Chapter 262 Elf Princess Irene
"Great, we survived, let's go quickly, and we won't come to this place if we are killed in the future."

Carter's face was full of excitement, as if he was about to return the same way.

"Dracula is not dead yet, he can't go."

After hearing Jiang Ming's words, Carter almost didn't fall, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Boss Jiang Ming, you don't need to care about Dracula's words, this guy is just pretending to be respectful. After decades, you will retire in the East. How could he I can find you."

"Of course I know, but this guy has harmed so many people, we can't just let him go."

Carter was stunned, and retreated silently without speaking.

This is the gap. The big brother's ideological consciousness is too high, and I feel ashamed.

"Is there no way to kill Dracula completely?" Jiang Ming looked at Charlotte.

Charlotte said: "Ordinary vampires are afraid of sunlight, garlic and silver, but Dracula is completely immune to these things. According to legend, there is only one thing that can kill Dracula, and that is the Holy Cross Sword."

"The holy cross sword is the nemesis of vampires. As long as the cross sword is nailed into Dracula's body, his ability to regenerate can be broken."

"So, where is the holy cross sword?" Jiang Ming asked.

"In the elves."

"Then go to the elves to borrow the sword."

Jiang Ming walked a few steps, then walked back: "Where are the elves?"

Charlotte: "The elves have been hidden for thousands of years, and no one knows where they are."


Jiang Ming has ten thousand muddy horses in his heart.

What the author said just now is all nonsense!

Jiang Ming and Charlotte looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

After a while, Jiang Ming coughed: "Actually, it is not necessary to have the Holy Cross Sword..."

Before Jiang Ming finished speaking, Charlotte suddenly slapped his thigh: "I know how to find the elves!"

Jiang Ming: "..."

I feel like you're kidding me, but there's no proof.

Charlotte's solution is to ask Nana for divination.

They returned to the hotel quickly, and saw Nana waiting anxiously in the lobby on the first floor.

Charlotte and Jinchan hadn't come back for a long time, she was so anxious that she couldn't sleep, so she just waited here.

"Charlotte, Master Jin Chan, you are all fine, great!"

Nana noticed Carter and Jiang Ming behind, and asked in a low voice, "Are these two..."

Charlotte introduced her: "This is a friend of Master Jin Chan, Jiang Ming, fortunately he saved us just now."

"As for this..."

Charlotte pointed to Carter, and the smile on his face disappeared suddenly: "This is a shame."

Carter: "..."

We dare not speak, after all, we are the best here.

"Nana, we need your divination help."

"Happy to be able to help you."

They followed Nana upstairs and closed the door with their backhands.

Nana took out the divination crystal ball from the cloth pouch, and Charlotte, who knew the process, stretched out a palm and pressed it.

"I want to know the location of the elves."

Charlotte meditated on the question in her mind, and the star map in the crystal ball began to change, and finally turned into a map.

Nana looked at the map for a while, and said, "Divination shows that the answer to the question is in the Golden Forest."

"Golden Forest? It's just to the north of this place. Leave tomorrow morning and arrive the day after tomorrow."

Charlotte said while looking at the map.

"Okay, take a good rest tonight, and leave tomorrow." Jin Chan said.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Carter, remained silent for a while, and said, "If you swear to the Buddha that you will never steal again, the poor monk will lift the curse for you."

Carter immediately raised his hand to swear, with a pious face: "I, Carter, swear to the Buddha, if I steal again in the future, I will die a terrible death!"

Seeing that he repented from the bottom of his heart, Jin Chan revoked the curse: "You go, we will face a very powerful enemy next."

"Thank you, master, thank you, Mr. Jiang Ming."

Carter ran out of the room in a huff.

In less than a minute, he came back again, this time with a serious expression on his face.

"Master, Jiang Mingen, I have decided not to leave, I will stay and defeat Dracula with you!"

When he said this, Carter's eyes were extremely firm, "Brother Jiang Ming is an outsider, and he is willing to work tirelessly to eradicate the scourge Dracula for the people of the Western world. I am a native Westerner, and I have no reason to run away!"

As soon as these words came out, Charlotte immediately changed her view of him: This guy is timid and afraid of death, but he has the courage to stand up at the critical moment, and he is also a man.

Jin Chan nodded with a smile and said, "Good."

. . .

The Golden Forest is the hometown of the elves.

A long time ago, the elves and humans were best partners, and they worked together to fight against the invasion of demons.

After driving the demons out of their homes, the gods also disappeared, and human beings became the masters of heaven and earth, and their ambitions began to expand.

They are no longer satisfied with the existing land, but put their greedy eyes on nature such as forests and lakes.

Cutting down forests, filling lakes to make land, a series of behaviors that destroy the environment completely angered the elves.

So, after a great battle, the elves and the humans fell out completely.

The number of elves is rare, and they are not human opponents, so they hide in the golden forest and never come out.

They have lived in the golden forest for thousands of years. They gained strength through elegant dance and communication with the holy laurel tree, preventing the invasion of all outsiders, and at the same time imprisoned their own domain.

There is a young and beautiful princess in the elves, and her name is Irene.

Princess Irene is quick-witted and lively by nature, full of curiosity and desire to explore the unknown.However, the responsibility of the "heir" is always on her shoulders. She is required to put away her unstable side, follow the elegance and absolute order of the elf dance, and be a "real princess".

She practiced dancing day after day and communicated naturally. She hated this kind of life, but she was born to endure it.

As a princess, she was never really happy, but had more constraints than other elf girls.

"You are the heir of the elves."

"Every move represents the future of the community."

"Never step out of the forest."

"Put your wings back a little bit, please."

"Please don't go that high, it's dangerous."

"Please don't dance like this again, your dance is about the power of the forest."

"Please stop collecting weird things, it's dangerous to pay attention to humans."

"Your Highness, I am very glad to see that you have become a qualified heir."

"For the next time, please keep it like this."

The solemnity of the dance ceremony still lingers in the air.

A few hours ago, Elf Princess Irene danced the last dance of her adult years. Like every dance before and after, it was solemn, rigorous, and elegant, and even the frequency of her wings fluttered according to regulations.The laurel tree spreads and grows with its own movements, refilling the weakest link in the forest's restraint.

She looked up at the sky, where the area was shrinking under the thick foliage of the golden forest.It is never the moonlight that illuminates the forest at night, but the pale golden light of the laurel.

Irene tore off the luxurious cloak and placed it on the throne, and also drove countless words out of her mind.She hummed an unknown tune, spread her wings at will at this moment when no one was around, and danced in the air with no elegance at all, jumping higher and higher.

Tomorrow is the coming-of-age ceremony, and she will accept the guard of honor of the heir, and from then on, she will sit gracefully on the throne forever, loved and respected by all the clansmen.

But as long as she moves now, she still has a chance to chase the moonlight.

"I want to escape from here and take a look at the vast world outside."

"I want to make friends with humans. I don't believe that humans are all evil."

Under the moonlight, Irene was getting closer and closer to the exit of the Golden Forest.

She was getting faster and faster, more and more excited, the two wings on her back flapped unconsciously, and her body flew lightly into the sky.

Suddenly, a beautiful elf with wings appeared in front of her. It was her mother, the elf queen.

Irene stopped in her tracks and looked at her mother with stern eyes. She lowered her head and dared not speak.

"Irene, where do you want to go?" the Elf Queen said, her voice was as indifferent as her eyes.

"Mother, I don't want to stay in the Golden Forest for the rest of my life, I want to go out!"

Irene mustered up the courage to speak her mind.

"Nonsense! It's dangerous outside, human beings are evil, you will be hurt by them!"

Facing the elf queen's unreasonable explanation, Irene didn't know where the courage came from, and argued with her mother for the first time: "I don't believe it, I read the family history, it is clearly written, humans and elves used to be the most Good friend!"

"That was before, it's different now."

The elf queen snorted coldly, "After humans gain power, their desires expand infinitely. They even want to destroy the forests where our elves live. We are already incompatible with humans!"

"Mother, give me a chance, I want to change our relationship with humans."

"Impossible! Give up your heart and come back with me!"

The elf queen took her daughter's hand and pulled her hard to fly deep into the forest.

Even though the daughter struggled a lot and even sobbed slightly.

The reason why the Elf Queen is so cruel is not just her hatred of humans.

There is a prophecy secretly circulated among the elders of the elves: the princess walks out of the forest, and the holy war starts again.

Each heir reinforces the defense of the forest layer by layer due to worry and fear, using ancient dance steps to communicate with the forest, setting up an inaccessible ban.

Gradually, they even banned the prophecy from spreading, maintaining the peace of the forest with external isolation and strict internal rules, and the elves gradually got used to it.

"Irene, you are a noble elf princess, you can't go out."

"If the prophecy comes true, new battles will spread to the Golden Forest. Our elves can no longer stand such a toss."

"My poor daughter, for the sake of the entire elves, you should be wronged and spend your whole life in the forest."

The elf queen thought silently in her heart.

She also knew her daughter's grievances, but she couldn't let the whole race take risks with Irene.

(End of this chapter)

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