Chapter 294
"Temujin, is that you..."

Lati's voice was choked and weak.

He didn't dare to speak too loudly, his heart was complicated, he was eager and afraid, and he didn't know how to face it.

The mysterious man glanced indifferently, and his eyes only paused slightly on Lati, no different from others.

It was the wolf king under him who recognized Lati with a look of contempt in his eyes.

"Human, I told you you'd regret it."

Lati seemed to hear the voice of the wolf king, and his heart trembled.

"Tiemujin, he really is my Temujin..."

Temujin ignored the tearful Lati at all, and directly ordered the pack of wolves to rush down from the top of the mountain and plunge straight into the siege of the demon species.

A wolf is no match for a monster, but the number of wolves is more than ten times that of the monster, and the monster who is attacked for a while is at a loss.

Especially the combination of Wolf King and Temujin is invincible.

The wolf king's sharp claws grabbed the demon seed and tore it violently, causing blood and flesh to splatter.

Temujin's arrows were never in vain, and his moves were fatal, with each arrow hitting his head.

Dozens of demons quickly fell under the siege of the pack of wolves.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the remaining dozen demons retreated decisively.

"I didn't hallucinate, did the wolves drive away the demon seed?"

"No, it's true. It's unbelievable that that man can control the wolf king."

"This is the real lord of the grassland. Compared with him, Timuge is weak."

The clansmen of the Wolf Banner tribe found that the demons had been wiped out before they could escape.

All of them looked shocked.

"Temujin, is that you?"

Lati walked over cautiously and asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Temujin looked at him indifferently: "You are mistaken, I am not your grandson."

"If you weren't Temujin, how would you know that he is my grandson?"

Lati excitedly grabbed Temujin's arm, "Grandpa is so happy that you are still alive. It was all grandpa's fault back then. Grandpa shouldn't have abandoned you. Can you forgive grandpa?"

"I said you've got the wrong person!"

Temujin threw away Lati rudely, and the wolf king also let out a low growl, as if warning Lati not to approach.

That's right, he is Temujin, the reincarnation of the wolf who was abandoned by the tribe.

Twenty years ago, Temujin was ruthlessly discarded on the icy river. If the wolf king hadn't taken him away, a newborn baby might not be able to last half a day in the cold winter months.

The wolf king brought him back to the pack. Temujin grew up drinking wolf milk and was able to communicate with wolves.

"My Temujin, don't do this. Grandpa knows he's wrong. Come back to the tribe, okay. I'll give you the position of patriarch."

Lati burst into tears and knelt down to his grandson.

He knew that just knocking his head a few times would not be enough to make up for the damage done to Temujin.

For 20 years, he has been living in regret.

It’s fine if you never see Temujin in your life, just treat him as having a good life elsewhere.

But if I see it today, I can't miss it anymore, and I will keep my grandson no matter what.

Even if you lose this old face.

"This... the old patriarch actually knelt down for him, they only saw that there was no other story to tell?"

Seeing the scene of Lati kneeling down, the members of the Wolf Banner clan were stunned.

As an old patriarch for decades, what a lofty status is Lati, to kneel down to a young man who looks like he is only in his early twenties?

People don't understand.

"Wait, I seem to understand! I remember that 20 years ago, the old patriarch had a grandson who was taken away by wild wolves. Could it be him?"

Someone exclaimed.

Temujin was reincarnated as the wolf king, but Lati didn't tell his people. The younger generation of people still think he was taken away by wild wolves.

"I'm going, really, this is too magical, the child who was taken away by wolves for 20 years can actually come back?"

"According to what you said, this person is also the grandson of the old patriarch, so he can completely inherit his position as the patriarch!"

"I think it's okay. No matter how you look at it, he is much stronger than Timuge."

Temujin looked at his grandfather kneeling before him, and couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart.

He can communicate with the wolf king, and he knows everything about that year clearly.

It was this grandpa who believed what other people said and threw him on the icy river with his own hands.

Anyone would hate it.

Temujin has been deliberately staying away from the human tribe for 20 years, just not wanting to recall those bad things.

However, when he heard from the wolf king that the human tribe was being attacked by demons, he brought the wolves to support them immediately.

Hate is real, and so is missing.

Looking at the kneeling grandfather, Temujin remained silent.

"Brother, I am your younger brother, Timug!"

Timuge took a step forward, grabbed Temujin's arm, and said excitedly: "Mom and Dad died early, only you and my grandpa are left as relatives. Grandpa has been talking about your existence all these years, just because he is afraid of me. You will forget that you still have a real brother who was forced to do nothing back then, but in fact he never really gave up on you!"

"come back!"

Timuge said it sincerely, even if he knew that Temujin would replace him as the new generation of patriarch when he came back.

But what does it matter? Why is the position of patriarch more important than a real brother?

Tiemu really struggled, and finally won the battle with family affection.

"Okay, I promise you, get up quickly... Grandpa. Grandpa."

He yelled out grandpa with difficulty, and when Lao Lati heard it, tears of excitement filled his eyes, and he hugged his grandson who had been separated for 20 years.

"Tiemuzhen, great, grandpa is finally waiting for you!"

Temujin trembled all over, as if feeling a little uncomfortable with this sudden affection.

After a while, he slowly raised his hand and hugged Lati gently.

"Now our family is finally reunited."

Timuge also embraced him, and the grandparents and grandchildren hugged each other tightly.

The wolf king silently stood aside, with a gleam of relief in his eyes.

No one knew Temujin's inner loneliness better than it did. Although it despised Lati's stupidity, it was still happy to see the reunion of grandparents and grandchildren.

The wolves formed a circle, with the grandpa and grandson in the middle, and all the wolves lowered their heads, as if worshiping.

Outside the wolves, the nomads saw this scene, and they were even more excited when they saw this scene.

"It seems that Temujin has reconciled with the old patriarch?"

"That's right, Temujin will definitely inherit the position of patriarch, our Northern Wild Wolf Banner is about to rise!"

"With such a patriarch who can control the wolves, let's see who dares to bully our nomads!"

The tribal people said excitedly.

Because the army and technology are not developed enough, the Northern Wilderness has been oppressed by other regions. With a strong leader like Temujin, they can finally hold their heads up!
(End of this chapter)

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