Song's love letter

Chapter 290 Can't You See That I Love You

Chapter 290 Can't You See That I Love You ([-])

She lay on her back and looked at the person on her body, opened her mouth, and barely made a sound: "Why are you pushing me?"

Song Yan felt that his temple was hurting badly, he leaned over to bully her a little closer, his tone softened slightly: "Yi Yi, can you tell me, what do you like about Mo Chen?"

What is it that you like about him?It's just such a short period of time, so you can't extricate yourself?

Su Yiyi pursed her lips and tried to do it, but she tried several times without success.She gave up, lay down resignedly, looked at Song Yan for a moment, and said very sincerely: "I like his smile, and I also like his tone when he talks to me."

"Song Yan, I don't care at all whether Mo Chen has money, as long as he marries me, I'm willing to give him everything I have."

She watched the smile on Song Yan's lips deepen little by little, and her eyes gradually turned red.

For a long time, he didn't speak.

Su Yiyi felt something warm dripping on his face.Splash, a piece of water.

Those were Song Yan's tears.

Su Yiyi's heart trembled slightly, she felt that he hugged her so tightly.He leaned his head against his neck, and then some warm liquid wet her shoulder socket.

"Yi Yi, don't treat me like this." A rare fragile tone.

Su Yiyi's heart softened instantly, but he was a little at a loss: "Song Yan, what's wrong with you?"

The person on the body did not speak.

After a brief silence, Su Yiyi heard him speak, and his tone suddenly brought a smile: "I'm kidding you, Yiyi."

Su Yiyi couldn't believe it, and tried to see the expression on his face.

She just hugged her tighter, and said in a casual tone: "Just now, my eyes felt uncomfortable, Su Yiyi, you don't really think that I'm crying, do you?"

"." She pursed her lips, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes: "I don't believe it, Song Yan, why are you?"

She raised her hand and tried to touch her face, but someone grabbed her wrist lightly.

Song Yan's voice was accompanied by the sound of the car starting, very calm: "Su Yiyi, I don't need you to pity me."

Su Yiyi thought it was very funny, he Song Yan, since he was a child, he wanted to get as much wind as he wanted and rain as much as he wanted, so what is there that can make people feel pitiful.

But her smile didn't hang on for long, and it faded again.

Song Yan suddenly smiled at her, like a poisonous snake spit out a letter: "Don't come to Jinzhou to find Mochen again, or I will transfer him to Africa, believe it or not."

The little uneasiness in Su Yiyi's heart disappeared completely.She stared at him, her clear and big eyes were not intimidating at all.

Song Yan just glanced at it, then looked away.

Su Yi, this little fool.
Even if he is pissed off now, what can he do to her?
He sighed in his heart, some bitterness and helplessness flashed across his heart.He has been with Su Yiyi for so many years, how many times have he been mad at her half to death.But when was he really willing to do something to her?
After a while of silence, Su Yiyi finally spoke, and what he said was really not very pleasant: "Song Yan, if you dare to bully Mo Chen, I will really be angry with you."

"Yiyi, I don't want you to really hate me for the rest of my life." He looked at her face, slightly raised the corners of his lips, smiled wryly, and said a meaningful sentence: "Do you really think that I am such a person? , unreasonable?"

Su Yiyi looked up in surprise, looked at him, and almost blurted out denial: "Song Yan, that's not what I meant."

Su Yiyi felt that the person on him suddenly subdued his coldness, he leaned over and hugged her, and murmured: "Yiyi, be good, give me a hug."

Suddenly, Su Yiyi's eyes turned red.The hand that was about to reach out to refuse, suddenly stopped.

Be good one by one.

Be good one by one.

These three words immediately brought her thoughts back to many years ago.

At that time, eight-year-old Su Yiyi was in the classroom, and the girl in the same class snatched the bow from her head.She hid in a small corner by the stairs, crying in a mess.

It was Song Yan who found her.

He stood in front of her, squatting down so carefully, still holding her bow tie in his hand.

Song Yan said: "Be good one by one, I am here, no one dares to bully you."

Later, 15-year-old Su Yiyi was punished by the teacher to stand in the corridor.People coming and going turned around to look at her from time to time,
It was Song Yan who wrapped her in a school uniform, and looked at the people passing by coldly and cruelly: "Who will take a second look!"

Su Yiyi was very close to him, and in the hidden space, he could smell the pleasant pine scent on his body.

Song Yan said: "Be good one by one, this way they won't be able to see you, it's not ashamed at all."

It's like when Su Yiyi was confessed by a rogue senior that year.It was Song Yan who picked up the wine bottles on the table, one for the other so desperately.

That day when she hugged Song Yan whose face was covered with blood, it was the first time in her life that she felt scared.

Song Yan said: "Be good one by one, if there is anything, I will take care of it."

The memories are so old that I can't remember many details clearly, but this warmth is real.All along, every time Song Yan said to her, "Be good one by one", he seemed to be protecting her, but this time, it was different.

Su Yiyi forgot to resist, and was so softly held in his arms.

It's not because of a soft heart... Su Yiyi thought so.

Tengsheng and Jinzhou had a business party.

That night, all the prominent employees and shareholders of the two groups were present.

The venue of the party was chosen on the second floor of Jinzhou. The scene was grand and gorgeous, with beautiful clothes and beautiful women and wine.

Song Yan has been standing outside the crowd, watching everything with a cold smile.His smile seemed to be engraved on his face, without any warmth at all.

At this moment, Song Yan not only didn't want to laugh, he even wanted to kill someone!
In the middle of the crowd, Su Yiyi, the little princess of the Su family, tilted her head and said something with a smile to a handsome young man.That young man is none other than Mo Chen, the upstart shareholder of Jinzhou.

Song Yan looked at Su Yiyi's bare shoulders, the hand holding the wine glass, the phalanges were slightly white.Which idiot chose such an outfit for her!

He was angry to himself, everyone knew he was Song Yan, and no one dared to bother him or take a second look.

What Song Yan didn't know was actually... In the eyes of everyone who didn't know, the appearance of Su Yiyi and Mo Chen standing together was a perfect match.

Song Ji has always known that people are good at responsibility, so he didn't care about the matter between Mo Chen and Song Yan at all, and he even put a lot of emphasis on this young man.

Mo Chen now has a bright future, and even though he is a high-ranking lady with the Su family, it is not enough to cause people to gossip.

But at this time, Mo Chen looked at the girl in front of him, and the sigh in his heart became heavier and heavier.

"Mo Chen, I'm so happy, I can see you here today." Su Yi looked up at him, without feeling his helpless hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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