Super Seminary Time and Space Heart

Chapter 131 - Keisha's Crash

Chapter 131 - Keisha's Crash

A space-time wormhole opened directly on the edge of the emerald star.

Keisha came out of the wormhole.The blinding light of the supernova that was about to explode made Kesha cover her eyes with her hands for the first time.

Then, she put her hand down.

A figure appeared in front of the Emerald Star.


Lena's whole body was suspended in the air, with a terrifying light emitting from her whole body.Clearly, she was being manipulated.

Keisha looked at it for a while, and pulled a huge boulder around her behind her.

"It's really beyond my understanding." Keisha sat down straight.

"Your contempt for the void."

"Who?" Keisha looked towards a place.

Snow's holographic projection appeared in front of her.


"You're not Carl."

"I am..." Snow's image suddenly disappeared.

"Come on, Carl. Explain, explain."

Keisha cast her gaze forward again.

This time, the image reappeared, and Carl's figure appeared.

He bowed to Kesha.

"How did I get here?" Keisha's voice was calm throughout, as if she was asking Carl a familiar question.

"In your cosmic thinking, time and space are a stable concept." Karl turned around.

"But I think that time and space are unstable."


"You go from one point of space to another by adjusting the wormhole. The void is just the opposite."

"Instead of changing your position, I change the position of space."

"So I'm theoretically still above Earth?"

"Let's understand it that way."

"Hmph." Kesha snorted softly, "Ha, it's very infuriating. And that Reina, we won't use this method to control others."

"So mortals respect you, but gods don't necessarily."

Keisha is without Ricard.

"The supernova in front of me will explode in less than a minute."


"It can really blow me up."

"Hopefully. And, Morgana proposed using a great clock to scatter your fragments across the known universe. She thinks you might have the ability to converge."

"If it is aggregated, it is guaranteed that it will not be possible within [-] million years."

"Huh, death is death. Why do you still have to reunite when it's broken? I'm not afraid. After death, you should rest well."

"It's the first time I've heard of the unstable space you mentioned. It's really scary."

"Give me some time, I have to digest slowly."

"There are only 30 seconds left." Carl turned his body back, "I'm sorry, Queen Keisha, why don't you try to escape, but just sit here and wait for death?"

"Carl, I ask you a question, and you answer me truthfully." Kesha interrupted Carl suddenly.

"Queen Keisha, tell me."

"Did you kill it?"

Karl froze for a moment: "Queen Keisha, who are you talking about?"

"You know who it is. Did you really kill him?"

Karl understood, and something indescribable was revealed in his eyes.

"...Yes, Queen Keisha. Same way, Supernova."

"It seems that you are not very innovative, Carl."

"But it is indeed the most effective way."

"So, you don't need to ask me why I didn't run away." Keisha stood up.

"If I survive, I will definitely kill you."


Carl's image and Lena's are gone.Because the supernova has already started to detonate.

I can't go away.

Yang Jun, we were destined to be killed by the same method.

Keisha closed her eyes and opened her hands.

Anyway, it's good to die like this.At least there will be no more trouble.

The energy of the supernova burst out.

"I said, why are you so stupid. You can obviously escape." A voice came.

Kesha's whole body trembled, and her face was full of disbelief.Only she didn't open her eyes.

Is this a hallucination before death?

"We finally met, how can we communicate with you with your eyes closed?" Yang Jun stepped forward.

The energy of the supernova was getting closer and closer, Yang Jun opened his hand back, and the colorless wall opened directly, protecting him and Kaisha in a colorless energy ball.

The bursting energy flow directly hit the colorless wall.

"Lord God, your energy shield can only last for 5 minutes."

"Yang...Yang Jun?" Kaisha slowly opened her eyes.

There was a man standing in front of her, his hair was all white, but Keisha still recognized Yang Jun at a glance.

"your hair……"

"It's okay, the sequelae of returning from the dead, compared to what I lost, this is just a small interest."

Yang Jun took a few steps forward: "It's you, you silly woman. Didn't everyone remind you that the earth is in danger? Why aren't you careful?"

"That warning...was you?"

"Well, I deliberately didn't let Cheng Nan tell Yan...don't interrupt, why are you still here?"

"Hexi told me that you might be on Earth."

"What?" Yang Jun was taken aback, he didn't tell Hexi about this.

After Kaisha told Yang Jun the reason, Yang Jun sighed helplessly.

Still made a mistake.It was so hidden that it was discovered.

Moreover, from the very beginning when she saw herself, Keisha's mood became a little wrong, as if she was about to cry at any time.

Are you blaming me for not telling her in advance?

No, you can't be soft-hearted at this time.

Yang Jun knew that as long as his heart softened, he would never be able to say what he said next.

"Kesha... in this situation, I can't save you."

"It's ok."


"Because, this is your decision. I believe you." Keisha's expression became more and more unbearable.

"Why do you trust me so much?"

"No reason, no..."

"Kesha, you have to tell me the reason." Yang Jun's voice became serious.

"Yang Jun, you bastard!" Kaisha's emotions suddenly collapsed.Yang Jun was immediately dumbfounded.

"Why should I tell you the reason! Do you really want to know? Well, I'll tell you! Because..."

"I—— like you!" After saying this, Keisha burst into tears.

This is the second time Yang Jun saw Keisha cry.Only this time, she cried so much that she seemed to be even more sad, as if she was going to burst out all the emotions that had been pent up over the years.


"Shut up!" Keisha's voice suddenly became loud.

"Do you know how I feel right now? I really don't want to see you again!"

"I spent tens of thousands of years trying to forget you, and now... bastard..."

"I'm sorry..." Yang Jun stepped forward and hugged Kaisha.

"I never knew, sorry."

Keisha's voice also quieted down, she just buried her head in Yang Jun's arms.

Yang Jun didn't realize until now that what Kesha said was indeed true.

All the previous scenes were presented in his mind like a projector.

In the days of the Angel Nebula, the days of the body war... I, I didn't even notice it.

Yes, because at that time I loved Lynn deeply.So these things I don't notice at all.

Yang Jun, you should have noticed earlier.

Looking at Kesha who was still crying in her arms, Yang Jun didn't know what to say.

"You, let's go..."

(End of this chapter)

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