Chapter 259

"The answer to divination is definitely not an auxiliary monk."

Charlotte shook her head and left disappointed.

"Female benefactor, please stay."

Jin Chan called her to stop, and said with some embarrassment: "The poor monk doesn't have any money left..."

Charlotte smiled: "Don't worry, you don't need to pay it back."

Jin Chan shook her head: "The meaning of the poor monk is, can you send the Buddha to the west and pay for my accommodation tonight."

Charlotte: "..."

I have never seen such a thick-skinned monk!

In the end, Charlotte opened a room for Jin Chan, next door to her and Nana.

"Thank you, Lord, I wish you all the best."

Jin Chan thanked her, and went in with a calm expression.

That night, while Charlotte was sleeping soundly, she suddenly heard a rustling sound from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, a bent iron wire was drawn in along the crack of the door, and the door bolt was easily opened.

The door opened slightly, and a figure slipped in through the crack that was only one palm wide.

The man was dressed in black from head to toe, hiding perfectly under the night. If not for the slight reflection of the moonlight in his pupils, Charlotte would even suspect that what came in was a burst of air.

"There's something about this man."

With a thought, Charlotte closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

The man in black looked at the two girls in the room, making sure that they were both sound asleep, and tiptoed to the bed without making a sound.

He picked up the purse on the bedside, shook it slightly, and squinted the crescent moon in satisfaction: "The little girl is still a rich woman, and she doesn't understand the principle of not revealing her wealth, so let me teach you a lesson." .”

After taking the money, the thief was about to return the same way when his face suddenly changed.

I saw Charlotte, who was snoring lightly, opened his eyes at this moment, and a foil sword stabbed towards him like a poisonous snake.

"I'm going to expose it, bye!"

Now that the truth has been revealed, the thief simply stopped covering up and exclaimed, and then his body disappeared on the spot like a ghost.

Charlotte pierced the air with a sword, and turned around to find that the thief had opened the window, leaped in the air, and flew out.

"Goodbye chick, and thanks for the gold."

The thief waved to Charlotte triumphantly, his figure fell to the ground, and soon disappeared into the night.

"Don't run!"

Charlotte was so angry that she jumped out of the window directly.

On the third floor, at a height of ten meters, Charlotte landed steadily on the ground, sniffed the air, and chased after the thief's residual breath.

At the same time, Nana was also awakened. Seeing Charlotte following her away, she was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes.

"What should I do, I don't have cultivation base, and it's so dark outside, should I chase or not?"

Just as she was turning around in a hurry, the door of the room was knocked open with a bang.

Jin Chan came in with a staff in hand, and said, "The poor monk felt a murderous aura, but what happened to the two girls?"

Jin Chan was meditating next door, half asleep and half awake.

In fact, the murderous aura he felt came from Charlotte when she was angry.

"Master, you came at the right time. Charlotte is going to track down the thief. Can you help her?" Nana said anxiously.

"Don't worry, the benefactor, the poor monk has a supernatural power, which is just suitable for this situation."

Jin Chan wiped it in front of her eyes with one hand, and the two pupils immediately burst into golden light, like two bright little suns.

The Buddhist supernatural power - the eye of the sky, can see things at night when the eye of the sky is opened.

He looked into the distance, just in time to see the two chasing after each other.

"The benefactor rests at ease, and the poor monk will go!"

Jin Chan wrapped herself in the magical cassock, and jumped out of the window.

The thief ran several miles in one breath, thinking that his speed was unparalleled in the world.

Looking back, her eyes were stunned: "Fuck, why is she still chasing?!"

Immediately, he increased his speed a little more, just throwing Charlotte some distance away.

Charlotte couldn't keep up.

Although Charlotte is a high-level warrior, her advantage lies in swordsmanship. In terms of speed, she is really not as good as a professional thief. She watched him run farther and farther.

"Charlotte benefactor, the poor monk is here to wish you a helping hand!"

A voice full of Buddha power sounded behind him.

Charlotte turned around in amazement, only to see Jin Chan wearing a treasured robe, with golden eyes shining, her whole body suspended in the air like riding a cloud, her speed was extremely fast, and within a few breaths she was in front of her.

Charlotte was stunned, looked at Jin Chan's back, and blurted out: "Monk, don't you have no rank?"

A second later, Jin Chan's voice came from my ear: "It's not that the poor monk has no rank, but he doesn't care about it. My Buddha is merciful. The poor monk knows everything except fighting."

Under the dim night, the three of them chased after each other, walking on a lonely and lonely road that no one usually walks, and did not notice that the surrounding scenery became more and more desolate, and there was a thick fog.

"Don't run away, little thief, give me a curse!"

Jin Chan was as fast as a hurricane, gradually getting closer to the thief in front of him, and finally entered the range of his skills, and cast a magic spell on him.

"What is this?"

The thief was horrified to find that the seemingly ordinary tightness was impossible to break free no matter what.

Putting on the magic spell, his speed suddenly dropped by [-]%.

"Good skill!"

A flash of joy flashed in Charlotte's eyes, and at the same time, he used a skill, the Lightning Triangular Sword.

The azure blue sword light directly knocked the thief to the ground, and he fell like a dog eating shit.

"The chivalrous woman spares her life, the master spares her life!"

With no hope of escaping, the thief begged for mercy in a very spineless manner.

With a cold face, Charlotte snatched back her own purse, and put the foil sword on his neck:

"Name, place of origin."

"Carter, my hometown is Haidu."

"Good skill, habitual offender?"

"It's not a habitual offender, it's impulsive."

"You're still lying? This is a master from the East. Do you need him to give you a mantra spell?"

Carter raised his head with a smirk, just in time to meet Charlotte's murderous eyes.

He lowered his head: "A habitual criminal, he was kicked out of Haidu because his hands and feet were not clean."

"Master Jin Chan, what do you think?"

Charlotte looked at Jin Chan, he had caught Carter, and he should be asked for his opinion.

At this time, Charlotte's view of Jinchan has undergone a 180-degree reversal.

I used to think that he was just a useless bastard, but after seeing his body skills and magic spells, I realized that this great monk from the East is not simple.

Maybe, he is the answer in the prophecy.

Jin Chan stared at Carter with golden eyes, as if able to penetrate people's hearts.

After a while, he said: "This benefactor is not bad in nature. Half of the money he stole was donated to the poor. The poor monk thinks that since Charlotte's benefactor's money has been recovered, then don't make things difficult for him."

After hearing Jin Chan's words, Carter was stunned, and his heart was overwhelmed.

I'll go, how does this great monk know these things?Could it be that he can read minds!
Looking at Carter's expression, Charlotte knew that Jin Chan was right.

He respected Jin Chan even more in his heart, and said, "Then it's all up to Master."

Jin Chan nodded slightly, and suddenly felt a strong murderous aura around her.

His face changed: "Be careful, there are monsters coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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