The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 249 In fact, I am the king

Chapter 249 In fact, I am the king

With Luna's approval, Jiang Ming sucked the other half of the miraculous power from her.

The breath rose, and Jiang Ming's realm reached the fifteen stars of the king.

"No, the curse is gone."

Luna clearly felt that her body became much more relaxed.

The power of miracles is a treasure in the eyes of outsiders, but in the eyes of the Cain family who suffered from it, the power of miracles is an ominous thing.

Again, the power of the Protoss can only be used by the Protoss, and even if other people get it, they are only in a cocoon.

"From now on, we can live the lives of ordinary people. Even if we are no longer nobles, I will be very happy."

Luna looked gratefully at Jiang Ming, who nodded slightly at her.

"Now, you can go and find your brother."

"um. Thank you."

After solving the matter of the Cain family, Marco Polo immediately said: "Jiang Ming, this is over, let's go to the next family."

On the way, Marco Polo told Jiang Ming about his father and Milady in detail.

"So you went to Chang'an to help Milady find a way to break the curse?"

"That's right, only in this way will she tell the truth about my father's disappearance. I have a hunch that my father is not just lost."

The two chatted while walking, and soon came to the city lord's office on the top floor of Haidu.

dong dong~
Knocking lightly on the door, Marco Polo pushed the door open and entered.

With her back to them, Milady was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows looking into the distance. When she heard someone coming in, she first put on her gloves to cover her crystallized fingers.

Then he turned around, looked at Marco Polo, frowned and said, "Why are you here again? I didn't tell you, don't come to see me if you don't get the news I want."

Marco Polo smiled and said, "I remember, so I'm here."

Milady's heart skipped a beat, and her tone became anxious: "You mean, you found it?"

"That's right, I've already found someone who can lift the curse on you, and that's Brother Jiang Ming."

Marco Polo stepped aside to reveal Jiang Ming behind him, "Brother Jiang Ming is Nuwa's designated heir. He has already helped the Cain family solve the curse, so naturally he can also solve the curse on you."

Nüwa's designated successor. . .

When Milady heard this, her eyes immediately became fiery.

If Marco Polo hadn't lied, then the guy named Jiang Ming in front of him might really be able to.

"The heir appointed by Nuwa, how did you lift the curse of the Kain family?"

asked Milady.

"It's very simple, recover the miraculous power in their bodies."

Jiang Ming said.

After hearing what he said, the smile on Milady's face froze instantly.

She would like to find a way to break the curse, but by no means lose the power of miracles.

Milady is not as enlightened as the Kain brothers and sisters, or in other words, the power of miracles does not have a particularly serious backlash against the Milady family.

It is just slowly crystallized, and this process does not happen overnight. From the beginning of crystallization to complete crystallization, it takes more than ten or twenty years.

In other words, even Milady, who is cursed, can live to be in her forties at least.

After she dies, the miraculous power will be automatically passed on to the descendants of the bloodline, and it is also the exclusive treasure of the Milady family.

In this way, by sacrificing only half of one person's life, one can have the power of miracles and make the whole family prosperous. Milady is not willing to hand over the power of miracles.

Milady's face became indifferent, she looked at Jiang Ming, and said coldly: "Sorry, I don't believe your identity, you can go, Hai doesn't welcome you."

Marco Polo was stunned, and Jiang Ming was also stunned.

Fuck, this Milady is a bit rebellious.

Jiang Ming's fist hardened, and then loosened.

After thinking about it for a while, she realized that it wasn't that Milady didn't believe his identity, but that she was dissatisfied with the way he handled it.

"Castle Milady, the power of the gods is not so easy to control. Handing it over early will only benefit your family, otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

Jiang Ming deliberately emphasized the last few words.

Milady could hear the threat in his tone, and snorted coldly, "What troubles can there be, my Milady family has had the power of miracles for 1000 years, is it not the same?"

"That's because the miraculous power didn't have a master before, but now that it has a master, it won't be under your control."

The master in Jiang Ming's mouth naturally refers to himself who has the official certification of God Nu Wa.

Jiang Ming branded Milady as fake and shoddy with one word, and her face turned ugly: "If you don't leave, then I will send you away!"

Milady raised her hand, and the two little robots waved their mechanical fists and punched Jiang Ming.

Milady, who has the power of miracles, is the same as Wu Zetian at the peak of the stars.

Her mechanical cub has a short lifespan and low qi and blood, but the damage is still quite considerable, roughly equivalent to Xingyao's second- and third-tier fighters.

The little robot quacked strangely, and its momentum was quite scary.

Marco Polo had just entered the diamond rank, so he couldn't bear the robot's attack at all. He backed away in horror, and at the same time pulled Jiang Ming for a while.

"Jiang Ming, hurry up, why are you in a daze!"

When we parted last time, Jiang Ming was only at the low level of diamonds, and Marco Polo didn't want to see him die because of his own affairs.

However, Jiang Ming stood firmly on the spot, with no intention of running away.

"Jiang Ming, what are you doing, run away!"

Marco Polo shouted anxiously.

He didn't understand why Jiang Ming, who was always very clever, was so stupid at this time.

Jiang Ming remained motionless.

Marco Polo gritted his teeth, and a flash appeared between Jiang Ming and the little robot, with his back turned to Jiang Ming and opened his arms.

There was a loud noise in his ear, and the picture of his body being torn apart by the robot did not appear in his imagination.

Marco Polo saw a shocking scene.

I saw a majestic wave of energy coming from behind him, bypassing Marco Polo, and directly blasting the two little robots into powder!
"Xingyao's mechanical servant was actually shattered!"

"This is Jiang Ming?"

Marco Polo was stunned by this force, turned his head and stared blankly at Jiang Ming: "Jiang Ming, when did you become so stubborn?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

Jiang Ming rubbed his nose, and the words shocked Marco Polo for 1 years: "I am the king now."


The same voice came from the mouths of Marco Polo and Milady.

Marco Polo was stunned. The partner who used to fight with him turned out to be the king.

Did he take a panacea? The growth of his cultivation was like riding a rocket!
While Milady was shocked, deep fear arose in her heart.

He turned out to be king!
Milady Xingyao's peak rank, she is the king of this area if the king does not come out.

I thought I could easily crush Jiang Ming, but Jiang Ming was the only one who was the king!
(End of this chapter)

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