crossing streets.

Before the start of the Guixu Dream Performance Competition, Jixia Academy forbids outsiders from entering.

Jiang Ming waited outside the gate of the college for a few minutes, until a dark cloud passed by the moon, and when the sky and the earth were dimmed, he used the stealth technique to enter through the gate openly.

The two gatekeepers stared at each other, but they didn't realize that someone walked in by rubbing their shoulders.

Master Lu Ban's status in Jixia College is very special. In order to study mechanism science without distraction, at the age when he should have graduated, he relied on Jixia's unlimited school year mechanism to stay in the academy for a long time.

After all, he is a genius. Not only did the academy not drive him away, but instead arranged a separate living area for him, so that he could carry out his noisy and very disturbing organ-making activities.

Based on the information he inquired, Jiang Ming found the exclusive villa area of ​​Master Lu Ban with ease.

Under the moonlight, he saw a halo from afar, which was Master Lu Ban's room.

In the middle of the night, the men and women who made the human beings had already rested, and the man who made the mechanism was still working tinkly.

Through the light, a six-clawed shadow was reflected on the paper window, like a huge spider monster.

Jiang Ming walked over slowly, until he opened the door and made a creaking sound, the man in the room finally realized that a guest had arrived.

Master Lu Ban turned his head. His hair was all white, but his face did not look old. He looked about 30 years old, with a pair of golden round-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, which looked very gentle.

There were six spider-like mechanical arms on his back, and when he turned his head, the six claws stopped moving at the same time.

"who are you?"

He looked at Jiang Ming with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"I'm Jiang Ming, I'm here to participate in the Guixumeng Performance Contest, and I've admired the name of Master Luban for a long time." Jiang Ming first cupped his fists politely, and then said his request: "A friend of mine broke both legs, and I want you to help him He makes a prosthetic for whatever price he wants."

People of Master Lu Ban's level generally would not do anything for money, but Jiang Ming must be polite when asking for help.

"I'm very busy. If it's just a prosthetic limb, you'd better find someone else." Sure enough, Master Lu Ban refused.

It's not that he is arrogant, but that a pair of prosthetic limbs is not worth his shot.

After Master Lu Ban finished speaking, he ignored Jiang Ming, lowered his head and continued the previous research, and the six mechanical claws began to work in an orderly manner.

Jiang Ming didn't leave, and watched him make the mechanism quietly.

After a while, Jiang Ming suddenly said, "If I'm not wrong, you want to add self-awareness to this doll."

"That's right." Master Lu Ban kept working.

Adding self-awareness to the mechanism creation, he has successfully done this, and the finished product is the pride of his life-Luban No. [-].

Luban No. [-] can speak, practice, and think. Except for his cold body, he is almost identical to a normal human boy in other aspects.

But the process of making this mechanism is too complicated, and it is difficult to achieve mass production.

What Master Lu Ban has to do now is to simplify the process so that ordinary dolls can also have self-awareness.

Unfortunately, it has not been successful.

"It seems that you know a little about mechanism creation." Master Lu Ban glanced at Jiang Ming, and then sighed softly: "The material restrictions are too great, even if I have been thinking hard for a year, I have not been able to find a way to simplify it. .Maybe it’s just my fantasy to make ordinary dolls have self-awareness.”

Master Lu Ban smiled wryly.

At this time, Jiang Ming smiled confidently: "No, I have a goal to achieve."

Master Lu Ban was startled suddenly, and the six paws behind him trembled.

He widened his eyes: "What did you say? You have a way?!"

(End of this chapter)

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