The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 265 Princess Irene's Plan

Chapter 265 Princess Irene's Plan

"Hey, don't die, I don't want to be accused of being cruel and innocent."

Jiang Ming walked over and stretched out his hand to check the situation of Logan and others.

"Please stop, don't kill them!"

A light girl's voice suddenly came, and the young and beautiful elf princess stood in front of Jiang Ming with open arms.

Irene has been hiding behind the big tree, saw Jiang Ming walking towards Logan, and thought he was going to kill Logan.

As an elf princess, Irene must not stand on the sidelines.

"You are..."

Jiang Ming looked at her, feeling very familiar, but couldn't remember her name for a while.

"My name is Irene, an elf princess, the future owner of this forest!"

"Please let them go!"

Irene held out her small and sized chest, and said arrogantly.

In fact, she has no idea at all, this enemy can easily defeat even the eight kings guards, she is a princess who is not good at fighting, it is even more impossible for her to have a chance of winning.

"Leave them alone..."

Jiang Ming shook his head and smiled, "Princess Irene, I think you misunderstood, I didn't intend to hurt them."

"It's your people who don't distinguish between black and white, and they will fight us when they come up."

"Hey, is that so?"

Irene froze for a moment, her little head tilted and her big eyes flickered.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. These few humans seem to have never said anything like harming the elves from the beginning to the end.

"I'm so sorry, we were reckless!"

Erin blushed and apologized.

She was born in a peaceful age, and she doesn't have the hatred of her mother for humans, and she even prefers to make friends with humans.

"Then may I ask, why did you come to the Golden Forest?"

Jiang Ming thought this elf princess was quite cute, and said with a smile, "To be honest, we are here to borrow the nobleman's holy cross sword."

"So it is."

Erin nodded, looking thoughtful.

The holy cross sword is the treasure of the elves, and it has been kept by the current queen, that is, in the hands of her mother.

It's a pity that her mother hated humans very much, so it was impossible for her to agree.

"Princess Irene, can you agree to our request?" Jiang Ming asked tentatively.

Irene glanced at him, feeling a little guilty in her heart, and said, "I'm sorry, the Holy Cross is in my mother's hands, so I don't care what I say."

"And my mother doesn't like humans, so I'm afraid you're going to leave empty-handed..."

Hearing this, Jiang Ming didn't show any disappointment on his face, because he was already ready to force himself.

Not only Jiang Ming, but Charlotte Jinchan and others also did not change their faces, as if they had expected it a long time ago.

Irene looked at them and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart. She opened her small mouth and said in surprise: "Don't you guys want to grab it?!"

Jiang Mingdao: "I'm sorry, it's about the safety of countless people, we must get the Holy Cross Sword."

"Princess, don't worry, we're just borrowing it, and we'll return the cross sword intact after use."

After Jiang Ming finished speaking, he walked around Irene to the depths of the golden forest.

"Wait a moment!"

Irene hurriedly stopped him, "Actually, there's no need to do this, I have a better way."

"You said."

Irene took a deep breath, sorted out her words, and whispered her plan in Jiang Ming's ear.

"No way, why do I feel that this plan is better than just grabbing it?!" Jiang Ming's eyes widened.

"Oh, how come, it's definitely better than doing it directly."

Irene shook his arm, like a young couple acting coquettishly, "Just do as I say, okay, so I can also take the opportunity to take a look outside the Golden Forest."

"Ah this..."

Jiang Ming felt that he had been duped. This little girl didn't want to help at all, she just wanted to go out and play.

Even though he wanted to understand this point, Jiang Ming still couldn't refuse such a lovely girl.

"Okay, I promise you."

. . .

In the Queen's Palace, the Elf Queen suddenly opened her eyes with a shocked look on her face.

"How could it be that the eight kings were defeated?!"

The eight kings are the most powerful warriors of the elves. Their combined attack skills can obliterate the gods, but even they are no match for them. How powerful must the invaders be?

"Damn humans, are you finally going to attack the Golden Forest? It's absolutely not allowed!"

The elf queen subconsciously believes that the strong human beings are here to destroy the elves' living space.

"Betting on the power of nature in the Golden Forest, our elves will never admit defeat!"

On this day, the elf queen issued the highest order, and all elves participated in the battle to meet the provocation of humans.

However, when she saw the intruder, she immediately panicked.

I saw that Jiang Ming's hands were strangling Princess Irene's neck!
"Elf Queen, look who this is?"

Jiang Ming pinched Irene's neck with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Let go of the princess!"

"Damn humans, they kidnapped Princess Irene!"

"If Princess Irene suffers a little damage, I will fight with you!"

Seeing the kidnapping of the respected Princess Irene, the elves immediately exploded.

For a while, angry voices continued.

Although the Elf Queen was calm on the surface, she was more flustered than anyone else in her heart: My daughter, my daughter, don't hurt my daughter!
The elf queen said with a gloomy face: "Human, if you dare to hurt my daughter, we, the elves, swear we will not die!"

Jiang Ming heheed: "Queen, don't worry, as long as you agree to my conditions, you will return your daughter in full."

"What conditions?"

"Borrow your holy cross sword."

"No! The Holy Cross Sword is the treasure of my elves, and it must not be handed over to outsiders, especially humans!" The elf queen flatly refused. She didn't think that this human would have anything to pay back.

The so-called borrowing, to put it bluntly, is robbing!
The corner of Jiang Ming's mouth twitched, and a cruel smile appeared on his face: "So, you don't care about your daughter's life?"

"Poor princess, even your biological mother is unwilling to save you. Sorry, you are worthless to me, so I have to ask you to die!"

As Jiang Ming said, a cold light flashed in his eyes suddenly, and he raised the knife in his hand to end Irene's young life.

"Wait a minute!"

The moment the knife in hand fell on Irene's neck, the elf queen finally couldn't hold back anymore, "I will give you the holy cross sword, please don't hurt my daughter."

"Don't worry, I'm a trustworthy person. As long as I get the Holy Cross Sword, I guarantee that Princess Irene will be intact."

Jiang Ming continued to play the role of the villain, but seeing the elf queen crying, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

Sorry Queen, it was actually your daughter's idea!
The Elf Queen had no choice but to compromise, handed the Holy Cross Sword to Jiang Ming, and said, "You can let my daughter go now."

Jiang Ming shook his head with a smirk: "That's not acceptable, as soon as I release Princess Irene, you will attack me."

"I'm not a fool, I took Princess Irene away, and I will send it back with the Holy Cross Sword in the future!"

After Jiang Ming finished speaking, he waved his hand and shot out a burst of energy, blasting the sky full of smoke and dust on the ground in front of him.

The Elf Queen's complexion changed drastically, but when the smoke dissipated slightly, she could see clearly.

Where are Jiang Ming and Irene?

(End of this chapter)

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