Song's love letter

Chapter 209 Disposal

Chapter 209 Disposal
"After the incident happened, I was very scared, but I didn't dare to tell Ruan Shu. Ruan Shu is my best friend. I couldn't watch her get hurt and ignore it, so I went home with an excuse and wanted to do it myself. Ask Ms. Yu's family to understand."

When Xiao Yu said this, no matter how calm she was on the surface, her heart was full of anxiety.

She looked at the table in front of Song Ji, trying not to look so erratically in her eyes: "So yesterday afternoon, I went to Miss Yu and asked her not to trouble Ruan Shu. Unexpectedly, Miss Yu not only disagreed with me request, and threatened me with my younger brother not to tell Ruan Shu about this."

"My brother is studying in Paris alone, and the expenses are all student loans. If Ms. Yu interrupts my brother's loan channel, then his study abroad journey will come to naught. The Yu family is powerful and wants to let my brother It’s so easy to drop out of school.”

"So, I want Mr. Song to give me a sum of money, and let him finish college without any worries. Don't worry, when my brother is working, he will definitely return the money to you."

After Xiaoyu finished speaking, she looked at Song Ji who had been silent all this time, and said boldly, "Mr. Song, do you think it's okay?"

"You are Ruan Shu's friend. Since Ruan Shu also intends to help you, then I can help you. However, this matter ends here, and I don't want Ruan Shu to know." After he finished speaking, he said softly: "You You can go out."

Xiaoyu nodded, her goal was achieved, she walked out calmly.

Song Ji looked at the back of her leaving, there was darkness between his brows and eyes.

This Xiao Yu really regarded herself as a fool.Her acting skills are not very good, even a little lame, and her statement is full of mistakes and omissions because it is too flawless.

How could Song Ji not know that Xiao Yu was lying, and it was hard to tell whether the words were true or false.But since she wanted to turn against her, he just let the situation go.

Xiaoyu walked downstairs with a rapid heartbeat, she didn't know how much Song Ji believed her words.But now she has to take a gamble, betting that Song Ji can show no mercy to Yu Ziyu, betting that Yu Ziyu can completely anger Song Ji.

When she returned to the PR department, Ruan Shu was biting a piece of bread, eating it repeatedly.Seeing her coming, he waved to her.

Xiao Yu smiled back, her complexion was as usual.

Ruan Shu half-joked: "Why have you been away for so long? If you don't come back, I'm going to find you."

"The menstrual event came just now, so it was delayed for a while." Xiao Yu hid the panic in her eyes and said with a smile.

At this moment, Song Ji dialed Lu Feng's phone and gave an order: "Bring Yu Ziyu to me before this evening."

There are some things and it's time to fix them.

Lu Feng's work efficiency has always been "fast". Within two hours, Yu Ziyu's figure appeared in Jinzhou's CEO's office.

She obviously didn't expect that Xiao Yu would turn against Song Ji so quickly when she was under her control. When Lu Feng approached her, she was still out of state.

But after adjusting her thoughts along the way, she has restored her elegant and gentle expression, without any sign of it.

"Song Ji, what do you want me for?" Yu Ziyu said with a smile, "You even asked Lu Feng to come here on purpose, so as to mobilize the crowd. If you call me, won't I come over?"

There was a long period of silence, only a light woody scent floating in the air.

It is the same spice that Song Ji has used indoors for so many years.Song Ji is very contradictory. On the one hand, he is cold and indifferent, and his feelings are close to zero. On the other hand, he is terribly romantic.

He can love Ruan Shu for seven full years, endlessly, and he can also use the same spice for years without changing it.

Loving and indifferent.

But such a man is the easiest to cause people to have illusions.How proud to be in love with him, it can be used as a show off and spread around.

"Acting in front of me, Yu Ziyu, do you know what you're doing?" Song Ji's voice suddenly opened, and he could hear the ruthless taste under the coldness.

After all, he was angry, for a Ruan Shu, for a Ruan Shu in his heart.

It is a restricted area and cannot be touched.

Yu Ziyu never knew, but she seemed to be possessed by a demon, and she touched it again and again.

She laughed suddenly, and started to say something completely unrelated: "Song Ji, the year Ruan Shu left, you were drinking at home. It was the first time I saw you drinking in so many years, and you mistaken me for her , you hug me, call me 'Wanwan', you say 'whatever you want, tell me what you want, I will give it to you.'."

"It was only then that I realized that you are also gentle and affectionate, but not to me." Yu Ziyu looked at Song Ji with a deep smile: "Tell me, how can I not hate her?"

Song Ji closed the document he was flipping through, got up, and walked towards her.There was deep anger between his eyebrows and eyes, which could be broken at the touch of a touch.

Before Yu Ziyu could react, Song Ji had already walked in front of him, and without saying a word, he directly grabbed her by the throat.

"Hate her? Yu Ziyu, the person I care about, what right do you have to hate her?" He pursed his lips, smiled casually, paired with a tone as light as mist, as leisurely as if he was gossip.

It's just that the hand clasped around her throat was so hard, as if it wanted her life.

Yu Ziyu seemed to feel hypoxia and pain, followed by a deeper sadness.Tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, and when he was about to touch Song Ji's hand, he suddenly let go of the shackles and took a step back.

Such obvious disgust, as if afraid of getting dirty with something.

Yu Ziyu fell to the ground due to lack of oxygen. She raised her head to look at the luxurious man, and burst into tears, "Then Song Ji, what are you going to do with me now?"

Song Ji looked at her with low eyes, condescending eyes, very indifferent: "From now on, don't go back to City C. If you can do it, I can let the Yu family go."

Yu Ziyu's face was slightly stagnant, and then he slowly shook his head: "Song Ji, how can you be so kind? As long as I leave City C, you will let Yu's family go, do you think I will believe it?"

Song Ji squatted down to look at her, his eyes were full of darkness, bottomless, and he deliberately made it difficult for people to see clearly: "You are right, if it were normal, I would not let you go so easily."

He softened his tone, giving people the illusion of being almost gentle, but every word and every word made people bruised and bruised: "Because it is really easy to tell a person to commit suicide. But Wanwan is pregnant now, and I don't want to kill too much. "

Yu Ziyu only felt timid and hopeless, probably because she was extremely disheartened, and she suddenly felt that everything was just a joke.Since when did she have only one Song Ji in her life?
(End of this chapter)

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