The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 244 You Are Just a Watchdog

Chapter 244 You Are Just a Watchdog

The Shadow Master put on a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, whatever you say, I just won't change it.

The dark tyrant was so angry that he turned his finger on Jiang Ming: "Since you refuse, then I will kill your master!"

The Shadow Master laughed when he heard that: "Okay, okay, whatever you want."

It’s really an old lady who got under the covers—I laughed so hard for you, but it actually said that it was going to kill Jiang Ming.

The dark tyrant didn't realize what this smile represented, it roared and attacked Jiang Ming.

"Humble human, you dare to ride on the head of a noble demon, go to hell!"

The aura of Xingyao level spread, and the faces of everyone below changed drastically.

"Jiang Ming, the target of the dark tyrant is you, hurry up!"

Hua Mulan stood in front of Jiang Ming, clenched her sword tightly.

Jia Luo, Su Lie and others also stood up bravely and formed a wall of flesh and blood in front of Jiang Ming.

"You don't need to do this, you are just a dark tyrant, just leave it to me."

Jiang Ming smiled, and calmly walked to the front, facing the dark tyrant.

He raised his right hand and flicked the dark tyrant's head with his fingers.

There was an explosion-like movement, mixed with the sound of skull shattering.

The dark tyrant let out a miserable bark, like a dog whose tail was stepped on.

Everyone was stunned.

"The dark tyrant with rough skin and thick flesh actually broke his defense like this?"

"The moment Jiang Ming just shot, I seemed to sense an incomparably majestic energy. It was so powerful that I had never seen it before, not even the empress."

"I feel it too, that power is simply frightening."

Jiang Ming looked at the dark tyrant who was screaming in pain, and walked over with a smirk: "I heard you want to kill me?"

The Dark Tyrant almost cried.

No one could have imagined that the human male in front of him was so powerful that he was beaten half to death with just one finger.

It feels clearly, that is the power of a king!

Recalling the words of the Lord of Shadows, the tyrant of darkness has 1 mothers in his heart.

"Well, you black-hearted shadow master, your master is so powerful, you didn't tell me, you are deliberately trying to trick me!"

The dark tyrant looked at Jiang Ming in horror, his voice trembling: "No, you heard it wrong."

"You mean that my ears are not good?" Jiang Ming stared with a fierce expression on his face.

"No, no, that's not what I mean, what I mean is, I dare not do anything to you."

The dark tyrant wants to cry but has no tears.

Damn, don't bring such a bullying monster.

The dark tyrant ate a lot of soldiers, Jiang Ming obviously didn't intend to let it go, gently raised his hand and put it on the dark tyrant's forehead, so scared that it didn't even dare to breathe.

"I surrender, you humans don't mean to treat the captives well, I swear that I will never attack humans again, to be reasonable, you can't kill me..."

The dark tyrant was trembling all over, with pitiful eyes, like a stray wild dog that was magnified countless times and was about to starve to death.

"Are you reasoning with me?"

Jiang Ming smiled, "Weakness is the original sin. I am stronger than you, so I don't need to reason."

This sentence was used by the dark tyrant to mock Su Lie, and Jiang Ming returned it intact.

The dark tyrant couldn't hold back anymore, tears streaming down his face.

It didn't quibble any more, and just knelt down in front of Jiang Ming with a plop: "Master, I will be your mount from now on, please spare me!"

At this moment, the Dark Tyrant seemed to understand what the Shadow Lord was doing.

The dark tyrant's kneeling made the Great Wall guards look stupid.

"This is the noble blood of the demon seed? That's it?"

"Didn't you laugh at your companions for using humans as mounts? Why are you so thorough? Where's your spirit? Where's the pride of your demon?"

Jiang Ming shook his head, with a sneer on his face: "As you can see, I already have a mount."

"Isn't it good to have one more? From now on, the Shadow Master will be your number one mount, and I will be your number two mount."

The dark tyrant said flatteringly that in order to survive, he would be willing to be a licking dog.

"Go away, one mount is enough, what's the use of keeping you?"

Jiang Ming didn't accept this trick, he raised his fist to smash the head of the dark tyrant.

"Jiang Ming, wait a minute!"

Hearing Hua Mulan's voice, Jiang Ming put down his fist and turned around and said, "What? Do you think it's too cheap to beat it to death like this, why don't you change it to a thousand cuts?"

When the dark tyrant heard the second half of the sentence, he peed in fright.

Humans are horrible, I want to go home.

"Don't think of me as evil, please."

Hua Mulan rolled her eyes, and said, "I want to say, if it really repents, you might as well walk around it once, and it would be good to keep it as a battle pet."

The dark tyrant has the fighting strength of Xingyao level. Although it has eaten many soldiers, Hua Mulan can't wait to kill it with her own hands.

But considering Jiang Ming's interests, staying is indeed the best way.

At least in Hua Mulan's eyes, Xingyao's level of combat power is beyond dreaming.

"Yes, this beauty is right, it's very useful for me to keep."

The Dark Tyrant nodded vigorously immediately.

"Xingyao is just low-level, it's useless to keep it, my mount is high-level Xingyao."

Jiang Ming shrugged indifferently, "Let's kill him."

The dark tyrant burst into tears again.

Hua Mulan was also taken aback for a moment, and said, "That's up to you."

Jiang Ming raised his hand, thought for a while, then put it down again.

"I don't need it, but it's good to keep it to protect the Great Wall."

The Great Wall has never been really safe, and there have always been demons and other barbarians outside the Great Wall.

If there is a dark tyrant guarding them, in theory, Hua Mulan and the others can eat for nothing.

Because in this land, there will never be a more powerful enemy than the Dark Tyrant.

Jiang Ming looked at the dark tyrant: "I will save your life today, and you will help my friends guard the Great Wall in the future. If I can't do this well, I will kill you first, understand?"

The dark tyrant recovered his life and kowtowed again and again: "Understood, I understand, I must do a good job of protecting the beast, and promise not to let the Great Wall suffer any harm."

Hearing the words of the dark tyrant, Jiang Ming was not only not happy, but stared at him instead: "Huh? Did I mention that you are a guardian beast?"

"You should be clear about your position. You are not a high-ranking guardian beast, but a watchdog picked up by me, understand?"

The dark tyrant was extremely wronged: "Master, does the watchdog sound a little ugly, can you call me a guard dog?"

"Just watchdog, not satisfied?"

"No no no, I'm satisfied, I'm a watchdog, I'm a watchdog, woof woof~"

The dark tyrant barked and burst into tears.

My majestic and noble tyrant of darkness actually became a watchdog in the human world, it's too shameful!

This human named Jiang Ming is too cruel!

(End of this chapter)

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