King Kong: Start the fight against the reincarnation!

Chapter 16 We Don't Need Pregnant Orangutans

Chapter 16 We Don't Need Pregnant Orangutans
"Damn orangutan, Mare Falk! TUI!"

The black man who fired the gun spit and sat back in the cargo box.

"Hey, these are all money! You bloody bastard." The black man on the co-pilot cursed backwards.

Then he turned his head to look at Fang Yang, showing his big white teeth, and teasingly said, "Why the hell don't you want a dead orangutan? It's too much effort to catch a living one."

"Catching a yellow-skinned orangutan is easier than catching a chimpanzee, hahahaha..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A black man in the back seat suddenly smiled and said something.

The others immediately burst into laughter.


Fang Yang smiled faintly, started the car and drove forward calmly.

"Oh Shet! Were you sneering just now?" the black co-pilot suddenly asked.

Fang Yang didn't respond.

"Fuck, I forgot that you are a mute! Can't speak, haha!" The black man on the co-pilot laughed loudly, and then suddenly coughed out a mouthful of phlegm, which he spit on Fang Yang's shoes.

Then, he still pointed the submachine gun on Fang Yang at Fang Yang.

He looked smug.

It seemed that he scolded Fang Yang and then spit at Fang Yang, but Fang Yang didn't dare to respond.

So he just won.

Fang Yang drove the car without saying a word.

Under the guidance of the black co-pilot with a mocking face, the car drove towards the base of these people.


Fang Yang drove steadily and at a fast speed.

Before the sun started to set, they followed the path pointed by the black co-pilot to the headquarters of their animal trafficking organization.

The car stopped.

A large number of people gathered around.

The black man behind the cargo box took the iron box containing the orangutans out of the car.

A little white boy with few hairs on his head walked up to Fang Yang, put his arm on Fang Yang's shoulders naturally, took out a stack of US dollars with the other hand and put it on the box in front of him, and said to these black animals who sold animals: "The instrument is right there. Check it out yourself. After working together for so long, you should know our rules. Don't get sick, get pregnant, get disabled, or carry a part of the virus."

"Of course, my friend."

A black man with a strong body, a gold necklace on his neck, gold rings on his ten fingers, and a strange wooden staff took the dollar bills with a smile.

Then he directed his subordinates to take the batch of chimpanzees that Fang Yang had just transported over for inspection.

The chimpanzees that passed the inspection were placed in a huge truck on the road not far away.

The wagon was full of iron cages.

Almost 20 orangutans are housed inside.

The bald white man watched the black people work, and put his mouth to Fang Yang's ear: "I took in a few chimpanzees that died naturally. The price is very cheap, and there is no physical problem. They fully comply with the regulations and are safe. After checking, I will give you one thousand!"

This Caucasian boy named Rand is Fang Yang's partner in the Gene System Company. He is greedy for money and often uses this method to get extra money.

He can say that those dead orangutans died on the road, so that the genetic company will still pay the price for being alive.

But in fact, he bought these dead orangutans in Africa at a very low price.

Fang Yang nodded after listening.

He doesn't care about these things.

Even though the other party may have obtained tens of thousands through this matter, they only gave him one thousand.

But it doesn't matter.

Seeing Fang Yang's reaction, Rand smiled and showed his yellow teeth, then patted Fang Yang's face with his hands, and said with a smile: "Do you know why I always bring you here to make a fortune? I just like that you can keep it safe." Secret! You are not like the other Yellow Perils, they are all too greedy!"

Fang Yang felt the strength of the palm on his face.

He also laughed, raised his head, and glanced at every piece of land around here, every house, every person, and the weapons in everyone's hands...

Slowly calculating in my heart.

"Soon you won't like it..."

Fang Yang thought to himself that the people around him really made him a little angry.

I feel that it is better to keep those orangutans alive than to keep these people alive.

"DiDi! DiDi!"

Suddenly, a siren sounded.

Rand frowned and walked over.

Fang Yang picked up a wire from the ground next to him, and followed Rand quietly.

Walked towards the group of people.

I saw a black man holding an instrument on the belly of a chimpanzee he had just transported.

The red light on the instrument kept flashing and an alarm sounded.

The chimpanzee kept writhing, as if trying to protect its stomach.

If you look carefully, you can find that this is a female orangutan with a slightly protruding belly.

Fang Yang also suddenly understood why the orangutan in the woods must have rushed to the car before, and finally died.

The belly of this pregnant female orangutan is likely to be her child!

Everyone was silent.

After a while, Rand straightened up, looked at the burly black man wearing gold all over his body, and shook his head helplessly: "This is really sad news."

The black man was obviously the leader of this animal trafficking organization. He walked over with a face full of anger, and slapped the inspector directly.

Then he looked at Rand with a smile and said, "My friend, my brother! I think there should be no problem."

As he spoke, he took out a few US dollars and stuffed them into Rand's hands.

Rand raised his hand with a smile, shook his head and backed away: "Jamie, I think what I said is clear enough, we don't need pregnant orangutans, please don't embarrass me, otherwise, we may have to terminate the relationship with your father." There’s always been a transactional relationship there.”

Jamie, the boss of the animal trafficking organization, looked confused: "Why! Why? I always wanted it eight years ago. Why don't I want it now? Is it because I took over my father's business? Are you targeting me?"

Then, Jamie suddenly looked at Fang Yang who was following Rand, and kicked Fang Yang suddenly.

Fang Yang dodged sideways.

But this obviously made Jamie even more angry.

"Damn thing, do you have the qualifications to listen to these words?"

He continued to walk towards Fang Yang.

Rand is the person in charge of the transaction, and they dare not mess with it.

But this Asian man can just use it to vent his anger and at the same time, show his strength.

Rand stopped the opponent.

Then he turned his head and glanced at Fang Yang: "Is there something wrong with your fucking brain? Go back to your car and wait for me!"

Fang Yang nodded and moved back slowly.

Rand turned his head to look at Jamie again, and explained angrily, "It seems that your father didn't tell you why we did this, but it's okay, I can tell you now.

Eight years ago, just because we brought a pregnant chimpanzee from you, our company's project that could be carried out on human experiments immediately was terminated directly, and then we started to develop from scratch, but all the results were the same, a whole waste of time In eight years, do you know how many dollars this has cost our company? "

Rand's tone suddenly became tough, he pushed Jamie away, and shouted loudly: "Do you know how much money this f*ck cost me!"

Jamie took a step back and spread his hands: "But now that it's been caught, do you want us to put it back again?"

Jamie really didn't want to give away the dollars he got.

The contradiction became more active and attracted everyone's attention.

No one noticed that Fang Yang was supposed to retreat to the side of the car.

Unknowingly, he walked a full circle around them, and stepped forward again, walking towards the center of them.


Rand reached into his trouser waist and took out a pistol.

Under the vigilant eyes of all the black people, he aimed his gun at the pregnant orangutan in the iron cage, and said with a smile.

"That way, you don't have to send it back."

Retract your index finger and pull the trigger.

Gunshots sounded!

(End of this chapter)

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