Song's love letter

Chapter 272 He is not a good man

Chapter 272

Ning Yebai looked at her, his face turned colder, as if frozen.

Just as he was about to say something, the girl in front of him had already fallen into his arms.

Her tone was soft, she pressed against his shoulder, and breathed lightly: "Ning Yebai, why don't you like me? I like you so much."

I was at a loss for a moment.

She was probably drunk, and after she finished speaking, she began to cry on her own.The tears were warm and seemed corrosive.

Ning Yebai's whole heart was pulled into a ball.

In fact, he hasn't looked at her for a long time.He didn't dare to look at it. Most of the time, as long as he looked at it one more time, he was afraid that his heart would soften and he would ignore it later.

So he kept telling himself: "Ning Yebai, don't go to see her. This way, it will be good for you and her."

But who can really control their own heart.

Most of the people are just carefully maintaining their love, looking at the one they love from afar.Even if you know it shouldn't be.

When he spoke, his voice was a little hoarse: "Lu Lu, you are drunk."

She hiccupped from crying, sobbing and choking, unable to speak in tune: "I'm not, I'm not drunk."

After she finished speaking, she pressed her wet chin against the hollow of his shoulder, raised her head to look at him, and suddenly smiled again: "Ning Yebai, in fact, you can't bear to part with me, right?"

"Every year on my birthday, you will buy me a cake. Although you don't tell me, I know that you always remember my birthday." After she finished speaking, she didn't know if it was to convince herself, and she nodded vigorously.

Ning Yebai looked at her tear-stained face, her throat was blocked and she couldn't speak.

"Also, you are 28 years old this year, but you are still not married." Her tone was a little silly, carefully looking for that little possibility: "Since I poured water on that last time, You have never brought a girl back with you. You saw that I was unhappy, so you didn’t bring it on purpose, right? "

"...You're overthinking." He was silent for a while, but finally denied it.

Shen Lu didn't feel too sad, she gave a soft "oh", put one hand behind her back, and pulled down the bow tie.

She rubbed Ning Yebai's face, her small hands coolly grabbed his wrist, and put it on her waist.

Ning Yebai was shocked by her actions, his lips turned pale slightly: "Shen Lu, what are you doing?"

She raised her head and smiled at him: "Ning Yebai, do you want to kiss me?"

After she finished speaking, she felt that she was pushed away.

She took a few steps back unsteadily and fell to the ground.

Ning Yebai stood up, looked down at her like that, and parted her thin lips lightly: "Go out, don't make me say it a second time."

She gritted her teeth: "I don't want to."

"Then I can only ask the housekeeper to send someone to invite you out." His voice became more indifferent.

Shen Lu felt that his self-esteem fell to the ground and shattered a little.

She doesn't know how she left.

But she also really recognized the fact that Ning Yebai really doesn't like her.

In fact, he really shouldn't like her, if he didn't bring her back to the Ning family, in this lifetime, Ning Yebai, who is aloof and superior, would never have any intersection with Shen Lu from Que Street in Nancheng.
The days after Shen Lu's birthday passed quickly.At the end of autumn of this year, Ning Yebai married Miss Chen and was about to start his own family.

Shen Lu didn't know about it until the day of the banquet.She finally let go of her dignity and went to look for him again.

Shen Lu stopped Ning Yebai at the banquet where the wedding date was about to be announced.He asked her: "Ning Yebai, do you really want to marry her? She is so old, she is already thirty."

She was so humble, she even didn't hesitate to slander a woman she had never met, even she said in contempt: "Why did you marry her? Ning Yebai, look at me, I have grown up."

Ning Yebai stood not too far away from her, wearing a brand new suit, smiling at her indifferently.He said, "Shen Lu, do you really think you are from the Ning family?"

Rather, she was being self-indulgent.

She cried uncontrollably in front of him, her tears wet her collar, and it was a mess.Ning Yebai just looked at her, frowning inadvertently.But Shen Lu, whose eyes were blurred with tears, had already disappeared.

She once loved someone hopelessly, without hope.But when you really let go and leave, it is more painful than hopeless.

The moment Shen Lu left the banquet, she knew that she really lost him.

Lost Ning Yebai who would accompany her to and from school every day.

Lost that Ning Yebai who would tell her many stories.

Lost that, Ning Yebai who only smiled at her
She didn't see the bewilderment and pain in the eyes of the people behind her when she turned to leave.

Shen Lu stood alone on the Qingshi Bridge on Que Street in Nancheng.

The surroundings are exquisite and beautiful. In the misty and rainy season, there are a few pedestrians passing by holding umbrellas.

Shen Lu is dressed in a valuable custom-made suit, and looks like a lady from a family who lost her temper and ran away from home.Some people originally wanted to go to help, but they were also afraid that they would meddle in their own business and cause trouble.

Shen Lu just squatted on the Qingshi bridge, silently looking at the crowd around him, his eyes were empty.

The night is as cold as water, and pedestrians are getting less and less.I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a gentle voice, unhurriedly, from above: "Miss, are you alright?"

Shen Lu barely opened his eyes, and only then did he see the face of the visitor.Smile like a spring breeze, with a romantic and affectionate face.He was dressed like an old British gentleman, holding a black umbrella, and his whole figure seemed to have stepped out of an oil painting.

Shen Lu has long been used to concealing his emotions in front of others, and without even thinking about it, he started talking nonsense: "It's okay, I just want to get caught in the rain."

The man laughed, his smile was different from Ning Yebai's with a strong sense of proportion, it was a very casual and unrestrained smile.It seems that there is a lot of sincerity.Shen Lu heard him say: "What kind of girl are you from? You don't blush and you don't breathe when you tell a lie."

Shen Lu opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to refute.After a while, she smiled wryly: "No one told you, is it difficult for people to tear themselves apart?"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think well." He raised his eyebrows, bent slightly, and brought the umbrella closer to her.

He squinted his eyes and smiled at her, with slightly curved lips: "My name is Fu Jingyan, what's your name?"

"My Shen Lu, Xiaolu's deer." After she finished speaking, she lowered her head again, obviously, she looked worried.

This year's Fu Jingyan, a well-known romantic son in C city, is affectionate and gentle, and the dream lover of many women.

At the age of 20, I already had countless girlfriends.After all, he is young, and sometimes he indulges and ignores it.

(End of this chapter)

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