Enchanting Divine Sound Master

Chapter 137 Fighting for hegemony, Shenyin counterattacks

Chapter 137 Fighting for hegemony, Shenyin counterattacks (6)
"What you said... I really regret becoming brothers with you." Le Wushuang put his hands on the chair and said nonchalantly.

"Hahaha! If I come here once, I won't regret it!" Situ Xiangru said calmly.

"Oh! Someone came out again." Le Wushuang said, looking at the playing field.

The third one came out was Yaohua, who was also the champion of the triennial hegemony competition, and no one had ever been able to beat her.

There was no trace of fighting on her body, and she spread out the gold medal nestled in her palm and handed it to the referee.After the referee finally said the same thing to her, Yaohua walked up to Le Wushuang, glanced at her indifferently, found the backmost chair and sat up.

"I heard that her strength has reached the ninth level of the purple level. She is already strong in Sherlock Holmes College. There is also a rumor that she is the only daughter of the former head of the God General Academy." Situ Xiangru glanced at Yaohua and said.

"You know quite a lot. Could it be that you've taken a fancy to him?" Le Wushuang said openly.

When Situ Xiangru heard it, the corners of his mouth twitched and he said, "She's not my type."

"Oh? Then what type is your dish?" Le Wu asked curiously with his chin in his hands.

Situ Xiangru glanced at her, pursed his lips and said, "I only eat meat!"

"You're so funny."

Next, seventeen people also appeared with gold medals.The losers who stayed in the cloud in the sky were sent out of the competition field, while the twenty victors had the opportunity to be rewarded and successfully entered the competition for hegemony.

After the ten referees received the list of advanced players, they lined up in a neat line and announced, "There are twenty players who have entered the hegemony stage this time, and now the list of twenty players is announced."

"The triplets of the Nalan family, Nalanqin, Nalanqi, and Nalanshu."

"Sherlock Holmes College; Yaohua, Le Shaoyu, Xiao Yifei, Le Wuge, Le Wushuang, Wudu Meina, Qianhe, Situ Xiangru, Yaowei Jingzhi."

"Kunlun Xuan School; Wuhuazi..."


"The list of 1 candidates has been announced. Tomorrow, they will enter the list of the top ten young masters in the Xianlai Continent. The battle mode is team mode. Please go back and make your selections, and form a team to register together. The numbers are three-person groups, No .2, No.3 and No.1 teams can directly enter the leaderboard, and the rest of the team will challenge, and after No.[-], only one can be selected.”

"A group of three, isn't that missing one person?"

"Don't worry, the alternates are ready, don't worry!" the referee said lightly.

"Since there is nothing wrong, let's announce that today's competition is full." After speaking, the others gradually left.

After Le Wushuang saw Le Shaoyu come out, those disgusting eyes have been staring at her, wishing to tear her to pieces.

Le Wushuang crossed his arms and smiled at him.

Le Shaoyu looked at it, closed his eyes and ignored it, it didn't mean he wasn't angry, but swallowed the anger into his stomach.

Faced with Le Shaoyu's abnormal attitude, Le Wushuang could only whistle to fix his bangs.

"Boss!" Yaowei Jingzhi ran up to Le Wushuang pitifully and called out after the person left.

"Yo? What's the matter, who bullied you?" Le Wushuang asked.

"Yes! Who bullied you?" Situ Xiangru asked.

Yaowei Jingzhi took a few breaths, and said pitifully: "When I was in the cloud of the sky and used the space system to win the gold medal, someone stepped on my hand and it hurt so much."

"Pfft! You're awesome." Le Wushuang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Boss, what are you laughing at!" Yaowei Jingzhi said angrily.

Situ Xiangru laughed loudly, because he couldn't bear it any longer. Someone must have been stepped on to get something from the air!Who would have noticed a pair of hands appearing behind him?
"You guys! Stop laughing!" Yaowei Jingzhi roared through gritted teeth.

"Okay! Tomorrow, let's work hard!" Le Wushuang stretched out his fist and said to them.

Situ Xiangru nodded, and placed her calloused palm on the back of her pink and baby-skinned hand.

Yaowei Jingzhi was not playing around anymore, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and with a mature and stable look, he stretched out his small palm and placed it on the back of Situ Xiangru's hand.

Le Wushuang raised his eyes and looked at them with a joyful smile.The six looked at each other, each showing the happiest laughter from the bottom of their hearts.

Under the shining of the sun, the shadows of the three people were stretched very long, and the wind blew, and the white clouds in the sky floated slowly.

So, the three of them took a deep breath, and loud voices rang out throughout the huge arena.

"come on, come on, come on!"

The other people who hadn't left saw the dazzling three standing on the playing field, and for some reason, they were also attracted to them, because they were too dazzling, which aroused their fighting spirit.Is this friendship?

"Young master, those three idiots are still so energetic! Die Die couldn't help but want to participate." said the golden butterfly standing on Yan Feijun's shoulder.

Yan Feijun stretched out his finger, scratched the golden butterfly's head a few times and said, "Let's go!"

"Yes..." Golden Butterfly nodded, took a last look at the three people who were smiling happily, and left with Yan Feijun with a smile on her face.

At night, the stars twinkle.

On the corridor leading to the west wing, the white figure walked unhurriedly, raising his wrist and talking to himself from time to time.

"Shuangshuang, it's so late, don't you want to practice?" Yan Ye asked, turning into a jade bracelet wrapped around her wrist.

His fingers flicked the jade bracelet, making a crisp sound.Le Wushuang said, "I miss Master."

"Looking at you like that, I know!" Yan Ye said with a curled lip.

"Okay, let's talk more when we go back. Now we are about to enter the place where the strong live, so what! Shut up first." Le Wushuang pointed at the jade bracelet.

"Wow! I hate it, it's like this again... I know, I know!" Although Yan Ye was very dissatisfied, he remained silent.It is silent, just like ordinary jade bracelets.

"Huh? Wushuang!" While talking to Yan Ye, Le Wushuang didn't notice that Murong Shenge and Yaohua had just entered here, and...he was not that familiar with this Murong Shenge!
"Is there something wrong?" Le Wushuang stopped and asked.

"Presumptuous! You don't pay homage when you see the head of the god general!" Yaohua said coldly as he quickly pulled out a sword and put it on Le Wushuang's neck.

What a great speed!

Le Wushuang lamented that before she could react, she could already solve herself.

At this time, Murong Shenge stretched out his hand, put his two fingers on the sword, and with a force, the extremely hard sword broke immediately.The broken sword immediately turned into green smoke and dissipated.

Yaohua knelt down immediately, she knew that Murong Shenge was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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