Super Seminary Time and Space Heart

Chapter 173 - The Real Death

Chapter 173 - The Real Death

When Yang Jun wrote the last word, Qi Lin clearly felt a trace of murderous intent emanating from Yang Jun's body.

The killing intent was not strong, but very pure.

That is at least a deep hatred.

"Ajun...then I, I won't go."

"Lin, you have to go. This matter has something to do with you."

"You mean, something to do with Caitlin?"

"Yes. Moreover, it is directly related to her death."


Yang Jun briefly told Qilin about Caitlin's death from the mutant animal body and other things related to Ducao.

As for the last part, he didn't mention it.This may be something that Yang Jun will never mention again in his life.


Qilin was completely shocked, or terrified.

"Lin, I can forgive many people. But only some people, I can't forgive them."

"Ducao is one of them."

Qilin was silent.

Yang Jun is right.

The revenge of killing his wife is irreconcilable.

Moreover, because of Ducao, almost all of Ajun's teammates died.

The Deno galaxy was destroyed, and the crystallization of Zilean's hard work for thousands of years was burned.

Yang Jun, a student of Kiran, can imagine the despair in his heart.

"Ajun, I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask you about these things." Qilin lowered her head, like a child who has made a mistake.

"Lin, don't do this." Yang Jun smiled, hugged Qi Lin lightly, and pulled her into his arms.

"If it wasn't for you, I would make Ducao regret living in this world. But, if it wasn't for such a coincidence, you wouldn't have met me, would you?"

"So, now I don't want Ducao to experience the despair in my heart. Although I still can't let him live, at least...I will let him die with dignity."

"Come with me. If he really wants to atone for his past, come with me."

"Let him apologize to you face to face."

"OK then."


A quiet primeval forest in Huaxia, where it is hidden and quiet even during wartime.

Now that the war is over, things are much more peaceful here.

In one part of the forest, there is a small wooden house, and sunlight can shine through the small windows of the wooden house from among the towering trees.

The door of the cabin opened, and a man in military uniform walked out, leaning on crutches.

It's Ducao.

He limped out, put down his crutches, and sat tremblingly on the steps of the door, closing his eyes and basking in the sun.

Suddenly, Ducao opened his eyes.

"you are still alive?"

"Yeah, I'm back from hell."

Yang Jun took Qilin's hand, pushed aside the bushes and walked to Ducao's wooden house.

"Ducao, we meet again."

"Yes." Ducao sighed lightly.

He didn't wear a military cap, his hair was already graying a lot, and he looked a lot older.

When he saw Qilin, his expression froze.

"Kirin, or should I call you... Caitlin?"

"You already knew?" Yang Jun was a little surprised.

He thought that Ducao had never seen Caitlin, so naturally he didn't know Qilin.

It now appears that Ducao already knew what Caitlyn looked like.

In this way, Ducao actually knew Qilin's identity a long time ago.


"Although I have made a lot of mistakes, I am not a fool. I know who the person in the German star formation was after I released the mutant beast body that day."

"Perhaps, I did make an irreparable mistake at that time."

"Are you begging me for mercy?" Yang Jun's voice became colder, "You should know that I won't let you go."

"Of course, anyone who encounters such a thing will think of revenge. I always knew that you were on Earth, but I didn't expect... It took so long for you to find me."

"After thoroughly helping Earth win... I should thank you for helping me clean up this mess."

"Yang Jun, without you, the future of the earth is in jeopardy."

"Hearing words of appreciation from your mouth, I don't know whether I should laugh or cry."

"I'm already half buried in the ground." Ducao pointed to the crutch beside him.

"Although the God Killing Bullet didn't kill me completely, it also caused my body to decline day by day, and I will die soon."

Ducao made a gesture of please.

"Sit down, I have something in my heart that I want to tell you. Regardless of whether we were enemies or not, Yang Jun, you may be the only person in this universe who still understands me."

Yang Jun was silent for a while, and sat beside Ducao.

"I'm sorry for hurting the people around you who are dear to you because of my actions. I'm sorry."

"However, if you do it again ten thousand times, I will also choose to attack the German star at that time. I will still cooperate with Karl, you...understand?"

"Of course I understand. You want to find better living space and resources for the people of Nuoxing, which is understandable."

"But I also have reasons for having to fight. I can't let the Deno galaxy that the teacher worked so hard to build be destroyed in your hands."

"But I lost."

"Me too……"

Ducao laughed, very sadly.

"I have fought all my life, and only now do I understand a truth."

"What's the point?"

"War, nothing can be gained."

"...It's not too late to see clearly now. At least you won't go to hell with your obsession." Yang Jun said lightly.

"Maybe. In retrospect, the most reassuring moments have been my last days on Earth."

"Lianfeng didn't take much trouble for me. I used to treat her like that, and she didn't hate me."

"Because she is very pure, she knows that although you are hateful, you haven't sorry her much."

"Yeah, she has come to understand her life. It's been hard for her to follow me, an obsessive person, for so many years."

"Yang Jun, I know this sounds absurd, but can I beg you for one thing?"

Ducao looked at Yang Jun, and there was even a hint of prayer in his eyes - praying.

Yang Jun has never seen such a Ducao.

" tell me."

"If you can, please forgive Lianfeng, because she doesn't know anything. Everything is caused by me. If you want to kill, just kill me."


"Because she really doesn't know anything. I don't want her to know too much about many things. She is indeed a pure scientist and is my subordinate."

"It was me who got her involved."

"It's me, sorry for her..."

"I see. If there is anything she can do to help, I will help."

"Also, thank you for taking care of me when Qilin was in Xiongbing Company."

"...Thank you. I, Ducao, have never thanked anyone in my life."

"As an enemy. Yang Jun, you are the first."

"Okay." Ducao stood up tremblingly, "Send me on my way."

Yang Jun also stood up.

His eyes flashed, and a military cap appeared in Ducao's hands.

Ducao froze for a moment.

"...Thank you." He put on his military cap and tidied up his military uniform.

"Is there anything else to say?"

Dukao took a deep breath.

"Yang Jun, if there really is an afterlife. Let's be enemies again."

"Okay, I promise you. If there is a next time, I will completely defeat you."

"It's a word."

"It's a word."

The dead star in Yang Jun's body suddenly moved.

Boom!There was a blood hole in Ducao's chest for no reason.

He fell down.

This time, he really died.

Yang Jun walked up to Ducao's body and saluted somewhat solemnly.

"Although you are hateful, you are a real soldier."

"Ducao, although I will never forgive you, I can understand you now."

"In the next life, be my enemy again."

(End of this chapter)

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