The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 238 Returning to Yanhuang

Chapter 238 Returning to Yanhuang
"Young man, tell me your name."

Xiang Yu looked at Jiang Ming, his face became serious.

Asking for the name proved that he recognized Jiang Ming as an opponent.

"Jiang Ming."

Jiang Ming said lightly, he didn't look proud because he won a move.

"Jiang Ming...why does this name sound familiar?"

Xiang Yu paused, but in the end he still couldn't think of anything, "Maybe I'm thinking too much...Jiang Ming, I'm going to use all my strength!"

Xiang Yu's eyes were bright, shining with a warlike light.

He took off the broad-bladed broadsword on his back, held it with both hands to inject energy into the broadsword, and then swung it out violently.

The golden circular arc knife light shot out, as if to tear the world apart.

It was Xiang Yu's ultimate move - Overlord Slash!

In the audience, Fan Zeng was stunned when he heard Jiang Ming announce his name.

Jiang Ming, he is actually Jiang Ming!
The Jiang Ming who eliminated Cao Cao and established Yanhuang!

One-third of the land is adjacent to the Dahe River Basin. Fan Zeng reported to Xiang Yu about Jiang Ming's establishment of Yanhuang. Unfortunately, Xiang Yu is a rough man and didn't take it to heart.

Fan Zeng just wanted to remind Xiang Yu not to fight him, but Xiang Yu had already released his big move impatiently.

"It's over, the prestige of the overlord of Western Chu ends here."

Fan Zeng felt a chill in his heart.

Jiang Ming can even solve Cao Cao of Xingyao [-], and Xiang Yu of Xingyao [-] is even easier.

If it was a private discussion, Xiang Yu would lose if he lost, and it would not be shameful to lose to the Lord of Yanhuang.

The point is, this fucking is in the arena where everyone is watching!
Xiang Yu was beaten up by outsiders in the arena, and his prestige in the country will inevitably drop. For the ruler, this is a great disadvantage.

Just when Fan Zeng was worried, Jiang Ming raised his hand and caught Daoman lightly.

Then under Xiang Yu's unbelievable eyes, he crushed the sword glow all at once.

The blade light exploded, and the energy shock generated sent Xiang Yu, the instigator, flying away, and sat down on the ground.

"This... I actually lost."

Xiang Yu stared blankly, his head buzzing.

It's not that he can't afford to lose, but Jiang Ming can't accept his big move so easily.

The world view is a little shaken, almost collapsed.

The people of Chu State in the audience were also stunned.

"Am I not mistaken, the Overlord actually lost, and lost so thoroughly?"

"Smash the master's big move with bare hands, this is not a fucking human!"

"I thought that Xiang Yu was the most powerful man in the Dahe Valley. It seems that I am small. There are people outside."

"Does anyone know who this challenger is from?"

"To be able to defeat Overlord Xiang Yu at such a young age, he must not be an ordinary person, perhaps the heir of a certain big family."

What Fan Zeng was most worried about happened, and the trust of the people of Chu State in Xiang Yu began to decline.

This group of Chu people are all militants, and what they admire most is a powerful fighter. Now that Xiang Yu has been defeated in full view, his own prestige has been greatly damaged, and he has also established a reputation for the Yanhuang King.

At this time, if Jiang Ming extended an olive branch to domestic warriors. . .

The ending is not good!
As a military adviser, Fan Zeng would never allow this kind of thing to happen.

He immediately changed his mind, rushed to the ring to help Xiang Yu, and said loudly in a voice that everyone could hear: "Overlord, your hidden wounds have not healed yet, and now you can only exert [-]% of your strength, so don't compete with others!" Already, let this little brother win this game."

After hearing Fan Zeng's words, everyone in the audience gave an ooh at the same time.

"So that's the case. It's reversed. Overlord Xiang Yu only used [-]% of his strength. No wonder."

"Let me just say, a man who can toughen Xiang Yu from the front has not yet been born, let alone such a brat."

"Let's go, let's go, it's boring, Xiang Yu can't even use his full strength, and the result doesn't count."

Everyone regained their trust in Xiang Yu, with bright smiles on their faces, but Yu Ji and Long looked at each other in blank dismay, a little puzzled.

"When did Xiang Yu get injured? My wife (subordinate) doesn't even know..."

Both of them are smart people, and they quickly understood after being stunned for a while.

There was no hidden injury at all, Fan Zeng was just pleading for Xiang Yu's respect.

The two looked at each other, silently silent.

Although it is a bit shameful, it is better than losing face.

However, they ignored that Xiang Yu is a super straight man.

Xiang Yu rubbed the back of his head, and looked at Fan Zeng with some confusion: "Yafu, what kind of hidden injury, are you confused?"

"I have used all my strength just now. This little brother's strength is far above mine. I am not his opponent."

Everyone: "!!!"

"Fuck, it's reversed again, Xiang Yu himself admitted that he used all his strength!"

"My God, this young man really defeated Xiang Yu!"

"I have long seen that he is not an ordinary person, he is young and promising."

"I have a younger sister who is eighteen years old, beautiful as a flower, and has a bold idea..."

"Come on, from your appearance, I know that your sister is really a flower, a cannibal flower!"

"Such a big man, you actually want him to be your brother-in-law? It's too presumptuous. I just want him to be my father!"

"Lick, keep licking, if you succeed in licking, then I...will lick too!"

Long Qie and Yu Ji stood in the crowd with embarrassing expressions on their faces.

The most uncomfortable thing was Fan Zeng, who was suffering from a headache.

Fan Zeng left the ring covering his face, and the people around heard him whispering: "I can't move it, I can't move it..."

Looking at Fan Zeng's downcast back, Xiang Yu felt a little worried: "Yafu, what's wrong with you, Yafu, do you have a headache, too, it seems that your memory is blurred, go back and have a good rest."

Fan Zeng almost fell down.

Watching Fan Zeng leave, Xiang Yu took a deep breath, looked at Jiang Ming and said, "Brother Jiang Ming, you won, and I, Xiang Yu, will do what I say. Tell me, I can do whatever you want, including committing suicide!"

As soon as Xiang Yu said this, the melon-eaters in the audience were stunned.

It was too explosive, Xiang Yu and Jiang Ming actually had such a bet, playing too much!
Yuji and Longqi looked anxious, they were afraid that Jiang Ming would really order Xiang Yu to kill himself, but they couldn't go up and stop Xiang Yu from fulfilling his promise, because Xiang Yu would be even more angry if he did so.

In the distance, Fan Zeng, who had already walked tens of meters, stopped abruptly after hearing Xiang Yu's words.

Everyone was so engrossed that they didn't even dare to breathe loudly, for fear of covering up Jiang Ming's next words.

Jiang Ming was silent for a moment, smiled, and said, "Brother Xiang Yu, I admire your integrity very much. I won't let you kill yourself. On the contrary, I want to invite you to join my camp. How about being my subordinate?"

After hearing Jiang Ming's words, Concubine Yu Fan Zeng was relieved first, and then quickly raised the question.

It's a good thing that Xiang Yu doesn't have to die.

However, if he were to be a younger brother to Jiang Ming, who was more than ten years younger, maybe he would be more willing to die.

All eyes were fixed on Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu froze for a while, shook his head, and showed a bitter smile on his face: "I would like to admit defeat, I have no choice, from now on, I, Xiang Yu, will be your subordinate, but I can only be responsible for myself, and cannot make decisions for them .”

Xiang Yu refers to the people of Chu State, as well as Long Qie Fan Zeng and other soldiers who have been following Xiang Yu.

Jiang Ming saw that Xiang Yu was somewhat reluctant, and Long Qie Fan Zeng was even more reluctant.

He thought for a while and smiled: "Well, I'll give you two choices. The first is to join Yanhuang and be my subordinate. Second, you can also swear that you will never start a war again."

"Just don't start a war?"

Xiang Yu said with some surprise, and took a while to recall Jiang Ming's words.

"Wait, you're talking about your Yanhuang, are you the one who killed Cao Cao!?"

Jiang Ming nodded: "That's right, it's me."

Xiang Yu was dumbfounded.

It turned out to be that guy, no wonder he was so powerful, he deserved to lose this duel!

Yu Ji was also stunned, looking at Jiang Ming with surprise.

After Xiang Yu came back to his senses, he thought carefully about Jiang Ming's two choices.

First, he found it difficult to accept being Jiang Ming's subordinate before, but after knowing Jiang Ming's identity, he suddenly felt that it was not so uncomfortable.

After all, they are stronger and more influential than you, so it is only natural for you to be a younger brother.

As far as he knew, even Lu Bu, the god of war in one-third of the land, was Yanhuang's younger brother.

Xiang Yu and Lu Bu have the same status, so it is reasonable to be a colleague.

Second, you can never go to war, which is simply tormenting for the warlike Xiang Yu.

After thinking hard for a long time, Xiang Yu looked at Jiang Ming: "As your little brother, is there a battle?"

The appearance of Di Jun appeared in Jiang Ming's mind, he nodded, and said seriously: "Yes, and there are many."

"Okay, I'm messing with you!"

When he heard that there was a battle, Xiang Yu agreed decisively.

"But again, I can't make decisions for them."

"I know, if they are willing to follow me, I want them all. If you don't want to, you can leave freely."

Jiang Ming looked at the audience, faced everyone in Chu State, and said loudly: "You all heard that Xiang Yu has joined Yanhuang, how about you?"

Yu Ji Fan Zeng and Long Qi did not hesitate to follow Xiang Yu.

The rest of the people, some of them were shocked by Jiang Ming's strength, already had the intention of surrendering, and joined happily at this time.

Others were hesitant at first, but after hearing about Yanhuang's strength, they joined in.

Anyway, he is always a younger brother, Yanhuang is powerful, stronger than Han and Chu combined, changing to a more powerful boss is considered a promotion in disguise.

In this way, all the Chu soldiers decided to join Yanhuang.

Jiang Ming was very satisfied.

Yanhuang was built on the former site of the capital of Wei, and the territory was the largest in one-third of the land, absorbing the Han army and Chu army, and it was almost full at this time.

From now on, just concentrate on recruiting good generals.

It's been a long time since I went back to see my wives, so Jiang Ming took this opportunity to personally lead Xiang Yu and others to Yanhuang.

He deliberately didn't tell Xiang Yu that Liu Bang also joined Yanhuang, just to see Xiang Yu's wonderful expression when he and Liu Bang met.

Yan Huang.

It has been half a year since Jiang Ming left, and the four wives are so idle that they are almost spinning their nets.

When Jiang Ming was away, Sun Shangxiang took up the banner of managing the country, and he did a good job.

Wen has Sima Yi to advise, Wu has Lu Bu to suppress the Quartet, and Sun Shangxiang, a hot-tempered young lady, can become a beloved queen.

Big Qiao and Little Qiao are too mild-mannered, not suitable for participating in politics, and they don't fight or grab.

Not to mention Mai Shiranui, she doesn't even want the rights.

It is worth mentioning that after Mai Shiranui came to the mainland, she was overwhelmed by mainland food.

In the past, in the island country, the food was the same, filling but not delicious.

But now in the mainland, she can eat all kinds of delicacies every day, which is enough for her to eat for several years.

Now, the most common sentence she says every day is: "Your mainland is so powerful, you can make anything delicious!"

This sentence is true. In terms of eating, the mainland has never lost.

Also captured by delicious food is Na Ke Lulu who stayed in Yanhuang to play.

Even her Mamahaha has been fattened up a lot.

On this day, Liu Bang came to surrender with Jiang Ming's token.

Sun Shangxiang accepted them very politely, and arranged official positions and residences for them.

After sending Liu Bang away, Sun Shangxiang immediately found three little sisters.

"Sisters, there is news about the heartbroken man!"

Unscrupulous man refers to Jiang Ming, of course, and it was Sun Shangxiang who suggested calling him this way to express his complaints about him.

When the three girls heard the words, they all seemed a little excited.

"Really, really, there is news about your husband?"

Xiao Qiao's big eyes brightened instantly, and Da Qiao had the same expression.

Mai Shiranui does not speak Chinese fluently, but she also expresses her joy with her eyes.

Sun Shangxiang glanced at their sisters, with some resentment in her eyes: "Why are you so excited, forgot what I said, you want to teach that heartless man a lesson?"

"This time when he comes back, you are not allowed to greet him, and you are not allowed to give him a good face. Let him know that our sisters also have a temper."

"Okay, I got it, so where's the news about your husband?"

Xiao Qiao said quickly, looking expectantly in his eyes.

Sun Shangxiang nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Ten minutes ago, I received the troops who came to surrender, and their leader said that the heartless man is now in the Dahe Basin, only two or three days away from the land. "

"If he still has a conscience, he should come back to see us."

"Great, my husband is coming back!" Xiao Qiao cheered happily.

Sun Shangxiang glared at her immediately: "Don't be happy, you have to put on airs, so that you can hold him."

At noon the next day, the four sisters were resting in the gazebo.

Sima Yi came suddenly, with a smile on his face: "Report to the four queens, my lord is back!"

"What? He's back!"

Sun Shangxiang suddenly jumped up from the reclining chair, with unignorable surprise flashing in his eyes, but he was quickly suppressed by her.

She coughed twice, and her tone seemed a little indifferent: "Come back when you come back, we don't miss him either, you go to meet him, our four sisters will not go."

When Sima Yi heard this, he was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, he raised his head and said with a strange expression: "Queen Sun, are you sure you are not going to meet the Lord?"

Sun Shangxiang was a little puzzled, until she found that the three little sisters had run out of the palace in a fit of madness.

"Three unpromising little bitches with no heart at all!"

Sun Shangxiang stomped her feet vigorously, looked at the backs of the sisters who were drifting away, and hurriedly said: "Wait for me, I will go too!"

(End of this chapter)

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