The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 296 Sheng's Mysterious Brother

Chapter 296 Sheng's Mysterious Brother
In the desert of the clouds, on top of a high mountain, the wolf king twitched his nose a few times, staring sharply at the human city in the distance.

"Those demons came out of human cities?"

Faced with Genghis Khan's question, the wolf king nodded.

"How can there be demon species in human cities, is it lurking or cooperating..."

Genghis Khan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Lord Genghis Khan, what shall we do?"

asked the strong nomadic man.

They came here to hunt down the demon species, and they never expected that they would chase them to a human city.

Moreover, it is also the desert in the cloud, which has always been at odds with the Northern Wilderness.

This time, everyone was numb.

Just rush in and yell that we are here to kill the demon seed?I'm afraid I'm going to be kicked out with a knife pointed at my forehead.

"The demon seeds must be eliminated, but we can't go in blatantly."

Genghis Khan thought for a while, and said: "You stay here, I will go in alone to find out the news, and when I find the demon seed, I will send the wolf king to pass the news to you, and then you can attack directly."

"Okay, listen to you." Everyone said one after another.

Genghis Khan nodded slightly, mounted the wolf king, and headed towards the human city below the mountain, one man and one wolf.

. . .

"Jiang Ming, haven't you arrived in Beihuang yet? I'm so hungry."

At a height of [-] meters, Princess Irene touched her shriveled belly and said listlessly.

"Didn't I give you something to eat? Why are you hungry again so quickly?"

Jiang Mingming clearly remembered that he only delivered food to Irene and Jinchan an hour ago.

"Those things are dry and not tasty. I want to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as meat." Irene pouted, trying to be cute.

Jiang Ming couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Dear princess, we are on a journey, not traveling, just eat some dry food to fill your stomach. Where can I find fresh vegetables and meat for you?"

Jiang Ming suddenly realized that bringing Irene was a mistake.

Irene is really princess sick, she can't endure hardships or grievances, and she has the most troubles along the way.

Look at the bald donkey next door, who is sitting upright and meditating silently. This is a good and obedient boy.

"But people want to eat meat..."

"Stinky Jiang Ming doesn't understand other girls at all..."

Erin quit and rolled on the dragon's back.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, let me see if there are any human cities nearby."

Jiang Ming couldn't stand women acting like a baby, so he raised his hands in surrender.

He looked down at the ground, and coincidentally, the familiar Jade City happened to be not far in front of him.

"It's been a long time since I saw Sheng. I'm going to meet my old friend and have a meal by the way."

Jiang Ming changed his mind and ordered the old dragon to land near Yucheng.

Yucheng, the palace.

"Brother, I got the news."

Sheng was worrying about recent events, when he heard his younger sister Tan's voice, he looked up.

The beautiful princess in a long white dress walked slowly, with a hint of sadness on her face.

"What news?" Sheng asked.

"According to the spies' report, those demon seeds disappeared in the Khwarazmo area. I suspect that they were probably hidden by King Khwarazmo. It is even possible that they were born from there."

Hearing what his sister said, Cheng frowned tightly.

The old king of Yucheng was not in good health. Although Jiang Ming treated his illness by the way when he came last time, it is impossible to get rid of the root cause of the disease accumulated over the years.

The old king retired early and handed over the throne of Yucheng to his eldest son Sheng.

Anyway, Sheng's character and ability are obvious to all, and he is deeply loved by the people in China.

Ever since he became a king, Sheng realized that being a prince is the happiest thing. Being a king is too tiring.

Every morning when I open my eyes, I have to deal with countless papers.

Domestic, foreign, all kinds of moths, fortunately, there is a virtuous sister who can share some of them.

In the past few days, what worries Sheng the most is that Yucheng spies found traces of demon seeds in the border area between Yunzhongmo and Beihuang.

Sheng was shocked when he heard the news.

Yucheng was once deeply harmed by the demons. Thanks to Jiang Ming who subdued the dark tyrant lurking in the cloud and desert, Yucheng was free from the harassment of the demons.

It has only been stable for less than half a year, and he discovered the devil seed again, how could he not panic.

"It was really guessed by me. The demon seed really has something to do with Huarazimo."

Sheng rubbed his forehead with a worried expression on his face.

Khwarazmo is Yucheng's new neighbor, a small country that has just been established.

For this little neighbor, Yucheng is very friendly, has always interacted with each other on an equal footing, and has never bullied others.

However, this little brother seems a little dishonest.

"If it's really Khwarazmi who is secretly researching the demon species, then he can't be tolerated."

"We have to send someone to investigate secretly. If there is real evidence, then send troops as soon as possible."

Sheng's tone was firm, and he would not budge an inch when it came to national security.

"Speaking of inquiring about news, no one is better than your second brother. It's a pity that he doesn't know where to travel now."

Sheng complained to his sister.

The old king of Yucheng has three children, the eldest is the current king, and the third is the beautiful princess.

There is also a second prince who does not do business properly. He is cynical and likes to be a "rich and idle person" on weekdays, enjoying life and carefree in the world.Although there are often different discussions flowing into his ears, he doesn't care about them, and he doesn't bother to be recognized by anyone.

Tan giggled and said, "Brother is talking ill of second brother behind his back again."

"This is not to say bad things. I am seeking truth from facts. It is not appropriate to leave a good prince alone. He insists on going out to roam the world. Do you think he is not doing his job properly?"

Sheng and his second brother are not much different in age, and their relationship is also very good. The two have always been used to complaining about each other.

"Yes, brother said yes."

Tan nodded and smiled lightly, her beautiful eyes lit up and said: "By the way, big brother, second brother will probably be back soon."

"How do you say that?" Sheng raised his head abruptly.

Tan said: "Half a month ago, I received a letter from him saying that he wanted to go home to hide from the limelight."

"Hiding the limelight? Has he been bullied outside?!"

Sheng's eyes widened, and an angry look appeared on his face.

Although this second brother is unreliable, he can only complain to himself. Whoever dares to bully others will chop off his hand!

"no no."

Tan covered his mouth, laughing wildly, "He was messing with flowers and grass outside, but he didn't have the eyes to provoke the daughter of a high-ranking official in the Tang Dynasty. They sent someone to arrest him and marry him."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, with a smirk on his face, "For a guy who isn't very impatient, let him die outside."

"However, if he really comes back, it's okay, just let him go to Khwarazmo to find out the truth."

"This kid has a knack for jumping up and down, and sending him there can be regarded as giving the best of his talents."

(End of this chapter)

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