Chapter 201 - God of War
under the mirror.

He Xi was still kneeling on the stairs, the look in her eyes completely disintegrated.


Yezi, Yezi...

Hexi's knee moved a little, and it moved her whole body, and her whole body ached again.

The wound on the back hurt even more.

Strangely, although her wound was bleeding, Hexi did not bleed to death.

It seemed that endless blood was evaporating on the steps.

A strong smell of blood rises.

Me, I can't just die here.

Hexi moved again.

Her knees were slowly raised, and the scorched flesh was stuck by the scorching hot steps. As soon as Hexi stood up, the skin on her knees was completely torn off.

Even the bones were exposed, but they recovered immediately.

Yezi, even if I am in hell and break my wings, I will continue walking.

Now I have nothing, I don't want to lose you anymore.

He Xi lowered his head, looked at the abyss below, then raised his head again.

Once again, she headed towards the unreachable void door.


"Unbelievable." Nyarlathotep lost his smile for the first time.

Instead, there was a little more doubt.

"... Well, I admit, she is the toughest woman in all the universes I have traveled." Nyarlathotep sighed softly.

"Now, I have some regrets. Such a woman shouldn't be lost."


"I know what she still insists on in her heart."

"It's you. Because of a word about you, she willingly fell into this dream of death."

"So, I'm thinking, she has such deep affection for you, so the breakthrough point must be here."

"Otherwise, even if the death penalty is added to her body, she can survive with ten fingers connected to her heart and thousands of cuts."

"It's driving me crazy."

Nyarlathotep thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something.

"Let me take a guess..."

"You guys, haven't you... the first time?"

Meng Ye's expression changed instantly.

"Mmm! Mmm!!!!"

"Oh... I see." Nyarlathotep had a weird smile on his lips.

He whispered a few words in Meng Ye's ear.

All the chains vibrated wildly.Meng Ye was like a lunatic, the chains strangled blood all over his body, but he was still struggling crazily.

Nyarlathotep crouched down.

"Don't worry, I will let you see the last scene, now..."

"I can't bear to see you again."

Boom!Nyarlathotep flicked Meng Ye's forehead with a finger.

boom!Meng Ye was beaten into the wall and passed out.

"So... have a good sleep. I will wake you up when the exciting time comes."


This is where?
Meng Ye's consciousness recovered, and he found himself awakened in a strange place.

He is on top of a mountain.

On the entire mountain peak, every floor, every level is filled with all kinds of broken weapons, and the blood is still wet on it.

He seemed to be on the ruins of an ancient battlefield.

However, in such a large-scale battlefield, with so many wreckage of weapons, how many people died?
Hexi, Hexi!
Meng Ye thought of Nyarlathotep's last words, and there was anger in his eyes.

Must go back!
"It's not that easy to go back."

A voice seemed to come from ancient times, directly hitting Meng Ye's heart.

"Who are you? I want to go back! If I don't go back, Hexi, Hexi..."

"She's really going to kill herself!"

"Now you, what can you do if you go back, die?" The owner of the voice said disdainfully.

"Then I'm going back too!"

"Boy, you have no right to talk to me like that. This is Mount Targon."

Meng Ye was stunned for a moment, and then his face became cold.

"I know the legend of the protoss. The known universe is invaded by the void, what about you?"

"Aren't your protoss the guardians of the universe?"

"Why not take action? Why!"

"Boy, I don't need to explain to you."

"You are a guy who dare not even show your real body!"

"Mama? Hahaha, well said!"

In front of Meng Ye, the weapon fragments on the ground began to condense, gradually taking on a human appearance.


"I have long since lost my real body. Do you think I don't want to protect this universe?"

"I... have no way to protect the universe anymore."

"But you..."

"Boy, the protoss is not invincible. When the God of War also falls, the void is much more terrifying than you imagine."

"Why do you think I became like this?"

Meng Ye was dumbfounded.

Even the legendary Protoss was crushed by the void, leaving only a little energy left.

Could it be that Hexi really...

Is there no way...

"You have a very pure fighting spirit. You must be obsessed with your weapons, right?"


"Let me tell you... see the wreckage of these weapons?"

"They were all the most powerful weapons in the universe, but they were useless."

"On the contrary... it hurt us, ourselves..." There was a hint of repentance and sadness in the voice of God of War.

"You have to understand that only yourself is the most powerful weapon."

"Let go of all the foreign objects in your hands and face your own heart directly."

"You will become, the most powerful...God of War."

"My time is running out, you are my chosen inheritor. I will pass on all my strength to you."

"But, most have to believe in yourself."

"Don't... let her get hurt again."

"Otherwise, even if you have obtained the most powerful force in the entire universe..."

The weapons began to dissipate.

"If you can't save her, what's the use..." God of War's last words revealed endless sadness.

He... Protoss will also have, loved one?

In the entire Giant God Peak, the sound of a dragon's chant resounded through the tower world.

A huge amount of energy essence flowed into Meng Ye's consciousness.

This is... the power of dragons!
How is this possible!This is nothing more than a fabricated species in the legend!
But now, Meng Ye had no choice but to believe it.

Because in his consciousness, a golden dragon is being condensed.

He roared angrily, and even Meng Ye let out a dragon roar in a strange way, and the terrifying power caused the giant mountain to collapse in an instant.

Meng Ye's eyes began to burn with golden flames.

At this time, the whole world surrendered at his feet...


Finally, are you here yet?

Hexi saw the void portal that was close at hand.

There was finally a smile on her face.

But so stiff.

Just take one more step, just one more step, I can, succeed.

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

I walked over from the scorching of lava, the pain of losing five sense organs, the pain of being cut off one by one, the iceberg, the pool of blood, the mountain of knives, the sea of ​​fire...

I survived the feeling of being hacked into pieces and in pain.There really is hell, is that all?
I really……

It's really only one step away.

In fact, He Xi's body was exhausted long ago. Her body was smashed to pieces countless times along the way, but she still came here.


"Wonderful, it's starting. Let's have some foreplay first."


On the last step, there is nothing, just an ordinary step.

This made Hexi suddenly have an ominous premonition.

However, she had reached this point, and she couldn't retreat.

She stepped on it.

Suddenly, the surroundings went dark, and the starry sky around Hexi disappeared.

The surroundings were suddenly dark, and the next moment, the light came down.

He Xi opened his eyes and found that there were many monsters around him.

There are many ugly monsters, they all stare at Hexi.

Squeak, squeak...

With a crisp sound, the gauze skirt on Hexi's body shattered and fell to the ground.

"Ah!" She quickly covered it with her hands.

But a large piece of white skin is still revealed.

Then, she heard heavy breathing, and... the sound of drooling.

Hexi looked around in horror, she suddenly found that in the eyes of these monsters...

Glittering, Lust.

"No," He Xi took a few steps back, only to find some monsters coming up from behind.

She was surrounded in the center.

"no no no……"


He Xi became desperate in an instant.

Little by little, the monsters approached her.

Fear completely swallowed Hexi.

She could lose everything else, but...

If it is really...

Then how could she still have the face to go back to see Meng Ye?

So, is this what you designed long ago?
He Xi finally came to his senses.

Even if she really got to this point, Nyarlathotep designed this deadlock to deal with her.

But she sadly found that she didn't even have the strength to commit suicide.

When these monsters touch her...


She couldn't imagine it, and she didn't dare to think about it.

Hexi now only wants to die.

She understood that it was impossible for her to face her future self.

She, too, can no longer face anyone.

"Let me die..."

He Xi suddenly knelt down.

She started wailing: "Let me die, I beg you!"

"Let me die!"


"Tsk, it's the last step, why are you begging to die? The hardest part has come over."

Nyarlathotep looked very sorry, and he walked to Meng Ye's side.

"It's time to wake up, take a good look, the most beautiful scenery at this time."

Suddenly, Nyarlathotep's face changed.

Meng Ye raised his head by himself.

Golden flames burned in his pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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