Enchanting Divine Sound Master

Chapter 161: Fighting between dragons and tigers, great disparity in strength

Chapter 161: Fighting between dragons and tigers, great disparity in strength (5)
The light of the Heaven Slaughter Sword in her hand faded, and Le Wushuang quickly dodged to leave. She knew that this was just a way to hold her back for a while.

The color of Yaohua's eyes has become very gray...

"Ding-ding-ding-" The bell hidden in the collar was exposed at this moment, and after shaking it a few times, it made a different sound wave, which immediately brought her back to her senses.

Yaohua clenched the Heaven Slaughter Sword tightly again, held the bell in her arms and looked coldly at Le Wushuang who had already flashed into the air.

Her father once told her that this thing signed a contract with her own blood. Although it was not very effective, it could counteract mental attacks.Now, this thing really comes in handy.

Le Wushuang frowned, didn't expect Yaohua to have such a weapon on her body, and really underestimated her.

Anyway, the violin cannot fight at close range, so... this is the only way to use it.

He stretched out his right hand and swung it vigorously, and the rose pattern of the earth clan appeared on the bow instantly.A sharp sword less than two inches long and burning with flames appeared.When the sharp sword shines, Le Wushuang dodges to fight Yaohua in close combat.

With a paralyzed face and an excited look on his face, Yaohua held the huge Heaven Slaughter Sword to meet him.

In an instant, the thunder and lightning enveloped Yaohua, and the black notes surrounded the green to wrap her body.

The two swords touched each other, making a 'buzzing' sound, like a dragon fighting a tiger, like lightning and thunder.

The two of them squinted their eyes under the strong light, especially Le Wushuang, a magic circle floated under their feet.It was a purple-level first-level magic circle. It was clear that she was at the peak of the blue-level in terms of strength, but she did not expect that she had already entered the stage of a purple-level master.

This brat is hiding deep enough!

The two pushed each other away with force, and at the same time broke the two powerful forces that kept colliding.

Yaohua landed on the ground, and sparks were emitted when her feet stepped on the ground.

Le Wushuang held the bow, and the tip of the sword cut a deep crack on the ground as he fell to the ground.Kneeling on half knees, the moment he raised his head, he got up quickly, and his figure disappeared in place again, and the whole person rushed into the air.

Not to be outdone, Yaohua paused for a while, then went forward.

In an instant, the holes on the ground that were blasted by them during the battle were one after another. In the air, the sound of vibration was very ear-piercing. Fortunately, an enchantment was used to isolate it, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The two figures, one platinum and one gold, sometimes fight on the ground, and sometimes fight in mid-air.At the same time, it will also use its own skills and moves.

Looking at the comparison between the two peerless geniuses, I really don't know who will win or lose.

Yaohua backed up, panting continuously, raised her left hand, thunder and lightning covered her whole body, when she roared, the thunder and lightning turned into a dragon turning around and attacked Le Wushuang who was panting at the same time.

Le Wushuang opened her hands, and a magic circle with a phoenix pattern appeared at her feet immediately, and the flames were blazing. Her body was burning like a phoenix spreading its wings.Where she occupies is a sea of ​​flames, as if a fire phoenix can be seen hovering non-stop.

However, this was not over yet, Le Wushuang waved the bow that was stained with flames, and swiped towards the force that wanted to destroy her.

The sword was stained with flames, dragging meteors as it swiped across.

"The second form of Da Liu Hua Jian Jue - Liu Yan!"



Thunder and lightning are dragons, and flames are phoenixes, but the whole body of the phoenix is ​​entwined with black musical notes, which increases its strength. It seems that Le Wushuang spent a lot of strength on this move.

The two forces kept fighting until they couldn't bear it at last, and the fireworks were launched into the sky and exploded. The scenery, like a peony flower in bud, was particularly beautiful and ostentatious.

The two were rebounded by these two impacts and fell to the hard barrier like diamond, Yaohua let out a muffled snort.Le Wushuang spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, opened his left hand, and condensed the blood he spit out into a blood bead.With mental strength, the mouth meditated, and black notes spit out from the mouth.Finally, when a blood bead was entangled in the palm of her hand, a red light shone, and Le Wushuang's avatar appeared. She raised her left hand, condensed into a violin, and stood aside to play the music.

"Yinling Peiyuan!" Le Wushuang spat out these words, wiped off the blood from his mouth, and formed an enchantment for his avatar to protect her.

"Le Wushuang" closed her eyes and played the violin. Milky white light emitted from her body and passed to Le Wushuang. That is when your spiritual power is dry, you can use this skill to recover quickly.

This is why Le Wushuang was able to persist for so long. Even if she breaks through to the purple level, she cannot be compared with a pervert who is nine levels away.

The small plants in the body actually produced flower buds when they broke through to the purple level. Maybe it took too much energy to produce flower buds, so they became listless and seemed to be going to sleep!
It's okay, I don't rely on you anyway, I can do it myself.

Le Wushuang said firmly.

Yaohua noticed Le Wushuang's avatar, showing a clear look.

As long as that clone is killed, the game will be over.

"Yaohua, didn't you listen to what I said last night?" The magic singer Murong held her chin and looked at Yaohua who was trying her best with strange eyes.

Yaohua felt that familiar gaze, but... She held the hilt of the sword, bowed her body and half knelt down.Raise your palms and press them on the ground, an ancient magic circle appeared, and the rays of light enveloped her whole body. One of them was facing Changshou, and when it appeared, the ancient divine beast White Tiger, which caused the sky to change, had a thunderbolt on its palm and stood behind her. Of course, this is not over yet. .

Yaohua got up, did not complete the formation, but waited for the opportunity.

How could Le Wushuang not know Yaohua's plan?If you want to counterattack, unless you can beat her, that's fine!
Raising the palm, a thunder fell from the sky, Dongfang Qinglong Yanye wrapped around her after the white light disappeared, those amber eyes stared at the white tiger behind Yaohua with irresistible majesty and hatred.

The white tiger seemed to see an enemy, the hair all over his body burst into bundles.

Yaohua put her hands on its spine, jumped lightly, and sat on its back.

Yan Ye lowered his head and moved it in front of Le Wushuang.Le Wushuang's eyes communicated with Yan Ye, and when he jumped, he landed on top of Yan Ye's head, holding the dragon's horn with his left hand.

"Yan Ye, help me." Le Wushuang said while holding the dragon's horn tightly.

Yan Ye smiled lightly, and said disdainfully: "Are you kidding me? My existence is to protect you. Buddhas come to kill Buddhas, and gods come to kill gods."

"Okay!" Le Wushuang responded heartily, waved his bow and pointed at Yaohua and shouted: "Kill—"

"Kill—" Yaohua yelled while riding a white tiger while holding the Heaven Slaughter Sword.

Tang Lie's enchantment simply couldn't withstand the coercion of the ancient beasts.

"Hey! You are getting old!" Kress laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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