Chapter 242 Dark Tyrant

The tyrant slapped his palm angrily, and the place where Baili Shouyue stood turned into ruins.

A back-jumping big move escaped the attack, and there was no bullet in the Baili contract keeping gun, and he needed time to reload the bullet.

As for Su Lie and Hua Mulan, they won't be able to come to help for a while.

Just when Baili was anxious to keep the promise, he saw a figure walking slowly from a distance.

With silver-white hair and a machete in his hand, he chopped all the surrounding demons into pieces.

"Who is that?"

Baili Shouyue's eyes widened, shocked by this stranger's superb sword skills.

He was like a light blue sharp arrow, shooting straight into the pile of demon seeds, but no one could stop it.

The mysterious warrior raised his knife and fell, the demons in front of him were all torn apart, and died in a miserable state.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the Great Wall, his sharp eyes shining brightly.

"The magic armor is coming!"

Baili Shouyue saw his lips move, relying on his hearing far beyond ordinary people, he could barely hear the four words he said.

In the next second, a light blue light blazed from the body of the mysterious warrior, and the light covered his whole body, turning into a pair of magical armor.

Behind the demon armor, the attributes of the mysterious warrior increased greatly in all aspects, and with a single slash, the blue light cut off dozens of demon seeds in the middle.

There was a sudden stop under his feet, the ground exploded, and he jumped into the sky, landing directly on the neck of the tyrant who destroyed the Great Wall.

He raised the long knife and plunged down hard.

Blood spurted out, the long knife was completely submerged into the demon's body, and the armor-like scales couldn't defend at all at this moment.


The demon roared in pain, raised its huge front paws, and slammed down on its own neck.

There was a thunderous movement, Baili kept his promise, and his face couldn't help but change.

"That person, shouldn't he become a meat paste?"

Through the scope, his eyes became anxious, anxiously looking for the figure of that person.

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

I saw the mysterious warrior standing upright in the gap between the demon's palm and neck.

He raised one arm, as if standing upright.

He can actually compete with the tyrant in strength!
Baili Shouyue was completely stunned.

There are many people who can defeat a tyrant, such as Su Lie and Hua Mulan.

But it was the first time Baili kept his promise to see a human being who could be tough with a tyrant.

You must know that the strength of flesh and blood of demons of the same level far exceeds that of humans. Even Hua Mulan and Su Lie rely on skills to defeat the tyrant, which is nothing compared to strength.

And the person in front of him actually used one arm to abruptly catch the tyrant's attack.


The mysterious warrior took a deep breath, and pushed his arm upwards, and the tyrant's claws were pushed away by him.

Immediately afterwards, a lightning-like light shot out from his eyes, and he aimed his knife at the back of the tyrant's head, and chopped it off fiercely.

A huge head like a small building was split from the middle, blood and flesh spattered.

The tyrant crashed down, lifeless.

At the same time, the magic armor of the mysterious warrior also dissipated, revealing his original face, with a tired face and cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

Witnessing the whole process of Baili keeping the promise, he was already speechless in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the first person to deal with the tyrant turned out to be this strange and powerful warrior.

Baili Shouyue carefully discovered that after the magic armor faded, the warrior's aura returned to its original level.

Probably the low level of diamonds, even worse than Hua Mulan and Su Lie, not enough to kill a tyrant.

"What is that magic armor? It's too powerful."

Baili Shouyue felt emotional in his heart, and his hands were not idle. He raised the reloaded sniper rifle and killed the monsters approaching the mysterious warrior with one shot.

Baili Shouyue saw that he was not in a good state at the moment, and shouted at him: "My friend, come up and have a rest!"

The mysterious warrior nodded slightly, jumped onto the city wall, and landed beside Baili Shouyue.

"Friend, what's your name?" Baili Shouyue asked with a smile.

"Kain." The mysterious warrior said.

"Kain, what a handsome name, your sword skills are awesome. Also, my name is Baili Shouyue."

"Baili Shou promise, I will remember, your marksmanship is also very accurate."

The tyrant solved it, and the remaining monsters were not enough to pose a threat to the Great Wall. Baili kept the promise while chatting with Cain while aiming. Where the monsters were the most rampant, he would shoot a bullet there.

Not long after, Hua Mulan and Su Lie successfully beheaded the tyrant, and the other two tyrants also fell slowly under the joint attack of Lanling King Baili Shouyue and Jia Luocheng.

"Huh, it's finally done."

Hua Mulan breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at the strange figure on the Great Wall.

When the tyrant destroyed the Great Wall earlier, Hua Mulan sensed it. She was very anxious, but she couldn't separate herself.

Fortunately, there was this mysterious warrior to help, otherwise, even if Baili could keep the contract alone, many soldiers would have to be sacrificed.

Just when she was about to return to the Great Wall, the ground under her feet suddenly began to shake.

A demon seed several times larger than the tyrant emerged from the ground, with a ferocious appearance, like a demon escaping from hell.

"This is... the Dark Tyrant!"

Jia Luo was born in Thousand Cave City, the Holy Land of Knowledge. He knew something about demons, and he recognized at a glance that the giant demon in front of him was the high-ranking member of the demons, the dark tyrant!

Dark tyrants are no longer ordinary demons. They are not only powerful, but also intelligent, and their threat level is far higher than that of ordinary tyrants.


After the dark tyrant got out of the ground, he raised his head to the sky and roared. The invisible sound waves vibrated, which directly caused the heads of many soldiers to explode.

"Quickly plug your ears, people below the gold level retreat, one kilometer away from it!"

Su Lie shouted loudly, he didn't want to see soldiers with insufficient strength die in vain.

The dark tyrant was attracted by his voice, looked at him, and said in his mouth: "Humans, you kill my descendants, I want you all to die!"

With a slap, the ground was shattered, and a deep gully spread from the dark tyrant's feet all the way to the Great Wall.

"This terrifying power... is at the Xingyao level!"

Hua Mulan's eyes were fixed, her whole body trembling involuntarily.

She and Su Lie are both Diamond [-] level, even with the rest of them, they are definitely not opponents of Xingyao level monsters.

Su Lie was also panicked, his arms holding the pillar began to weaken, but he pretended to be calm, without showing any obvious panic, and said loudly: "Dark tyrant, it's obvious that you demons started the war, why are you talking about it? In fact, it became our fault?"

The dark tyrant sneered: "You killed my five descendants."

Su Lie argues: "That's because they violated my Great Wall first, and we are in self-defense. Besides, they also killed many of our compatriots. Could it be that you are the only ones who slaughter humans, and it is wrong for us humans to fight back?"

The voice of the dark tyrant was rampant: "That's right, who made you stronger than me? Weakness is the original sin. Human beings, be my rations!"

(End of this chapter)

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