Song's love letter

Chapter 263 Name

Chapter 263 Name
After about two hours, he finally couldn't sit still and got up from his seat.

A little nurse who was on duty at the side saw a man in a suit and leather shoes walking towards him quickly from a distance.Before she had time to appreciate and admire, she was frozen to death by the chilling aura of the man from a distance.

The little nurse swallowed, and when the man approached, she belatedly realized that it was her own president.

"President Song Song." The little nurse felt that she had some stuttering.

"Call me all the doctors in the hospital who are free." His voice was nice, but his request was ridiculous.

The little nurse thought she had heard it wrong, and let out an "ah" in astonishment.

Song Ji's eyes darkened, becoming colder and colder: "Don't you understand?"

The little nurse burst into tears, said yes quickly, and ran away.

Su Xijing put his arms around Tang Tang's shoulders, his tone was a touch of emotion: "What kind of madness is Song Ji?"

Tang Tang gave him a white look, and smiled indifferently: "Don't laugh at fifty steps. If you were so calm when I was giving birth, I would be so moved. Don't do something like kicking the door. The exaggerated behavior of the species is really embarrassing."

Su Xijing: "."

After a while, those doctors ran over in a hurry.Everyone stood in front of Song Ji, terrified and at a loss.All the people were called here temporarily for no reason.

Although speechless, everyone can only murmur in their hearts, and they are not stupid, who dares to make trouble with their own boss.
We don't know why we came here, and we dare not ask.
Seeing that Song Ji's complexion became more and more ugly, and the cold could almost freeze people into ice, the door of the delivery room finally opened.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Ji walked quickly to the hospital bed almost immediately, his eyes were red, and he slowly raised his hand, wanting to touch the person on the bed, but the hand was hanging in the air, and he didn't dare to move for a long time.

Ruan Shu was lying on the hospital bed, the tears on her face were still wet, her hair was disheveled, and the tip of her nose and forehead were covered with sweat.

She looked at Song Ji, and smiled slowly, her tone hoarse: "Song Ji, he's a boy."

These words seemed to call back the person in front of her. Song Ji carefully wiped the sweat off her face with her hand, and her tone was extremely gentle: "Wanwan."

He seemed to be forced to smile, and spoke again, with a trembling tone: "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts." She pursed her lips and smiled, but the next moment, her smile froze.

Song Ji's tears fell on her face, so heavy.

Everyone was shocked.

Deathly quiet.

Fu Jingyan coughed lightly, and ordered someone to send Ruan Shu to the ward, only then did he notice the dark group of people in front of him.

Fu Jingyan: ".?"

He turned his head to look at Song Ji, who had already looked normal, and was speechless: "What are you doing?"

"I'm afraid Ruan Shu has something to do. They are all here. It will be more convenient to go in." After he finished speaking, he ignored Fu Jingyan's reaction and followed the doctor to the ward.

And Fu Jingyan, who was stuck in place, really didn't want to talk to him anymore.

When Ruan Shu left, she closed her eyes and thought in a daze, did Song Ji cry just now?She had never, ever seen him cry.

As she thought about it, she felt a very familiar clear fragrance beside her.Almost in a haze, he murmured indistinctly: "Song Ji."

Then there was a voice, so gentle, that rang in her ears.

He said, "Wanwan, I'm here, don't be afraid."

Tears fell unconsciously.

Song Ji, you don't know, just now I was inside alone, I was really scared to death.But our baby, he is really cute.

So much so that I think it's all worth it.

On the day the child was born, Fu Qingqian and Song Jue came over.

Ruan Shu was sleeping at the time, and no one wanted to wake her up.Fu Qingqian felt distressed when she saw her pale face lying on the bed.They sent people to bring a lot of nutritious good food from the old house, saying that they wanted Song Ji to nourish Ruan Shu.

"By the way, where's my little grandson?" Fu Qingqian slapped his forehead and said with some annoyance.

"Probably in the baby's room." Song Ji's voice was calm.

Not talking about Fu Qingqian now, even Song Jue is not calm: "What is approximate? Don't you know where your own child is?"

Song Ji pinched the bridge of his nose wearily, but did not speak.

What are you talking about, do you really not like this child who made her Wanwan suffer so much when she was born?
After all, he is his own son, and he can guess exactly what his temperament is.Although he didn't say anything, Song Jue and his wife knew it well.

Fu Qingqian was too lazy to argue with him, so she took Song Jue's hand and happily went to find her little grandson.

Song Ji didn't know why, but he kept up with the two of them a little recklessly.

It was only when Fu Qingqian held the child in his arms that he saw the child with his and Ruan Shu's blood for the first time.

Now that I think about it, it's not so annoying anymore.
"Oh, Song Ji, my grandson looks really good. It's not like your wrinkled face when you were born when you were a child. Look at his face, it's slippery, so cute." Fu Qingqian hugged the child, her eyes sparkling.

Song Jue on the side also had a smile on his face, and carefully touched his little grandson's face.

Fu Qingqian looked at Song Ji, who was expressionless, and smiled half-jokingly: "Do you and Ruan Shu have any plans to have a little daughter. It would be nice to have both children."

"Impossible." Song Ji refused extremely decisively.

Fu Qingqian was puzzled: "Why?"

"I don't allow it." After Song Ji finished speaking, he left the nursery.But for some reason, when he was about to leave, he couldn't hold back and glanced at the child again.

There seemed to be a shadow of Ruan Shu on that child.Actually, it's quite cute.

When Ruan Shu woke up, Song Ji was sitting by the bed, the sun was shining on his elegant and delicate face, making it look like a real person.

She looked at it, but couldn't hold back the soreness in her heart, and the tears slowly rolled down.

Song Ji originally wanted to ask her: "Are you hungry, what do you want to eat?"

But this crying made him panic.

"What's the matter, huh?" He wiped away tears for her, and sighed softly: "I heard from others that girls can't cry after giving birth."

After hearing this, Ruan Shu smiled and suppressed crying. She sniffed and murmured, "I want to see the baby."

"Wait, I'll ask my parents to bring the baby over." Song Ji took out the porridge from the thermos cup next to the bed, blew it warmly, and then fed it to Ruan Shu.

Ruan Shu took two bites and said seriously: "Song Ji, have you ever wondered what the child's name is?"

Song Ji's hand feeding the porridge stopped slightly, and after a moment, he said softly, "It's Song Yan, okay?"

Ruan Shu smiled: "Good!"

(End of this chapter)

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