Song's love letter

Chapter 216 Regret

Chapter 216 Regret
But the brother and sister have been dependent on each other since they were young, so this change has dealt a great blow to Feng Tu.

After several twists and turns, Feng Tu almost lost all his family wealth, and finally found out some superficial truths.That's why he came to trouble Tang Wenqu today.

Su Xijing looked at him coldly, but said to the police: "Since the confirmation has been completed, what are you still doing here?"

His imposing manner made the young policeman froze for a moment, and said, "I'm sorry, I'll take them away right now, sorry for the interruption."

After the police left with the group of people, Tang Tang stood up slowly, her tone was very restrained, and she could hear trembling: "Su Xijing, I have something to tell you, come here."

After she finished speaking, she went straight to the lounge at the end of the aisle.

Zhao Yiren glanced at Su Xijing with some unease, and said, "Don't worry about me, just go over there."

He was frightened by Su Xijing's appearance just now.

Su Xijing usually looks respectful and polite in front of her, but the scene just now had a really big impact.

But Zhao Yiren can actually understand it when he thinks about it. He became the chairman at a young age, how can he have a gentle personality, and he will have some thunderous means.

In the lounge, after Tang Tang waited for Su Xijing to come in, he buckled the door lock.Her hands were shaking, and she made a locking action for a long time.

Su Xijing wanted to step forward to help several times, but held back.He knew where her anger came from, and for a while, he didn't speak.

After Tang Tang locked the lock, she looked at Su Xijing.After a long time, she spoke, her lips trembling: "Su Xijing, are you happy?"

He frowned, with no intention of arguing, and his tone was comforting: "This is my negligence, so don't be nervous. I've asked the doctor. There won't be any sequelae from the operation, and the problem won't be too big."

Tang Tang seemed to have never known him before, and his eyes were cold: "You know, what am I angry about?"

"What happened at the beginning was my fault." His tone was stained with fatigue: "But I can't turn it around, Tang Tang, I'm making it up."

"Make up? What do you use to make up? Money? Really?" Her tone was sarcasm: "Did you see what my mother looked like just now, you said, if you let her know that my husband was once cheated by filthy academics, behind the scenes It's actually my son-in-law. What do you want her to think!"

Su Xijing frowned and lowered his tone slightly: "Tang Tang, don't talk to me like that, okay?"

"How do you want me to talk to you?" She chuckled and shook her head slightly: "I'm in a panic now, you know? I can't even imagine what my parents would think of me if they knew about it, and what would they do to me?" What do you think of you?"

Tang Tang eased his emotions, took a deep breath, and reluctantly said: "If you hadn't framed my father's academic fraud, what happened today would not have happened. Su Xijing, would you feel so guilty?"

Su Xijing stood opposite Tang Tang, frowning slightly, his face sinking like water.He watched Tang Tang turn and leave, with a decisive attitude and indifference from his back.

There was finally a hint of emotion on his face.

Have you ever regretted it?Regret those irreparable mistakes that caused bitter fruit.

At this moment, Su Xijing was standing in the simple lounge, his hands and feet were a little stiff.

In fact, you will regret it.

Tang Wenqu was pushed out of the operating room in the morning.

A group of doctors and nurses pushed forward guarding the hospital bed, and said hurriedly, "Please let me go first, the patient needs intensive care and rest."

Tang Tang didn't dare to stop her, she supported Zhao Yiren who was at a loss, and stood aside silently.It's just that their eyes were anxious, and they kept staring at the figure on the hospital bed that was drifting away.

After a while, the dean came out of the operating room.

Tang Tang quickly took Zhao Yiren up.

"Dean, how is my father?" She asked cautiously.

After the high-intensity operation, the dean, who is nearly in the middle of his life, has a trace of fatigue on his face.But his smile is very gentle, with the power to make people feel at ease: "Lingfu's operation is very successful, you can rest assured that he can be discharged after half a month of recuperation in the hospital."

Tang Tang and Zhao Yiren breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.

Zhao Yiren murmured: "That's good, that's good."

After Tang Tang calmed down, she subconsciously looked at Su Xijing who was standing far away.

His brows were sharp, with an unkind taste.It's just that when Tang Tang looked at him, he suddenly softened, revealing an imperceptible, almost aggrieved look.

But Tang Tang quickly looked away and didn't look again.

When the dean passed by Su Xijing, he greeted him respectfully.

He nodded, looking completely absent-minded.

No one knew the turmoil in his heart, it was almost a big turmoil.

If it's just because of this incident that he and Tang Tang are unfamiliar, he doesn't know how to accept it
At the beginning, he didn't know that he would love her so deeply, and later fell in love with her, and he didn't expect that the past mistakes would eventually become a time bomb hanging over the heads of the two.
When Ruan Shu got up to go to work in the morning, she pushed open the door and saw Song Ran who was staggering drunk at the door.

She first exclaimed, Song Ran heard the movement, raised her head and smirked at her: "Sister-in-law."

Ruan Shuhan turned around and went to the inner hall to find Song Ji.

Song Ji, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, was flipping through the morning newspaper.Normally at this time, Ruan Shu would not bother him, but today's situation is really special.

After all, if Song Ji disagreed, even if he brought Song Ran in, after he left, Song Ji would ask someone to throw Song Ran out.

Thinking of this, she walked up to Song Ji, and called out his name with some embarrassment: "Song Ji. Song Ran is sitting outside, he is drunk."

He said "um" calmly, and didn't say another half word.

Ruan Shu had no choice but to ask tentatively, "Let me bring him in, it's easy to catch a cold."

Song Ji spoke indifferently, with no warmth at all: "For a small scene, you made yourself like this, and expect others to love him? It's shameful."

Ruan Shu didn't know how to persuade her, so she could only ask the housekeeper to cover Song Ran with a quilt before leaving.

The little prince Song Ran is very cute when he is drunk, and he will say "thank you" to the housekeeper in a well-behaved and sensible way.

The butler was an old man from Song Ji's family. Hearing this, he subconsciously took a step back in fright, with a big shock on his face.

From his expression, Ruan Shu also guessed how much glorious history Song Ran has.

Such a little overlord will turn into a drunken appearance one day, which is actually a bit distressing.

Ruan Shu sighed and left Xiaozhu.

At the gate of Jinzhou, Gu Yise stood in front of the huge flower bed, her maroon knee-length skirt outlined her graceful figure.

Counting it, Ruan Shu and her have not seen each other for a long time.Seeing each other suddenly, I feel a little stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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