Chapter 205 Peach Blossom Tribulation 05
Holding the blue-and-white porcelain teacup, he took a sip on his lips, tasted the sweetness on the tip of his tongue, but also mixed with a slight astringency. Nie Zhaoyang frowned, looked down at the teacup in his hand, and saw that the water in the cup was clear and faintly faint. yellow.

"Miss, do you feel that there is a slight astringency in the shallow sweetness?" Although Rumei is young, she has obviously been trained for a long time. Nie Zhaoyang simply frowned, and Rumei had already opened her mouth with a soft voice. He explained, "Young master specially ordered the servants to add pearl powder to the warm honey water, so the taste will be a bit special."

"Pearl powder?" Nie Zhaoyang pursed his lips, savoring the faint fragrance and astringency in his mouth.

Hearing that Nie Zhaoyang was slightly puzzled, Rumei smiled and said, "Miss, don't worry, pearl powder can beautify the skin and calm shocks, that's why the young master ordered the servants to add it into the water."

Hearing Rumei's words, Nie Zhaoyang's eyebrows twitched, and the heart lake, which was faintly turbulent because of Sun Ruoyu's previous actions, became inexplicably quiet.

Nie Zhaoyang stopped talking, just leaned against the wall of the car and lowered his eyes.

Seeing Nie Zhaoyang's exhausted appearance, Rumei stopped talking and leaned aside obediently and quietly.

Gently stroking the blue and white porcelain teacup between his fingers, he seemed calm, but Nie Zhaoyang was thinking back and forth in his heart.

Sun Ruoyu's frank confession before made Nie Zhaoyang guess the real reason for the fire in Shangshu's mansion today. A teenage girl met someone she liked and went all out for herself. Nie Zhaoyang He was also secretly excited, but after getting into the carriage and thinking about it calmly, Nie Zhaoyang felt that there were too many doubts in this matter.

All the encounters between her and Sun Ruoyu were just an accidental injury in the martial arts arena at Rongwang Mansion, and then they only met at the entrance of the He Family School. At that time, Nie Zhaoyang was very angry because Sun Ruoyu didn't visit.

Nie Zhaoyang knew that he was born with a fairly good appearance, but he also clearly knew that his clear and beautiful appearance could never be called a national beauty, heavenly fragrance, and beauty, so Nie Zhaoyang believed that he did not have the ability to make Sun Ruoyu fall in love at first sight. Regardless of chips.

Since it wasn't for her own sake, then Sun Ruoyu set fires and found people, prepared cloaks and carriages in advance, even secretly followed her marriage, and solemnly promised a one-year contract. What?

Nie Zhaoyang laughed silently, she didn't believe Sun Ruoyu's inexplicable words.

There must be some reason hidden in Sun Ruoyu's heart that she doesn't know!

But thinking about it carefully, Nie Zhaoyang had a headache.

Although she is the young lady of King Rong's mansion, she is considered to be favored by King Rong now, but after all, she is a concubine, and even in the eyes of King Rong, she is just a pawn that can be used to please others at will. Is there any place that Sun Ruoyu can look at and want to take advantage of?
After much deliberation, he couldn't come up with any clues, so Nie Zhaoyang could only sigh and press down his thoughts.

Since I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Sun Ruoyu's gourd, it can only be that the enemy can't move and I can't move.

Shaking his head to calm his mind, Nie Zhaoyang put this matter aside for the time being and thought of another one.

What should she say after returning to the mansion, so that she can use the accident in Shangshu's mansion to persuade King Rong to reject the marriage with the Li family?

(End of this chapter)

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