Chapter 25
"It's nothing." Song Zeyuan shook his hands while driving, he couldn't tell her to put down the important things at hand, just to have a meal with her, if this got out, what would he do.

"Oh." Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Yu Jingxi didn't force it, but just looked outside and was thinking, looking a little sad.

"Here we are." Song Zeyuan's voice brought her back to her thoughts, Yu Jingxi looked back and saw that the car had already parked in front of a high-end restaurant, Song Zeyuan got out of the car, came over to open the car door for her, the gentleness on his face became more and more obvious.

"What are you doing in a daze, get out of the car." Before Yu Jingxi could react, he had already taken her out of the car, wrapping her warm hands, Yu Jingxi suddenly felt very happy, so happy that her nose was a little sore.

There were all kinds of flower baskets at the door, but there was no grand scene like the one on TV, and the reception staff at the door just welcomed them in with a faint smile.

After entering the inside, she realized that the outside was just the tip of the iceberg, and people were reflected on the marble floor. Yu Jingxi took a deep breath, and the air was full of the smell of desserts.

"Stop standing here." Song Zeyuan pulled her over. A waiter almost bumped into her just now, and looked at her with contempt. Song Zeyuan was very unhappy, "Are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry." Yu Jingxi looked at him shyly, and unconsciously put her arms around his arms. Song Zeyuan didn't know when a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "What shall we eat today?" Like a young couple in love .

"Is everything okay?" The woman's trusting voice came, Song Zeyuan turned around and took her to the private room, and Yu Ningqin happened to be walking from there, and he was taken aback when he heard the familiar voice, and then hid aside, watching Followed Yu Jingxi and Song Zeyuan into the private room.

"What do you want to eat?" Song Zeyuan looked at her tenderly, but Yu Jingxi seemed a little uncomfortable, raising her hand to cover the light above her head, "Anything is fine, I don't care much."

"Okay." Song Zeyuan looked at her reaction and knew that she was uncomfortable, so he didn't say anything else. Yu Jingxi sat quietly at the table thinking about something, but Song Zeyuan broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Did you see your father today?" Song Zeyuan asked casually, "It's really rare to see President Yu."

"Yes." Yu Jingxi heard him talk about the question that he hadn't answered before, and she couldn't help but look back at him. The light above her head was still dazzling, and she couldn't open her eyes because of the dizziness. What's the problem?"

"No problem." Song Zeyuan smiled, then stood up and lifted the lid off the soup, "Let's eat first, and we'll talk about other things when we're done."

"it is good."

Not long after eating, Yu Jingxi felt her stomach swollen and uncomfortable, and looked up at the man who was eating, feeling a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Zeyuan looked at her with an abnormal expression, and worried, "Is there nothing wrong with your body?"

"It's okay." Yu Jingxi waved her hand, and in the next second she stood up from the table and ran out in a hurry, leaving only Song Zeyuan standing there dumbfounded.

Yu Jingxi never thought that a stomachache would be so uncomfortable. After finally getting out of the toilet, she saw Yu Ningqin standing not far away, making up her body calmly. When she saw her, the mockery was obvious on her beautiful face.

"Hey, why do you have time to come here for dinner today?" Yu Ningqin smiled and walked over to block Yu Jingxi's way, and then pretended to be a prince who had suddenly realized, "Why did I forget, you are the wife of the Song family now, such a How did the small restaurant catch your eyes?"

"Ning Qin, I don't want to quarrel with you here." Yu Jingxi originally planned to calm things down, and the people coming and going outside made others see how embarrassing it would be.

"Stop." Where did Yu Ningqin have such thoughts, she thought it was Yu Jingxi who was afraid of her, and couldn't help but feel complacent, "I tell you, as long as it is your thing, I will snatch it one day, such as... Bai Youheng."

Yu Jingxi's eyes darkened, and then she raised her head, her emotions were at ease, and she looked at her with big and energetic eyes: "Really? I never knew that you still have a good habit of cleaning up junk."

"Yu Jingxi, how dare you..."

"Why don't I dare." Yu Jingxi simply tore her face, all the anger and grievances were defeated at that moment, her father's incomprehension, her mother's early death, meeting such a stepmother, and giving birth to such a younger sister, what did she do? What evil did he suffer to end up like this.

"You are not afraid that I will tell my mother." Yu Jingxi, who was holding Yu Ningqin's hand, was obviously taken aback. Yu Ningqin thought she was afraid of Yang Xiuyi, and was about to slap her backhand, but Yu Jingxi was already firmly grasping her hand , looked at her coldly, "I tell you, don't challenge my endurance anymore."

"What did you say?" After Yu Jingxi finished threatening words, she turned around and was about to leave, but Yu Ningqin was relentless and grabbed her hand tightly, Yu Jingxi couldn't break free, and when Yu Ningqin struggled a little Almost fell to the ground.

With so many onlookers, Yu Ningqin couldn't hold back her face, and said angrily, "Yu Jingxi, how dare you plot against me?"

Before she finished speaking, her hand was already stretched out in front of her, Yu Jingxi was not willing to give her a chance, she was about to block it, but someone was already one step ahead of her, firmly grasping Yu Ningqin's wrist.A voice that couldn't be colder came from the top of your head: "Yu Ningqin, you seem to have forgotten what I once said."

Yu Jingxi was startled, subconsciously raised her head and saw the man behind her angrily looking at Yu Ningqin in front of her, wishing she could kill her.

"What's going on?" Bai Youheng came from nowhere, holding the freshly packaged dessert in his hand. Looking at the people who were at war, he felt exhausted, "Uncle, why are you here?"

"Youheng, look at them bullying me." Seeing Bai Youheng coming to her side, Yu Ningqin couldn't help but feel full of confidence, "Just now when I came out, I happened to throw it at Jingxi, so I just wanted to say hello to her. Knowing that she won't give me a good look because she is my aunt, I can't be angry for a while..." At this point, she was already crying in Bai Youheng's arms.

Yu Jingxi looked at her coldly, and couldn't help admiring her eloquence, and even more admiration for her courage when she said these words without blushing and heartbeat. Song Zeyuan was about to step forward but she held her back, and then shook her head: "Then I want to ask my nephew Daughter-in-law, do you want to say hello to me, or do you want to ask something?"

Yu Ningqin was taken aback for a moment, and looked back at the cold woman. The current Yu Jingxi looked too calm, which made people worry and frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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