Chapter 224 Killing Jiang Ziya

"Let go of Jiang Ming!"

"Let go of the captain!"

With bloodshot eyes and tightly clenched fists, the five rushed over as fast as they could, roaring angrily and making their throats hurt.

"Old man, get your dirty feet off!"

Dongfang Yao stared at the sole of Jiang Ming's chest, his voice was cold, like the wind blowing from an ice cave.

The Xingchen Sword was about to move, and slashed out surrounded by light.

"You guys are worthy of threatening me?"

Jiang Ziya sneered, the king's aura was fully on, and the star sword was pressed to the ground with a single look.

Dongfang Yao held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and lifted it up with all his strength, but he couldn't move it a little bit.

"Feel the power of the gods!"

Jiang Ziya stared at the golden light, his robe bulged, and his body floated into the air.

The old and withered palm pointed at the void of the five people and grabbed them. The power of the magic way surged and turned into a golden cage to restrain them.

Dongfang Yao and the others were locked up in cages, like fish being dragged out of the water by a fishing net, they suddenly became panicked and took out their weapons to save themselves.

All kinds of attacks fell on the cage, but they couldn't break even a small gap.

Jiang Ziya looked at it coldly, grasped it with five fingers, and the cage suddenly shrank.


The five people screamed, their bodies almost exploded.

Jiang Ming's strength is enough to make Jiang Ziya feel jealous, but Dongfang Yao and other Xingyao low-level or even diamond fighters are just like ants.

No matter how many ants there are, they are still ants, and one hand is enough to kill them.

"For the sake of the old master, I won't kill you, get out!"

When the few people were about to lose their hold, Jiang Ziya stopped suddenly.

The cage disappeared, several people fell to the ground, and one life was recovered.

Although he was ruthless, he also knew that these were all students of Jixia College, the lovers of his old friend.

Letting them live saves a lot of trouble.

"It's just that you can leave, but Jiang Ming can't!"

Jiang Ziya sneered and walked towards Jiang Ming, pale golden energy condensed in his palm.

"Jiang Ming, your miraculous power is mine now, and your life is mine too!"

The golden energy ball smashed hard at Jiang Ming's head!
There was a loud noise, and the magic energy poured out like a mountain torrent.

The golden light faded, Jiang Ming was unscathed, and a green barrier protected him.

It is the new equipment that Sun Bin got not long ago - the Wings of Redemption.

"Great, Captain is fine."

After confirming that Jiang Ming was fine, Sun Bin smiled bleakly, tilted his body, and passed out.

Unleashing the Wings of Redemption consumes too much of him, and using it just once drains all of his strength.

"You are not allowed to hurt my captain!"

Dongfang Yao roared angrily, and took out the Star Breaker Hammer.

Xi Shi raised the staff of nothingness.

Meng Ya raised the cannon.

Master Luban threw out six mechanical arms.

Team Ming, at this moment, unreservedly used their most powerful skills.

The attacks of the four condensed into a beam of energy and shot towards Jiang Ziya.

"Can ants be angry too?"

Jiang Ziya's cloudy eyes narrowed, and he pointed his staff evilly, and the tip released energy.

The power of the staff instantly defeated the energy light and bombarded the four of them.

Blood spewed out, and if it weren't for Master Lu Ban's mechanical arms carrying it in front, they would have died without a doubt.

"Since you want to die, the old man will help you, and go with Jiang Ming on the way to Huangquan!"

Jiang Ziya raised his staff, releasing terrifying energy.

Suddenly, a creepy chill came from behind.

"Old man, it's you who deserves to be damned!"

Jiang Ming stood up, his eyes were as ferocious as those of a wild beast.

Before Sun Bin fainted, he used a second skill for Jiang Ming.

Backtracking for a short time allowed him to recover some physical strength.

Not much, but enough to urge Dongfeng to break.

Before being controlled by Jiang Ziya's first skill and Donghuang Taiyi's ultimate move, Jiang Ming didn't even have a chance to use Dongfeng Po.

Now, it's time for Jiang Ziya to feel how powerful Dongfeng is!

"The east wind breaks!"

The only part of the power released without reservation.

The light is dazzling, like the sun falling from the sky.

"What kind of power is this? It's impossible!"

Jiang Ziya's complexion changed drastically. Facing Pei Mo Nengyu's terrifying attack, he had only one thought in his mind - run away, run away quickly!
However, before he even had time to run ten meters, Dongfeng Po caught up.

The explosion sounded earth-shattering, and the entire space on the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower shook violently, as if it was about to burst.

Not only inside the tower, but also the three sages of Jixia who were waiting outside were also shocked.

Just now, there was an explosion on the top floor of the Tongtian Tower. They even thought that this thousand-year-old pagoda was going to blow up.

It took a long time for the shock wave generated by the explosion to dissipate, and Jiang Ziya's figure had disappeared, turning into powder under Dongfeng Po's terrifying destructive power.

Jiang Ziya finally died, completely dead.

In the center of the explosion, a cloud of pure energy floated in the air, which was the miraculous power in Jiang Ziya's body.

Jiang Ming dragged his exhausted body, staggered over, reached out and grabbed into the light ball.

Warm power poured in, and the lost physical strength was regained instantly, and at the same time, his aura began to rise slowly.

Shining Star Three, Shining Star Two, Shining Star One!

After absorbing the miraculous power, Jiang Ming's rank was promoted to Xing Yaoyi, and his own strength was already extremely close to the king!
From Xingyao to King is a big hurdle, and the span far exceeds the sum of bronze to Xingyao.

Jiang Ming is probably the only one who can possess the strength comparable to a king at the Xingyao level.

"Are you all right, Sun Bin?"

After absorbing the miraculous power, Jiang Ming hurriedly checked the status of several teammates.

After confirming that they were only injured and their lives were not in danger, Jiang Ming heaved a sigh of relief.

These teammates are not high ranks, they usually look unreliable, but they can stand up without hesitation in times of crisis and risk their lives to protect Jiang Ming.

Isn't this the best teammate in the world?
Helping his teammates stabilize their injuries, Jiang Ming suddenly remembered that there was one more person.

He looked around for the figure of Donghuang Taiyi, but found nothing.

"The cunning eel must have taken the opportunity to escape when we were fighting with Jiang Ziya."

Jiang Ming frowned slightly, not planning to let him go just like that.

"It's hard for this eel to cheat me with big tricks. I must avenge this revenge."

"What's more, he has a miraculous power. After I finish my work here, I will go to his lair and drag him out."

"In short, let's talk about leaving Tongtian Tower first."

Tongtian Tower has only one exit, and the old master needs to read a spell outside to open it.

But after Dongfengpo's terrifying explosion, a gap was blown out in the ninth floor space. Through the gap, one could see the scenery of Jixia College outside.

Outside the tower, Jixia's three sages stared at the cracked gap in Tongtian Tower and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"No way, the pagoda left by God Nuwa has a hole!"

Usually he looked like he couldn't wake up, but Zhuang Zhou was dumbfounded at this time, and suddenly he woke up.

"What did Jiang Ming and the others do inside!"

Mozi's face was full of question marks and exclamation points.

"That old man Jiang he still alive?"

The old master muttered to himself.

Suddenly, with a bang, a figure jumped out of the hole, scaring Sanxian into a shudder.

Jiang Ming landed steadily and stretched.

"Ah, the air outside is better... Hey, three mentors, are you still there?"

(End of this chapter)

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