Super Seminary Time and Space Heart

Chapter 189 - A Bowl of Fried Rice

Chapter 189 - A Bowl of Fried Rice

"It's up to you..." Ezreal said as he watched Yang Jun walk away, seeming to remember something.

"You don't even have half your life. What are you fighting for?"

Yang Jun has already walked into the woods and disappeared.


When Qilin opened her eyes again, Yang Jun was already sitting beside her.

"woke up?"


"The quality of your cage sleep is really high." Yang Jun looked out the window, "It's almost afternoon."

"I wanted to prepare something early for you, but later I thought it would be better to prepare lunch."

Qilin sat up on the bed, her whole body was still a little weak.

too tired……

"No, let me support you, be careful if you get pregnant." Yang Jun smiled.

"You're so big!" Qilin's face turned red immediately.

"What if it succeeds once? After all, last night..."

"Go, go, get out! Even if there is, it will be a matter for the future, how can you be careful about fetal gas the next day!"

"Okay, okay, it's my fault." Yang Jun stroked Qilin's soft long hair.

"Before at your house, I didn't learn other skills well. I learned a lot about cooking. Try it."

Yang Jun came over with a plate of Yangzhou fried rice.

"This... is what you learned? A plate of fried rice?" Qi Lin looked at Yang Jun suspiciously.

"Eat less, you're so fat, you almost crushed me to death last night."

"Yang Jun!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" Yang Jun felt that his ears were almost twisted off.

I go, it's not scientific.The strength of women is really a mystery.How can I say that my divine body has also surpassed the fourth-generation divine body by a lot, and it can still hurt me...

Could it be a psychological effect?

Yang Jun stretched out his hand, held Qilin's hand that was twisting her ear, and let it go gently.

"Just kidding. Lin has the best figure, neither too big nor too small, just right."

"What a mess... I don't understand!" Qilin felt her ears heat up, grabbed the fried rice that Yang Jun brought, and ate it.

"This taste..." Just after taking the first bite, Qilin put down the spoon.

"Isn't it delicious?" Yang Jun asked with concern.

"This taste... and, made by my mother, it seems..." Qilin put down the spoon and looked at the bowl of fried rice.

"I know about Aunt Sun... Qilin, I don't know how to persuade you so that you can be happy."

"But I think..." Yang Jun came over with a tissue and wiped the rice grains from the corner of Qilin's mouth.

"That's all I can do. When Aunt Sun is here, let me take care of you and Uncle Qi. Aunt Sun is gone..."

Yang Jun gently hugged Qilin.

"I want to treat you better."

"Ajun, thank you..."

"Thank you for what, we are all a family. Maybe I should change my name to Uncle Qi soon."

"Cut, none of them are of the right type!" Qi Lin was in a much better mood, and she began to eat fried rice.

Really delicious!
Yang Jun sat quietly on the side, watching Qilin eat.

I don't know the reason, although Qi Lin is a divine body, she does look a little hungry.

The way he eats is not so refined anymore.

Yang Jun looked at Qilin's not-so-ladylike eating with interest, but he thought it was a bit cute.

Halfway through eating, Qilin found that Yang Jun was sitting beside her and staring at her.

"Huh? Huh!" Swallowing the food in her mouth, Qilin looked at Yang Jun.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm looking at fried rice."

Is such a fresh and refined reason really good?Qilin gave Yang Jun an angry look, and continued to eat.

This silly girl, Yang Jun smiled.


A full plate of Yangzhou fried rice was "destroyed" in a few minutes under Qilin's attack.

Qilin touched her lower abdomen in satisfaction, and directly hiccupped.

Although her voice was not loud, her face immediately turned red.

"It's not the first time I've heard it, what are you afraid of?" Yang Jun smiled and put away the plate.

"Are you taking a shower?"

"...Let's wash one." Qilin glanced at the sheets and said.


"Screw you!"

"The clothes are placed by the bed." Yang Jun pointed to the clothes on the bedside table.

"Come out for a walk after washing. I'll go downstairs first."


Watching Yang Jun leave, a smile appeared on Qilin's face.Then, she saw the clothes next to the bedside table.

The smile subsided, and black lines began to climb up Qilin's forehead.

Your uncle Yang Jun, prepare a set of cheongsam for hammering!

Yang Jun walked downstairs with a smile.It seems that the little white rabbit upstairs is probably going crazy now.

Who cares, isn't it nice to change into decent clothes once in a while?

Moreover, Yang Jun was quite looking forward to how well Qilin would wear it.

Walking downstairs, I saw Lianfeng still huddled on the sofa.

Sighed.Yang Jun walked up and sat next to Lianfeng.

"Where do you want to go in the future?"

"Go, where?" Lianfeng asked subconsciously, not knowing whether he was asking Yang Jun or himself.

Then, she lowered her head again.

"I don't know... I am from Nuoxing. Nuoxing destroyed me and Lao Du and Yuqin and fled to the earth together."

"Now, even the earth can't hold me. I don't know where to go."

"That's right." Yang Jun leaned back on the sofa.

"But... you are not the only one who is homeless."

"Aren't you going to stay?"

Lianfeng was stunned for a moment: "Can I... can I stay?"

"Uh, of course. If you can, you can be my combat staff officer and secretary, just like you used to be in Ducao's position."

"But what can I do?" Lianfeng was a little puzzled.

"Don't you have the technology library of the entire Deno galaxy?"

"However, this doesn't seem to be of much help against the void."

"Lianfeng, maybe your database is not very helpful for us to defeat the void."

Yang Jun looked at Lianfeng.

"However, if the Kamigawa civilization or the entire known universe is to continue to advance in science and technology, your database will play a vital role."

"If I'm lucky and snatch the big clock back from Carl, I'll give it to you."

"I believe that you are a good data keeper. At least better than me."

"So, stay here. Besides, I promised Ducao that if you really leave, it won't be easy."

"But why do I feel that the reason why you keep me is because you want me to be your secretary?" Lianfeng didn't know why, but suddenly said this.

"Huh?" Yang Jun froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Maybe? Isn't there a saying that is good, if you have something to do, the secretary will do it, and if you have nothing to do...cough cough!" Yang Jun coughed dryly.

"Besides, who wouldn't want a woman like you to be his secretary?"

"You won't. That's why I said that." Lianfeng also smiled.

"Yang Jun, from the first time I saw you, I felt that you were different from other men."

"Really? I don't think so."

"At least, you are more sincere. I can trust your character."

"Besides, I believe you are not a person who sees things differently."

" decided to stay, didn't you?"


"That's good." Yang Jun stood up and stretched out his hand.

"In the future, happy cooperation?"

Lianfeng also stood up.

"Pleasant to work with."

(End of this chapter)

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