Song's love letter

Chapter 214 Scam

Chapter 214 Scam
He smiled very lightly, calmly said: "You smash it, please go ahead."

The provocation in his words was too strong, and Song Ran was used to being arrogant and domineering, so he kicked the bodyguard beside him to the ground with one kick.

Song Ji winked at Lu Feng, who understood, and quickly walked towards Song Ran who was overflowing with anger.

But before he got to Song Ran's side, he heard Yu Cheng say slowly, "Young Master Song Ran, you can take it easy, it's not good if you scare girls."

Song Ran was taken aback, and looked at Yu Cheng with the eyes of a fool: "I'm afraid you are blind because you have a dark heart, how can there be any girls here?"

"No?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled in surprise, looked at the pale Xiaojing, and said softly, "You haven't told him that you are a girl?"

Even Song Ji was taken aback for a moment.

Song Ran seemed to have been tapped on acupuncture points, for a long time, he maintained the same posture, motionless.His eyes stared at Xiao Jing on the opposite side for a moment, the blood in his eyes was thick, and there was a horrible smell.

It took him a long time to find his voice, and he said hoarsely, "Is what he said true?"

Have you ever been cheated on by a loved one?In the most embarrassing and most hopeless posture?
Song Ran looked at the silent Xiaojing, and finally couldn't control his emotions: "I told you to tell me!"

Xiaojing closed his eyes heavily, lowered his head slightly, and said in a voice as light as a mosquito, "It's me, I'm a woman."

If this happened to others, Song Ran might laugh at it.It's just that it happened to me now, so I can't laugh at all.

His eyes were red and his canthus were tearing apart: "Say it again."

Xiaojing, who had never shed tears, finally burst into tears: "Yes, I lied to you, Song Ran, I'm sorry"

A thunderbolt from the blue sky, disasters coming from the sky, and five thunders hitting the top, that's probably what it looks like.

Song Ran grabbed Xiao Jing's collar and yelled hysterically, "Why did you lie to me, why!"

"Obviously there are so many opportunities, why didn't you tell me?" At the end of his speech, he loosened Xiaojing's collar, with disappointment in his brows and eyes, covering layers upon layers.

At this time, in Shuimu's hall, Ruan Shu was calling Song Ran over and over again.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" She muttered in a low voice, becoming a little anxious.

"Mrs. Song, may I speak to Mr. Song for you?" The waiter knew her and stood respectfully aside.Seeing that Ruan Shu couldn't get through the phone, he kindly offered suggestions.

Ruan Shu thought about Song Ran's advice, was slightly entangled, and said, "Well, you take me there."

When Ruan Shu arrived, everyone in the room except Song Ran looked at her in unison.

And Song Ji, who had been sitting on the sofa, moved his eyes slightly, and walked towards her quickly.

Ruan Shu glanced at Song Ran who stood in the center with red eyes, and then at Song Ji, slightly embarrassed.

Song Ji took her to the sofa, took a cup of warm lemonade from the tea table beside her, and handed it to her.

"Did Song Ran ask you to come here?" asked a questioning tone, but Ruan Shu knew that he had already guessed everything.

She hesitated slightly, nodded, and said in a low voice: "Song Ji, let's take them away, shall we?"

Song Ji looked at the tiredness in her eyes, and her eyebrows were slightly drawn together.Now, he no longer has the patience to continue dealing with Yu Cheng.

Song Ran called Ruan Shu, the intention was obvious.Song Ji, no matter how indifferent he is usually, will soften instantly when he meets Ruan Shu.

"I took both Song Ran and Xiao Jing away, and the loss tonight will be charged to my account." He said softly, with some chill in his tone.

Yu Cheng is a person who accepts when he sees something good. Song Ran has obviously suffered a lot tonight, so he doesn't plan to continue chasing after him: "President Song, please go ahead."

It was approaching early morning outside Shuimu, and there was still a lot of people's voices, and the stream was endless.

Ruan Shu was wrapped in Song Ji's suit jacket, standing next to the earthy-faced Song Ran, and asked cautiously, "Are you okay?"

Song Ran pursed her lips for a long time, then said softly: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry to cause you trouble. I thought that in case I couldn't take Xiaojing away, I could let you come to the rescue. Now... I'm just pretending to be sentimental , she is so smart, where does she need my help?"

Ruan Shu's heart skipped a beat, and she asked uncertainly, "You know?"

Song Ran turned her face away, held back the pain in her eyes, and silently acquiesced.

Ruan Shu looked at Xiao Jing who kept a distance behind them and followed them, feeling a little sad.

But after all, it is a matter between them. As a bystander, I still can't get involved.

Ruan Shu trotted to Song Ji's side, took his hand, and said softly, "Let's go back to sleep."

He held the green onion finger in his hand instead, and he couldn't hear much emotion when he spoke: "Didn't I tell you, did Song Ran contact you to tell me?"

"He's your younger brother. And I just heard his tone and thought he was in a hurry." She raised her head and looked at Song Ji, smiling sweetly: "Let's not be an example, okay?"

Song Ji had nothing to do with her, his brows and eyes drooped, and he felt a little helpless in pampering.

At this moment, there was a cry of pain from behind him.

Ruan Shu's heart tightened, she turned her head, and saw Xiao Jing fell to the ground.

She was obviously pushed down by gravity, with bruises on her elbows, and looked up at Song Ran with teary eyes.

Song Ran was like a cat whose tail was trampled on. He was very excited, even his hair seemed to stand on end: "Don't touch me!"

Ruan Shu wanted to go forward to help Xiao Jing up, but Song Ji grabbed her wrist.His tone was cool and soft, with a hint of force: "Wanwan, come back with me now."


"She concealed her gender back then, so she should have thought of today."

Ruan Shu didn't know what to say, she saw the unresolved expression in Song Ji's eyes, so she could only leave.

When they got into the car, Ruan Shu looked out through the car window, and she could still see Song Ran standing where she was, and Xiao Jing falling down in embarrassment. Time seemed to be frozen between the two of them...

At this time, Gu Shi, Gu Feng was drinking, his eyes were bleary, and the room smelled of spicy wine.

Gu Yise pushed the door open and looked at her biological father with some disgust.She was sitting on the sofa opposite him, her makeup was exquisite, gorgeous and flamboyant.

"If you have something to say, you can talk about it. If there is nothing to do, I will leave." Her tone was not calm, and she could hear her impatience.

Gu Feng slammed the wine glass on the table, the wine splashed out and wet the glass tabletop: "Why did you change my letter to Ruan Shu last time? Li He is still lying in the hospital because of you."

"I just don't want you to get close to Ruan Shu, that's all." Gu Yise said with a sneer: "Do you think that if you show your favor now, you can cancel what you did to her before?"

(End of this chapter)

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