Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 108 Chapter 108: The Annual Meeting 2

Chapter 108 Chapter 108: The Annual Meeting 2 (2 more)
Because of Quan Yu's appearance, Ning Guiwan was slightly distracted.

He heard footsteps behind him, but he was not vigilant. In such a lively place, no one expected that someone would dare to commit murder.

In a daze, I heard someone calling her, sometimes far away, sometimes near, very unreal.


Qiao Youning stood where she was, her face was frighteningly pale.

She... hurt...

The broken porcelain fragments scattered under the feet silently told that the scene just now was not an illusion. There was a lot of blood on the bare floor, and many bloody shoe prints were stepped on.

The anger just now disappeared long ago, replaced by panic, pouring out continuously from the bottom of my heart, with cold hands and feet.

She didn't want to hurt anyone, and she didn't know what happened to herself.

What Quan Yu said when he took Ning Guiwan away is still in his ears, "If something happens to her, I can't spare you!"

And Quan Yu looked at her as if he wanted to strangle her to death.


Qiao Youning fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Qiao Yishen answered the phone, and within ten minutes, when he came back, he saw the solemn atmosphere in the banquet hall, as if something serious had happened.

Seeing blood and broken porcelain on the ground again, my own sister fell to the ground, crying with her face covered, her intuition was not good.

"What happened?" Qiao Yishen asked again.

Boss Niu's face is very ugly, he has been hearing rumors that Ning Guiwan was favored by the old lady of Quan Yu's family, and seeing Quan Yu's expression of wanting to kill someone just now, it can be seen that she is also important to Quan Yu.

Mr. Quan has always been calm in his work, he is not a person with extroverted emotions, just now...

The more Mr. Niu thought about it, the more he felt that the situation was serious. He finally managed to get in touch with the top leader of UBS, but don't lose his wife and lose his army again!


Qiao Yishen followed Qiao Youning to the hospital, and Ning Guiwan had already been sent to the emergency room.

The lights in the emergency room flickered, touching the hearts of those waiting at the door.

Quan Yu took off his suit and was thrown on the ground at random. His vest was open, and his white shirt and his hands were stained with blood.

The man's expression and eyes were terribly dark.

Qiao Yi has known him for so many years, and has never seen him look like this.

When they were studying in the United States, several of them partnered to start a company. Once, they worked with a big client for half a year and finally drew up a contract, but they were cut off by their competitors the day before the signing. Knowing how to control emotions, everyone was so angry that Chi Zhengjun even picked up a chair and smashed the computer.

Only the power to defend, no words, no excessive behavior.

But two years later, he swallowed up those two companies, and it was only two years later that they realized that the person who had the most calm reaction two years ago had the deepest hatred.

Qiao Yi looked deeply at the man with a terrifying expression at the door of the emergency room. Such a forbearable person showed an angry expression at this moment. One can imagine the weight of the man in the emergency room in his heart.

"Old Quan..." Qiao Yi called out deeply.

Quan Yu didn't seem to hear.

Qiao Yi sighed deeply, and turned his head to look at his sister who had tears all over her face.

I already asked clearly on the way here, for that Lu Ziqi.

"Stand over." Qiao Yishen pushed Qiao Youning to Quan Yu's side.

Qiao Youning shrank behind her brother in horror, Quan Yu's body, hands, and even his face were covered with blood, making his expression even more terrifying.

"Fifth brother... don't..." She clutched her brother's sleeve tightly, crying miserably: "I don't want to go..."

This younger sister has no evil intentions, but is simple, impulsive, and easily sentimental.

"Stand over!" Qiao Yi's face turned cold, "When will the people inside be discharged safely, and when will you leave?"

"Fifth brother..." Qiao Youning was also afraid of the angry fifth brother, sniffling, timidly walked to the door of the emergency room, and stood beside Quan Yu.

Quan Yu didn't say anything, didn't even look at her, she felt like there were thousands of knives on her back.

Qiao Yi bent down deeply to pick up the suit that Quan Yu threw on the ground, shook it, hung it in the crook of his arm, and put his hand on Quan Yu's shoulder, "Old Quan, I'm sorry about this matter."

Quan Yu took his hand away, and said in a very cold voice without any emotion: "If you apologize, you don't need to say it."

This sounds like it doesn't matter.

But Qiao Yishen's expression changed. Quan Yu's words didn't mean that the adults spared Qiao Youning a lot, but that they didn't accept an apology at all.

He glanced at Qiao Youning.

This sister...

 Two is over.

  good night, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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