Chapter 215 You Know A Hammer

The Nanhuang team lost their only shooter, and their output was greatly reduced.

On the other hand, the bright team is full of fighting spirit, and everyone's eyes are shining like stars.

The victory or defeat has actually been decided at this moment.

"You've done a good job, now it's our turn to counterattack."

Jiang Ming walked out from under the defense tower with a faint smile on his face.

His deliberate indifference has had a huge effect, and several team members have been tempered, especially the two children, Meng Ya and Sun Bin, who have grown significantly.

But now, the Southern Wilderness Team is no longer a threat, and there is no point in procrastinating. It is better to simply end the battle.

"it is good!"

Several team members nodded excitedly.

"Damn it, don't underestimate us!"

Seeing that Jiang Ming looked determined to win, A Ke let out an angry shout, and immediately entered a state of invisibility.

In the invisible state, Ah Ke approached Jiang Ming quickly like an invisible wind.

The dagger tightly held in his hand shone with a sharp and cold light, like a poisonous snake peeping in the dark.

If you don't go out, you're done, and if you go out, you will win.

A little light lit up behind Jiang Ming, and a beautiful and glamorous female assassin suddenly appeared.

"I don't know your name, but I know the date of your death!"

Every time Ah Ke reads this line, it is 100% possible to succeed.

Unfortunately, this time her opponent is Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming didn't need to look with his eyes, but with his powerful perception, he was able to capture Ake's position, and he could even 'see' clearly the angle at which she swung the knife.

With his back to Ah Ke, he tilted his neck and twisted his waist, avoiding the sneak attack with two daggers just right.


The two swords were all empty, Ake was stunned for a moment, and continued to attack Jiang Ming's back.

Knife after knife, every time Jiang Ming dodged casually and easily.


Ake blinked in confusion.

Does this person have eyes in the back of his head? How could he know my attack like the palm of his hand?

She did not give up and swung dozens of knives again, but the result was still the same.

The mentality is completely broken.

Infiltrate behind the enemy, but can't stab no matter what, do you know how much psychological torture this is for an assassin!

It's like King Lanling made a big move, only to find that he was standing in the eyes of Baili's keeping the promise!

"Miss Ake, are you tired? Take a rest when you are tired."

Jiang Ming turned around and smiled with a polite tone as if he was reminiscing with an old friend.


Ah Ke felt insulted, she dropped the dagger, and instead attacked with powder fists.

It is impossible to hit with a dagger, it is better to vent your breath with a fist.

Sure enough, Jiang Ming didn't dodge, straightened his back very gentlemanly, and let A Ke beat his chest to vent his anger.

No pain at all, even some enjoyment.

From a distance, the two seemed to be flirting, which stunned countless audiences.

"This...Brother Jiang Ming is awesome!" Meng Ya gave a thumbs up.

"I thought my uncle's charm was the most attractive to women, but I didn't expect that Jiang Ming could be evenly matched with me in this respect." Master Lu Ban narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"A man with a heart!"

Xi Shi snorted, her eyes were extremely cold.

"Jiang Ming, you are going too far, you already have a Xi Shi girl!"

At the farthest point of the battlefield, Dongfang Yao glanced inadvertently, and his heart ached so badly that he couldn't breathe.

Ake girl, my Ake girl. . .

"Brother, that person is your captain."

Zhong Wuyan pulled Dongfang Yao's gaze back with a hammer, and continued: "You are not bad, but you are too carefree and not a good man. In my sister's heart, you are much better than him."

"You know a hammer!"

Dongfang Yao vomited blood.

I am better than him?

If I had one tenth of his anger, I wouldn't even have a wife by now!

Zhong Wuyan smiled happily: "My brother is right, my sister just knows a hammer!"

(End of this chapter)

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