The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 232 This Sword Is Named Ganjiang Moxie

Chapter 232 This Sword Is Named Ganjiang Moxie

In the sword casting furnace, a burst of majestic energy suddenly burst out.

The strong wind howled, the divine light shone brightly, and the furnace exploded.

Guiguzi shielded himself with his hands, and through the gap between his fingers, he saw a purple-red sword floating in the air.

Circles of energy ripples swayed around the Excalibur, and the entire space trembled.

"Excalibur... It's done!"

Guiguzi was both surprised and delighted, staring blankly at the divine sword.

After a while, he suddenly thought of Jiang Ming who was fighting outside, hugged the Excalibur, and ran out of the city quickly.

"Jiang Ming, do you think that with Nuwa's inheritance, you can fight against this god?"

Di Jun raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, terrifying power exploded between his fists and feet, and every attack pierced the air.

Jiang Ming defended passively, his body was already bruised and purple, he raised his left arm to block Di Jun's fist, and took the opportunity to punch out with his right arm.

With a ferocious expression on Di Jun's face, he grabbed Jiang Ming's arm and twisted it violently.

Ka Ka Ka, the sound of bones breaking came out, and the bones of Jiang Ming's entire arm were twisted, and then he was kicked and flew away by Di Jun.

Bang, bang, smashed several big trees, and Jiang Ming smashed a deep hole on the ground.

"Too strong, I am not at the same level as him."

Jiang Ming struggled to stand up, looking a bit embarrassed.

His physique has a strong self-healing ability, even if the entire arm is broken, it is not a big deal to him.

But Di Jun's strength was too strong, and he was completely suppressed to fight, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Di Jun sneered: "Jiang Ming, you are only the strength of the three stars of the king, but the body of this god is the ten stars of the king, how do you fight with me?"

"King Three Stars?"

It was only then that Jiang Ming realized that the kings were classified by stars, and his own three stars could not beat the opponent's ten stars.

"The general has not been settled yet. If I can't hold on anymore, I have to use the east wind to break it."

Jiang Ming originally wanted to save Dongfeng Po until he used it with the Excalibur to combine forces and send Di Jun to heaven with one move.

But I can't wait any longer, and I will be sent to the sky first without Dongfengpo.

"Di Jun, you are ruthless and can't be provoked. I can't run. In terms of speed, no one in the entire King's Continent can surpass me, and neither can you!"

Jiang Ming left a word, turned around and ran away decisively.

"This is the heir chosen by Nu Wa?"

Di Jun sneered, "Stupid, my god's speed is far faster than yours!"

With a bang, Di Jun exploded with strength, and appeared in front of Jiang Ming in the blink of an eye.

The corner of the mouth twitched: "I said, my speed is higher than yours."

Jiang Ming also smiled: "Unfortunately, my IQ is higher than yours."

Dongfeng breaks, full power output!
The energy condensed like a galaxy shot towards his chest at close range, Di Jun's pupils suddenly shrank, and the sneer on his face disappeared, replaced by horror and fear.

A loud noise pierced the clouds and cracked the gold, and the terrifying shock wave razed a few miles around to the ground.

Jiang Ming was pushed away by the anti-shock force, and when he looked up, smoke and dust billowed from the center of the explosion.

The thick smoke faded away, revealing Dijun's extremely embarrassed figure.

Half of his body seemed to have been chewed by a demon, and one arm was completely missing. The hideous wound spread to the edge of his neck, and blood flowed out.

"Ah!!! Jiang Ming, I will kill you!"

Di Jun was going crazy, his expression was distorted, and the veins on his forehead were twitching, reminiscent of the infected person who was about to mutate in the movie.

"Sure enough, not even Dong Feng Po can kill this dude."

Jiang Ming sighed and smiled sadly.

Dongfeng Po is already his strongest move, it can't kill him, there is really no other way.

"go to hell!"

Di Jun roared angrily, and stomped Jiang Ming on the ground.

The remaining palm was deformed due to excessive force, and the five fingers looked like five steel nails, grabbing straight at Jiang Ming's heart.

"Am I going to die..."

A sad thought came to Jiang Ming's heart, but the strange thing was that he wasn't afraid at all.

I did my best to obey the destiny, but unfortunately I will never see my fishes again.

Just when Jiang Ming was about to have his heart broken, Guiguzi's shout came from a distance: "Jiang Ming, take the sword!"

A purplish-red divine sword pierced the sky and shot at a speed that was hard to discern with the naked eye, like thunder coming.

Di Jun instinctively felt the terror, and the hairs on his back instantly stood on end. He gave up assassinating Jiang Ming, and turned to dodge by rolling.

The Excalibur flew past his body, stuck in the ground, and radiated light from itself.

If Di Jun didn't have that tumbling, he would have already been pierced through the head by the divine sword.

"Good sword!"

Jiang Ming looked excited, got up and pulled out the Excalibur.

The edge of the sword is so sharp that it seems to be able to pierce even the sky.

"Is this the Juque? No, I have already destroyed the Juque. This is another Juque!"

"Impossible, how could a mortal forge such a sword?!"

Di Jun panicked, and stepped back involuntarily.

"Jiang Ming, this is the divine sword forged by Gan Jiang and Mo Xie with their lives. We must kill Di Jun!"

Hearing Guiguzi's cry, Jiang Ming's body trembled.

"No wonder it feels so familiar..."

Jiang Ming caressed the blade lightly, tears welling in his eyes.

"Di Jun, it's all your fault. Today, you must die!"

Jiang Ming stared, his eyes were red.

Holding the Excalibur tightly, he pushed towards Dijun step by step.

The piercing eyes and sharp aura are like the god of death coming.

"I am a god, a real god, you can't kill me, even with that sword!"

Di Jun had a ferocious expression and shouted loudly, but his body retreated a little bit.

He was afraid, afraid of Jiang Ming, and the sword in his hand.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to run!

Turning around staggeringly, Di Jun was hit by a purple sword light from behind just as he ran a few meters away.

Dijun's other arm was cut off at the root.

"No, I am a god, I will not die..."

Di Jun muttered, watching Jiang Ming slowly approaching, his pupils dilated with fright.

"You are not worthy to be a god."

Jiang Ming's gaze was like lightning, he stared at it firmly, and raised his divine sword high.

"This sword is named—Ganjiang Moxie!"

The divine light shone, and a sword pierced Dijun's heart.

Di Jun cried, shouted, struggled, and his body dissipated little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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