Song's love letter

Chapter 221 Transformation

Chapter 221 Transformation
Several people exchanged looks with each other, and started to run out at the same time.A few more loyal subordinates helped the unconscious man up, and then walked out quickly.

Su Xijing ignored it, he glanced at the pale girl, turned and left without saying anything.

The hem of the clothes was pulled.

"Sir. Thank you." She stammered.

Su Xijing's eyes fell on her little hands holding the hem of her clothes, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the next moment, she chuckled, "What's your name?"

".My name is Tai Chuxia." The girl replied nervously.

"Tai Chu Xia?" He turned around, the clear smell of wine mixed with the smell of perfume hit Tai Chu Xia's breath, aggression and bewitchment coexisted.

Tai Chuxia was in a trance, and was a little stunned for a moment, and then said softly: "Yes."

Su Xijing suddenly raised his hand to pinch her chin, he leaned over slightly, and asked, "Why do you come to work here?"

"I need money." Her tone was harsh, she was silent for a moment, and admitted with some embarrassment.

"How much do you want?" He asked her calmly, feeling dazzled by tenderness for a moment.

Tai Chuxia couldn't believe it at first, and then nervously reported a number.

Su Xijing looked at Liang Cheng and gave an order: "Give her the money."

He spoke casually, ignoring the shock on Liang Cheng's face, and asked her again: "Do you want anything else?"

"Sir, I can't take your money, I will find a way by myself." She refused him softly.

Su Xijing was in a trance, the way she rejected him really looked like Tang Tang.

Tang Tang also said to him: "Su Xijing, I can do it myself, I don't need you to help me."

Definitely, without room for it.

But how can I not help you, how can I ignore you?
I don't want to take care of it either, if this person is not you Tang Tang, how can I take care of it.

"If I say yes, you just accept it. Why, it makes you uncomfortable to owe me a favor, doesn't it?" He looked at her, or rather, he looked at a hatefully stubborn woman through her.

"." Tai Chuxia blushed, and explained anxiously: "Sir, I didn't mean that. You just rescued me, and I'm already very grateful to you. I can't let you spend any more money."

"It's not considered an expense. If I spend money for you, how can it be called an expense. As long as you want, what can I not give you?" He said it so earnestly that the people who heard it had an illusion of almost liking.

Su Xijing stroked her face with a very faint smile: "Live a good life, you know?"

Ruo Chuxia nodded slowly: "Yes."

Su Xijing suddenly woke up, this is not, not his Tang Tang.

How could his Tang Tang agree to him?His Tang Tang would say: "Su Xijing, with you, I can't live a good life."

She never knew how to hurt him the most, how to hurt his heart.

And the person in front of him, how could it be his Tang Tang?

The illusion at that moment was completely obliterated, and the cruel truth was restored little by little.

That's right, his Tang Tang was just made to cry by him, and his Tang Tang is not here.

Seeing her crying so aggrieved, he was in chaos for a moment, and had no choice but to leave.

Su Xijing, why are you willing to hurt Tang Tang?

He would rather hurt himself.

He glanced at Tai Chuxia in front of him, said nothing, and left the noisy bar directly.

Liang Cheng wrote a check to Tai Chuxia, and then quickly followed Su Xijing.

Soon, the two figures were no longer to be seen.

Tai Chuxia stood on the spot, his eyes flickering, and after a long time, he said softly, "Thank you."

The weather is getting cooler a little bit, and winter is coming.

It's been three months, and Ruan Shu's stomach hasn't changed much.She was worried about the child's malnutrition, so she planned to go to the hospital alone this afternoon.

Song Ji went to Jinzhou in the morning, and he probably was busy at this time.Ruan Shu thought about it, but still planned to ask the driver to take her out without notifying Song Ji.

After Fu Jingyan went abroad some time ago, there has been no news. The whole person seems to have evaporated from the world.Ruan Shu asked Song Ji the whereabouts of Fu Jingyan several times, but was prevaricated by him saying everything was fine.

The Song family's private hospital is probably not as organized as it used to be due to the absence of the director.

Ruan Shu met Shen Lu at the entrance of the hospital.

She was sitting on the stone steps, with slightly curly long hair just reaching her shoulders, a little disheveled by the wind, with a slightly disappointed expression.When she saw Ruan Shu, her eyes lit up and she walked over.

"Ruan Shu, can I bother you?" She ran fast and asked with some unsteady breath.

Ruan Shu quickly supported her and asked, "What's the matter with you, please speak slowly."

Shen Lu's eyes turned red immediately, and he cried in such a strong voice: "Can you tell me where Jing Yan has gone, I haven't met him for a month."

In this matter, Ruan Shu was really helpless, she frowned, and replied cautiously: "Shen Lu, I'm sorry, I don't know about this either."

Shen Lu nodded, regained the disappointment just now, and forced a smile: "It's okay, you are here for the birth checkup, right?"

"Yes." Ruan Shu nodded with a smile, and asked with concern: "Do you want to ask the driver to take you back with me?"

She nodded absently: "Okay, thank you."

Ruan Shu thought this was a small episode.

She went to the obstetrics and gynecology department to find Dr. Zhang who had a consultation last time. The result of the examination was that the child was a little stunted.

"Go back and eat more, even if you are sick. You are not eating alone, you have a baby in your stomach, you know?" Dr. Zhang said earnestly.

Ruan Shu felt a little guilty. During this period of time, she suffered from severe morning sickness, and she really didn't pay much attention to eating.

She accepted it humbly, and promised: "When I go back, I will definitely eat well."

Seeing her positive attitude, Dr. Zhang smiled and gave some more advice.

When Ruan Shu left, Dr. Zhang sighed and contacted Fu Jingyan: "Hello, is this the vice president? The pregnant woman you told me about last time, she..."

When Ruan Shu came out of the hospital, she saw that the driver had not returned after taking Shen Lu away, so she called the driver.

The driver's voice hesitated, and he deliberately lowered the volume: "Madam, I'm at Ning's house now."

She wondered: "What Ning family?"

"That's. It's Ms. Shen Lu's former home." The driver didn't know if his expression was accurate, and added: "I was on the way just now, and I was about to send Ms. Shen back, but she answered a phone call halfway. , and said that he would go to Ning's house instead."

"I saw that everyone inside seemed to know Ms. Shen, so I guess this is her former home." After the driver explained, he added: "After I entered, I wanted to leave, but someone stopped my car and said I have to wait until Miss Shen's affairs are done before I can leave."

Ruan Shu probably understood, feeling a little uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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