The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 254 The Resistance of Haidu Civilians

Chapter 254 The Resistance of Haidu Civilians

According to the parchment records, there is a mysterious protoss in Sunset Sea.

Unlike Nuwa Pangu, this protoss is not an individual, but a kind of inheritance.

Legend has it that whenever the world is in turmoil, this protoss will choose a kind and just woman as his heir to the throne and endow her with power comparable to that of a god.

Each generation of heirs has a common name - Athena!

"Athena, so we have such a protoss in Sunset Sea."

After hearing Finch's story, Marco Polo was deeply shocked, "But what does this have to do with my father's death?"

Finch said: "The parchment can summon the spirit of Athena. After Milady found out about this, she started thinking badly."

"As long as she gets the inheritance of Athena, she can become a real god, and she will naturally get rid of the curse of miracle power."

Marco Polo said: "Milady's mind is not right, Athena's inheritance must never fall into her hands!"

Finch nodded slightly: "That's right, your father thought the same way, so he tore up the parchment."

"Then, Milady killed him in a fit of anger. As your father's best friend, I was also imprisoned by Milady."

"I dare not tell you the truth, because I am afraid that you will seek revenge on Milady on the spur of the moment."

Marco Polo gritted his teeth hard: "So it is, damn Milady!"

"Father, have you seen in the Spirit of Heaven, the Milady family is finished!"

Milady was beaten into a fool by Kuang Tie, and her position as city lord was also abandoned by the people of Haidu.

After the experiment with living people was exposed, the entire Milady family became street rats that everyone shouted and beaten.

The victim, Kuang Tie, took the lead in copying the underground laboratory of the Milady family and rescued hundreds of experimental subjects.

Those scientists who used to touch him were kicked out by him.

The first floor of Haidu, the central square, where almost all the people of Haidu gathered to watch the trial ceremony of the Milady family.

Marco Polo stood in the middle of the square and shouted loudly: "Today is a special day. It is the first time in the history of Haidu that civilians overthrow the power of nobles!"

"The Milady family has done many injustices. Now, on behalf of the people of Haidu, I declare that Milady will be revoked as the city lord, and at the same time, several culprits will be hanged!"

After the words fell, Kuang Tie escorted several prisoners onto the trial platform.

These people are the patriarch, the elder, and the person in charge of the underground laboratory of the Milady family, and they mean to experiment with living people.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, several people were hanged in the air.

As for Milady, because she had become a fool, she escaped and was imprisoned in the underground prison.

Several culprits were executed, and the people of Haidu began to discuss the candidates for the new city lord.

"I propose that Ms. Luna be the lord of the city. Ms. Luna was born in a noble family, and everyone has seen her kindness."

"I object. The Cain family has already existed in name only and cannot support Haidu's appearance at all. I suggest that the eldest son of the Hayne family be the city lord."

"The eldest son of the Hayne family is a flamboyant second generation. I don't agree with him being the city lord!"

"Perhaps we can listen to Marco Polo's advice and believe that he is a man of vision."

Everyone started discussing with each other, and the candidates for the city lord listed were all the children of nobles without exception.

Even if the Milady family is overthrown today, the idea that only nobles can become city lords is still deeply rooted in the minds of every Haidu person.

Of course, many of the ones who yelled the loudest were nurses bought by the nobles, commonly known as navy troops.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Regardless of the mass discussion, no unified answer can be obtained anyway, so Marco Polo made a stop gesture helplessly.

After everyone quieted down, Marco Polo said, "We were able to overthrow the Milady family thanks to Jiang Ming from the East. Why don't we let him make decisions for us."

As soon as the name Jiang Ming came out, the people of Haidu immediately believed in it.

When Jiang Ming beat Kuang Tie violently, they saw it clearly.

That guy is like a god of war descending to earth, so it's absolutely right to let such a character help choose the city lord!
Jiang Ming walked to the center of the square, and nodded slightly to the tens of thousands of people in the audience: "Thank you very much for your trust, but this is Haidu's family business, and it is inappropriate for me to be an outsider."

Just when the people of Haidu sighed in disappointment, Jiang Ming changed the subject and continued, "But I have a suggestion."

"The aristocratic system has long been outdated. Now that all countries on the mainland are promoting equality, why doesn't Haidu take this opportunity to abolish the aristocratic system, so that commoners can also have the opportunity to be elected city lords?"

As soon as Jiang Ming said those words, the audience immediately fell silent.

"Civilians can also be city lords. What a bold idea, am I worthy?"

"It's a bit whimsical, but why am I looking forward to it?"

"Who doesn't want to be a city lord, who wants to be a commoner for the rest of his life, and even the descendants are all commoners."

"Support the abolition of aristocracy, we also have equal rights!"

"Yes, abolish the aristocracy!"

Jiang Ming's words were like a lead, igniting the passion of the common people.

The bottom layer of Haidu, which has been suppressed for thousands of years, has finally begun to awaken!

At this moment, the nobles of Haidu who used to be high above were trembling.

As a nobleman, Luna smiled gratifiedly when she saw the resistance of the common people.

As an aristocrat, her heart has always been equal. She has never been arrogant because of her noble status, nor discriminated against because of her humble status.

Marco Polo and Kuang Tie were both civilians, so they naturally agreed with Jiang Ming's point of view.

Especially Marco Polo.

He traveled to many countries in the mainland in search of his father, and he deeply felt how feudal and backward the aristocratic system is.

Throughout the ages, none of the countries where the nobles crazily exploited the common people ended well.

Of course, the big families in Haidu are unwilling to give up the treatment of nobles. There are many high-level warriors among them, and they burst out at this time, trying to use their strength to suppress the rebellious civilians.

The eldest son of the Hayne family is used to relying on his aristocratic status to be domineering. At that time, he widened his eyes and grabbed the commoner next to him who was shouting for the abolition of the aristocracy. Will the chicken pariah come to prop up Haidu?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand high and slapped the commoner on the face.

Loud sound.

The civilian closed his eyes in fright, but found that the slap did not fall on himself.

Jiang Ming appeared as if changing shape, clamping Hein's wrist tightly with one hand, and slapping him loudly with the other hand.

"The sea is the capital of the people, not the capital of nobles like you. The days of the nobles domineering are over!"

Jiang Ming said coldly, and kicked Hai En away.

(End of this chapter)

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