The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 257 Divination, the answer to the question lies in the East!

Chapter 257 Divination, the answer to the question lies in the East!
"Don't go, we will live and die with Sunset Sea!"

Charlotte's firm voice made the Fifth Elder and the others tremble.

They immediately said: "Are you crazy, we can't hold it!"

"The Charlotte family doesn't owe them anything. We have guarded this land for 1000 years, so why can't we retreat in spite of the difficulties?"

Facing the questioning from most of the clansmen, Charlotte did not change her face: "If you are afraid of death, you can go and I will not stop it. Anyway, I will not go. At least until that thing breaks through the seal, I will never betray my ancestors. oath!"

The meeting broke up unhappily, and finally the patriarch said something soft: "Since we have different opinions, we might as well wait a little longer. Maybe the Protoss will come back to strengthen the seal."

Leaving the meeting room, Charlotte came to the city wall alone, drinking while looking at the moon in the sky.

She was very distressed in her heart and hated that she was not strong enough. If she was strong enough to defeat that thing, there would be no unpleasant meeting today.

While drinking, Charlotte suddenly heard a loud noise not far away.

Just under this wall, many people gathered around the corner, accusing angrily.

Charlotte saw a crooked figure blocked by them in the corner.

She was wrapped in dirty clothes, and carried a cloth bag that no one knew what it contained. There were only a pair of narrow but bright eyes on her face, and she kept explaining something, looking pitiful and helpless.

"It's what you stole, hand it over!"

"Look at that gold silk bag, it must have been stolen, she is a stinky beggar, how can she afford such expensive things!"

People didn't listen to her explanation at all, and insisted that she stole something.

The beggar-like woman was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Charlotte couldn't stand it anymore, jumped off the wall, pushed away the crowded crowd, walked up to the woman, and said in a gentle and calm tone: "They suspect you of stealing, why don't you open the cloth bag and show them?" ?”

The woman raised her eyes, looked at her timidly, hugged the cloth bag in her arms tightly, and said, "I didn't steal anything. It contains my father's belongings, which are very important to me."

"So, you are afraid that they will destroy your treasure?" Charlotte said.

The woman nodded slightly: "It's not a treasure, it's just something with special meaning."

"Can you show me, I promise it's light and won't break it."

The woman looked at Charlotte for a few seconds, then slowly handed out the cloth bag.

"Thank you."

Charlotte nodded, carefully unwrapped the cloth bag in front of everyone, and took out the contents.

It was a palm-sized crystal ball, which seemed to contain stars, and even in the dark night, it shone with a faint blue light.

Charlotte showed the crystal ball to the aggressive crowd and asked: "Is this what you threw?"

Everyone was silent and left with embarrassing expressions.

Charlotte put the crystal ball back into the cloth bag and returned it to the woman. The woman quickly thanked, "Thank you for helping me out."

Charlotte smiled and said, "Actually, just looking at your appearance, I also doubted whether you were a thief."

"But the look in your eyes tells me that you are not that kind of person."

The woman smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "It's all because my image is too embarrassing, which made them misunderstand."

Charlotte said: "You probably don't have a place to live, do you want to go to my place to rest for a night?"

The woman thought for a while and agreed, "If it's possible, I'd be really grateful."

They are all women, and she is not afraid of what Charlotte will do to her.

What's more, she is really homeless.

In the room, the little beggar took a bath at Charlotte's initiative and put on clean clothes.

"Yo, you're pretty." Charlotte's eyes lit up, "By the way, I don't know your name yet."


"My name is Charlotte."

"Nana, you don't look like a poor person. How did you become like this?"

Nana recalled the sad memories, lowered her head, her eye circles became moist, and sobbed: "I used to be the princess of a big family, until a few days ago, a group of dark creatures attacked my city and killed all my relatives... .”

After hearing Nana's story, Charlotte was shocked and angry.

It turned out that in places she didn't know, demons had begun to invade human territory.

Nana's family was the first to encounter an accident because it was relatively close to the monster's lair.

At this moment, the hatred for the demon seed and the determination to protect the mainland burned fiercely in Charlotte's heart.

She changed the subject, looked at the crystal ball that Nana had been holding in her arms, and said, "This crystal ball is so beautiful, what is it for?"

Nana said: "My father is a famous fortune-teller, and this crystal ball is his prop for fortune-telling."

"A fortuneteller? You look amazing."

Charlotte's eyes lit up, "Nana, do you know divination?"

"A little bit." Nana nodded.

"Great, Nana, can I ask you to divination for me?" Charlotte said excitedly.

She was worrying about how to solve the problem in front of her. It would be great if she could know the answer through divination.

"Okay, but I can't guarantee that the divination will be successful."

Nana took out the crystal ball and murmured some incantations in a low voice, and then the crystal ball suddenly emitted blue light, as if the stars inside had come to life.

"Okay, put your hands on it, and meditate on the problem you want to solve."

Charlotte put her hand away as she said, and prayed silently in her heart: "Please tell me how to solve that thing."

After asking the question, the stars in the crystal ball began to rotate according to a special trajectory.

Ten seconds later, the stars stopped changing, leaving a bright map of stars in the crystal ball.

Nana read out the secret words of the stars at a glance, and said, "East, the divination results show that the answer to your question is in the East."


Charlotte read the answer in a daze.

The answer is very vague. It is not clear where the East is, whether it is a certain force or a certain person.

However, it is good to have a direction, and it is much better than being a headless chicken.

Seeing Charlotte's smug look, Nana asked, "Are you going to the East?"

"Yes, I'm going to find the answer to the question."

"Can you take me with you?"

"I'm not going for fun, this journey is very dangerous."

"I'm not afraid...I only have you as a friend, I don't want to leave you..."

"Alright then, let's go to the East together!"

The next day, Charlotte packed her luggage and brought her favorite foil, said goodbye to her father, and embarked on a journey to the East.

Behind her, followed closely a frail woman with a cloth bag in her arms.

"Patriarch, Miss, is she really going to the far east? The old man is worried."

Looking at Charlotte's receding figure, the old servant felt uneasy.

The old patriarch stared at his daughter's golden shoulders, and said vigorously, "Don't worry, my daughter is the best in the world, she can definitely do it!"

The fifth elder got the news and ran out of the city in a hurry, just in time to see Charlotte's back.

He scratched his head in doubt: "She is willing to do this for others, is she crazy?"

The author's words:
The first half of the book is almost all about the protagonist, and the camera is rarely on other heroes.

I suddenly feel that this is very dry. In the future, there will be more words to describe the background stories of the heroes, and strive to make the image of each hero three-dimensional.

Hope everyone likes it.

(End of this chapter)

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