Chapter 228

Jiang Ming showed his supernatural power and subdued several main forces of the rebel army. The other generals and soldiers were frightened when they saw this, and they put down their weapons and surrendered.

Jiang Ming beat Yuan Ge violently, turning the latter's handsome face into a pig's head, and then looked at Mi Yue and Zhen Ji.

The faces of the two beauties paled.

He raised his palm high, Jiang Ming sighed, and put it down again.

"I can't do anything with the two peerless beauties, Ying Zheng, let them do as you please."

Jiang Ming handed the two daughters over to Ying Zheng, and Xiao Luban was left alone by him, "This is my friend's mechanical son, for my sake, please forgive him."

"Of course." Ying Zheng nodded heartily, expressing his gratitude sincerely: "Thanks to brother Jiang Ming being present this time, otherwise, I'm afraid the emperor's position will be lost."

"You're welcome, it's just a little effort."

"Haha, brother Jiang Ming is mighty, this time you must go to my palace to rest and feel the enthusiasm of the Xuanyong people."

"Come again? Hearing what you said, I suddenly have a bad feeling."

Ying Zheng: "..."

Ying Zheng did not plant the wrong flag this time. After half an hour, Jiang Ming really felt the enthusiasm of the Xuanyong people.

Treated like an emperor, in short, it is very comfortable.

Ying Zheng still did not execute Mi Yue, and imprisoned her again, but this time sealed her power.

As for Yuan Ge and Zhen Ji, Ying Zheng graciously invited them to enter Xuan Yong to make contributions.

Little Luban received a love education, and then went back to Jixia to find his father crying.

Jiang Ming only stayed in Xuanyong for one night, and the next day he bid farewell to Yingzheng, boarded the old dragon, and headed south to Yunmengze.

Yunmengze is located in the west of the Dahe Basin, and it is the place with the most abundant water resources on the King's Continent.

There, there is a unique and mysterious organization-Yin Yang Family.

The Yin Yang family belongs to the magic school in essence, but their research is quite different from the traditional magic family.

The Zhuge family and the Da Qiao family are both traditional magic families. Their cultivation aims to control the spiritual power of heaven and earth, while the Yin Yang family is keen to use the spiritual power of heaven and earth to transform the physical body, achieving the terrifying effect of half-human and half-demon.

Xu Fu, the perverted researcher who invented the blood race, is a representative figure of the Yin-Yang family, and the head of the contemporary Yin-Yang family is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who Jiang Ming chased and killed.

"This Yin Yang family is really capable of doing things, so let's just wipe them out."

At a height of one thousand meters, Jiang Ming sat on the dragon's back, recalling the information he had obtained from Xuan Yong, and suddenly had the idea of ​​cutting grass and roots.

Unfortunately, he failed to get the map of Yunmengze.

He only knew that Yunmengze was in the west of the Dahe Basin, but he didn't know the exact location.

In fact, Yunmengze hides too deeply, and the group of Yinyang family members are all elusive masters. The old neighbor Yingzheng sent people to investigate many times, but they failed to find their lair.

All the way to the west, Jiang Ming's instructions were simple, but also very complicated.

The old dragon is like a mindless fly, ignorantly carrying out the orders of its master.

"Master, we have been flying westward for two days, and we haven't even noticed a hair. Have you ever suspected that maybe we chose the wrong direction?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just go west all the way!"


One person and one dragon flew in the sky for a long time, so long that Jiang Ming began to wonder if he was really wrong.

Suddenly, a hidden forest appeared below.

Jiang Ming saw a figure walking in the forest!

"Someone! Finally she saw someone!"

Jiang Ming's eyes widened, and the excited light appeared in his pupils, like a traveler lost in the desert, suddenly saw a spring of water: "Catch him, don't let him run away!"

The old dragon screamed, and swooped down into the forest below, grabbed the unlucky passerby, and pressed him against the tree trunk.

The poor guy was so frightened, his body kept shaking: "Monster, there are monsters, don't eat me, I'm too thin, I don't taste good!"

Jiang Ming jumped off the dragon's back and stared at him fiercely: "What is this place?"

"Cloud, Yunmengze." The passer-by replied tremblingly.

"Okay, finally arrived at Yunmengze!"

Jiang Ming suddenly yelled, making the man tremble with fright.

"Are you from the Yin Yang family?"


"Okay, Donghuang Taiyi's accomplices are definitely not good people, go to hell!"

Jiang Ming raised his knife and was about to chop it off, but passers-by hurriedly shouted: "No, Donghuang Taiyi and I are not in the same group!"

"Not from the same group?" His palm stopped in the air, and Jiang Ming asked sharply, "Who are you lying to? Donghuang Taiyi is the head of the Yin Yang family. How could you not be with him?"

A passer-by hurriedly explained: "Master, I'm not lying. Donghuang Taiyi is the head of the Yinyang family, but I'm not from his lineage. I'm from Guigu's lineage."

Jiang Ming was a little confused, frowned and said: "What about Donghuang's lineage and Guigu's lineage, explain to me clearly!"

"The thing is like this. As early as ten years ago, the two heads of the Yinyang family had a disagreement. Guiguzi went out independently and created the Guigu lineage. The rest is the Donghuang lineage."

Jiang Ming blinked: "So, you and Donghuang Taiyi are really not in the same group?"

"It's really not, our two veins have cut off contact, and we are almost enemies!"

"In that case, I'm sorry."

Jiang Ming put down his hand, and signaled the old dragon to stop pressing him.

The passerby let out a long breath, his back was wet with cold sweat, he looked at Jiang Ming, and asked cautiously, "Master, do you have any grudge against Dong Huang Tai Yi?"

"Probably." Jiang Ming nodded.

The passers-by breathed a sigh of relief.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and my life is saved.

"Take me to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi." Jiang Ming said.

Passers-by put on a bitter face: "The headquarters of Donghuang's lineage is in Yunmeng City deep in Yunmengze, surrounded by maze protection, only Guiguzi knows how to break it."

Jiang Ming said lightly: "Then take me to see Guiguzi."


Through conversation, Jiang Ming learned that the name of the poor man in front of him, who was almost incontinent because of his scare, was Li Shuang.

"This is Xuanwei Forest, the stronghold of our Ghost Valley lineage."

Li Shuang led the way and acted as a tour guide, introducing the story of the Yin Yang family to Jiang Ming.

"Back then, we parted ways. Although my Guigu lineage moved out, in fact our head, Guiguzi, is not inferior to Donghuang Taiyi."

Hearing this, Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows: "You mean, Gu Guizi is also in the realm of kings?"

When did the realm of kings become so common?

Li Shuang paused for a moment, his face a little embarrassed: "That's not true, our head is still Xingyaoyi."

Jiang Ming rolled his big eyes: "Xing Yaoyi dares to say that he is not inferior to the king, your head is very good at bragging."

When Li Shuang heard this, he became a little anxious: "I don't want to brag as the head of the sect. At first, he and Donghuang Taiyi were on equal footing, but later, Donghuang Taiyi got Di Jun's help, so he broke through to be king. Surpassed the head of Guiguzi!"


Jiang Ming was very sensitive to the name, and almost jumped up, "Is there the remnant soul of Emperor Jun in Yunmengze?"

Li Shuang nodded: "That's right, I actually heard about it by chance. It was because Donghuang Taiyi wanted to awaken Di Jun's remnant soul that Guiguzi fought him, and finally ran away independently."

"It's really a narrow road for enemies."

Jiang Ming murmured softly.

Of the one hundred remnants of Emperor Jun, one was wiped out in Dongying and one in Chang'an, leaving 98 left.

According to Jiang Ming's guess, Di Jun's remnant soul, after recovering all its strength, is probably equivalent to the peak of Xingyao, and it is not enough to threaten the current Jiang Ming.

It's like killing a chicken!
Half an hour later, Jiang Ming followed Li Shuang to the depths of the forest.

Just looking at it, Jiang Ming was stunned. He couldn't imagine that there was such a holy land of Taoyuan hidden in the depths of the forest.

Looking around, there are houses everywhere, but none of them are built of wood.

The trunks of the big trees here are miraculously cut open from the middle, creating small natural rooms.

Most importantly, these big trees are still alive and lush.

The emerald green canopy, like a huge parasol, provides a piece of coolness for the people living in the trunk.

"Here, did these big trees grow like this by themselves?"

Jiang Ming was stunned and stuttered a little.

Li Shuang raised her chin proudly: "Of course not, this is the masterpiece of our head, Guiguzi. It provides us with a place to live without harming a tree. This is the unity of man and nature. Man and nature are one, the sky is not the sky It is all things in the world, all living beings in nature. Human beings have survived by harming nature since ancient times, and the idea of ​​Guigu’s lineage is to create a world where there is no killing and humans and nature live in harmony.”

After hearing Li Shuang's explanation, Jiang Ming was shocked.

It’s awesome, isn’t this the concept of green environmental protection? Guiguzi’s ideas are 1 years ahead of the world!

Even more awesome, he actually did it!
"Quick, bring me to meet your master!"

Jiang Ming couldn't wait to see him.

"Don't look for it, I'm right here."

An ethereal voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Jiang Ming turned around in astonishment, the space in front of him was slightly turbulent, and a figure walked out from the invisible.

It is Guiguzi in the glory of the king!
He is short, about as tall as a teenager, with a strange mask on his face, a strange staff in his hand, and a cloak made of two wings behind him. A rare tribal leader.

"I noticed it as soon as you entered the forest."

Guiguzi looked at Jiang Ming, and said calmly, "You are not a bad person, so tell me, what's the matter in my Xuanwei Forest?"

"I've met Senior Guiguzi." Jiang Ming first saluted politely, and then cut straight to the point, "I want to ask Senior Guiguzi to take me into Yunmeng City."

"Yunmeng City? Are you looking for Donghuang Taiyi?"


"What are you looking for him for?"

"Take his life." Jiang Ming didn't hide it.

Guiguzi was obviously stunned for a moment: "Young man, you are not Donghuang Taiyi's opponent, go back, don't waste your life."

In his opinion, Jiang Ming is just the rank of Xing Yaoyi.

Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi ten years ago was inferior, let alone the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who was helped by Di Jun now.

"Senior doesn't need to worry about this, I naturally have the confidence to defeat Donghuang Taiyi."

Jiang Ming smiled slightly, exuding the aura of a king.

The invisible gust of wind swept across him, causing the surrounding trees to roar and leaves to fall.

Li Shuang was directly thrown away by this force.

Guiguzi's eyes were shocked: "You are actually the strength of a king!"

(End of this chapter)

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