Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 117 117: I broke up with him

Chapter 117 117: I broke up with him (2 more)
Quan Yu twisted the water from Ning Guiwan's hair, such thick hair is not so easy to dry.

"Where's the hair dryer?" He looked at the girl's slightly embarrassed look, with a smile on his lips and warmth in his eyes.

"I'll do it myself, you go get busy." Ning Guiwan couldn't stand him like this, who would believe that he would serve others like this?

The boss of UBS, that is a boss that countless people can hardly hold a candle to.

"Since I've served you, I'll serve you till the end." Queen Quan wiped her hands with the towel she had finished wiping her hair, then bent down and turned the water switch, the water curled up her floating hair and flowed into the sewer little by little.

Looking at his natural behavior, Ning Guiwan couldn't tell what it felt like.

Intimate behaviors are not limited to skin-to-skin contact, helping each other to wash a close-fitting clothes, or helping each other to put used water...

"Don't say?" Quan Yu couldn't wait for the answer, and he was not in a hurry, he just said slowly: "Then I will look for it, but it will take more time."

"I'll bring it to you." Ning Guiwan saw that he was really looking for it slowly, and took it out of the drawer by himself.

Amidst the noise of the blower running, Ning Guiwan was sitting on a low fabric stool. In order to accommodate her, Quan Yu's tall body was squatting, his left leg was almost touching the ground. From Ning Guiwan's angle, it looked very similar Marriage pose.

Ning Guiwan's hair is not thick, it's still long. After blowing for a while, she felt faintly anxious, but Quan Yu just calmly changed her position.

The knee accidentally touches Ning Guiwan's.

Ning Guiwan quietly retracted her legs, put her hands on her knees, sat very straight, and concentrated all her senses on her head.

"Are you nervous?" Quan Yu put five fingers in her hair, and the long black hair slipped through his fingers, over and over again...

Ning Guiwan lowered her head, her eyes fell on her lap,

The hair dryer was very noisy, but the man's voice seemed to have a penetrating power, Ning Guiwan heard it.

"Anyone would be nervous to be served by you like this." She smiled and hooked her two index fingers together.

Think of the deal the two made at the equestrian club.

At that time, she knew that this man was interested in her, but she believed more that his interest in her stemmed from the physical interest of a normal man in a beautiful woman.

It wasn't until he confessed himself to her in the theater box of the cruise ship that she realized that this man seemed to have a different feeling for her.

From what he said: "...I have never been interested in any girl, you are the only one, inexperienced, you can't get the point, sometimes you are impatient, you don't control your emotions, you don't do enough, it makes you disgusted, how worried are you? , these days I am also trying to improve..."

The verbal deal between the two changed.

Or, cease to exist.

He wants more than just her people.

Want her heart too.

He wanted her to be willing, instead of being forced to accept what she took by chance.

"No one else treats you as well." Quan Yu was in a good mood, and it was rare for him to joke, his low voice rang above his head: "You have to cherish it."

Ning Guiwan: "..."


"That's enough." When she was eight minutes dry, Ning Guiwan got up, parted her hair on both sides in front of the mirror, combed it neatly, and applied some essential oils for hair care.

Quan Yu pulled out the hair dryer and put it aside, picked up the watch and put it on, put down his sleeves and put on cufflinks, with an orderly look, showing a sense of leisure, his deep eyes kept falling on Ning Guiwan.

The girl didn't wear makeup, but she did wear lipstick. The delicate color became the most colorful stroke on the bright and beautiful features.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Miss Ning, lunch is ready." It was Aunt Zhang's voice, she only called Ning Guiwan, not Quan Yu.

It is worthy of being an old man who has worked in the old house for more than 20 years.

"Come on." Ning Guiwan replied, and pulled her curly hair behind her back. The curly curly hair, strand by strand, looked a little messy, but it added a bit of mature charm and laziness.

Mrs. Quan is already waiting in the restaurant.

Even if a servant saw Quan Yu and Ning Guiwan coming out of the same room, no one dared to say anything.

"Xiaowan, come, sit here." Mrs. Quan beckoned Ning Guiwan to her side, with a loving smile on her face, she looked at Shang Quanyu with a different expression, "Is the company busy today?"

Quan Yu opened the chair and sat down, and said with a smile: "Leave after eating."

Mrs. Quan ignored him, and smiled as she took some food for Ning Guiwan, "It's almost Chinese New Year, let's ask your boyfriend to have a light meal."

Ning Guiwan was startled, and after a while, he finally realized why Mrs. Quan said such a thing.

After returning from the cruise ship, Li Yang told Mrs. Quan that she had a boyfriend.

There is no boyfriend, but there is a misunderstanding.

Ning Guiwan glanced at Quan Yu and found that he was also looking at her.

The man's eyes were dark and his thin lips were pursed, showing a coldness.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the jade cup on the table, which was half full of Fenjiu. He spoke in an unusually casual tone: "You made a mistake, I don't know when she got a boyfriend."

Mrs. Quan glanced at him, and said: "That can't be, Xiao Yang told me personally, she is with Xiao Wan every day, there is no mistake."

"Oh, so..." The man took a sip of his wine, looked at Ning Guiwan with a slow smile, and put on an expression of watching a play, "That should be right, it's good to bring it back to check."

"..." Ning Guiwan looked at him, and a smile slowly appeared on his lips, which was extraordinarily bright, "I broke up with him."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. After getting along with him for a while, I found that there are many things that are not suitable for him." Ning Guiwan's eyes showed a bit of sadness, and he said: "Fortunately, each of us didn't fall into a deep trap, so we got out in time. Not too painful."

With these words, Mrs. Quan's idea of ​​seeing her boyfriend was cut off.

Mrs. Quan didn't have any doubts, sighed, and patted her hand. The old man's tone was distressed: "You child, why are you in such a bad relationship?"

Ning Guiwan smiled: "Fate isn't here, don't worry."

Quan Yuzhong poured a glass of wine, and the fine sapphire cup set off the man's slender fingers even more beautifully.


In the afternoon, Ning Guiwan went to the company late.

When Song Changfeng and Tan Xi saw her, they wanted to hug her and weep bitterly. The higher they sat, the heavier the responsibility and burden. Although they had an expert behind them to guide them, they still seemed a bit stretched in their work.

Fortunately, these two people also have ambitions, complaining is nothing but complaining, and after venting, they are busy again.

"So pitiful, I invite you to dinner tonight."


Ning Guiwan called Li Yang again, and at seven o'clock in the evening, the four of them sat down in the private room of Jinling Grand Hotel.

Li Yang just wanted to play with the ticket, Sunny guessed that she was a relative of President Quan, so naturally she would not arrange heavy work for her, but she went out with Quan Yu many times to socialize, but she didn't meet anyone she wanted to see, which made her very disappointed.

Both Song Changfeng and Tan Xi looked as if they had been squeezed out of their labor force, Li Yang was silent again, and Ning Guiwan was thinking about how to liven up the atmosphere when the phone rang first.

After glancing at the incoming call, she got up and walked out of the box.

Answering the call, a baby voice came from the handset of the mobile phone: "Mommy, Daddy said that if I make a wish to Grandpa with a white beard, Mommy will come back to see me, but Mommy, it's been a long time since I made my wish. Haven't come back yet?"

In the voice, there is a strong attachment and longing for Ning Guiwan.

When Ning Guiwan was studying in the UK, apart from attending classes, she spent the rest of her time on part-time jobs, but there was discrimination against Chinese people there, and it was not so easy to find a job. However, Song Changfeng had some connections in this area and introduced her to a hotel Play the piano.

She also met Winston and his daughter at that hotel.

The first time Ella saw her, she was very clingy, hugged her neck and called Mummy, and refused to leave her no matter how coaxed she was.

Winston doted on his daughter and hired her to be his daughter's personal nanny. Later, Ning Guiwan learned from Winston that Ella's mother who died not long ago was Chinese, she looked very similar to her, and she was good at playing the piano. Ella was attracted by the sound of her piano.

Ella is very dependent on her, gradually, Ning Guiwan also developed feelings for the little girl who lost her mother.

Probably because...she was a recently motherless child herself.

"I'm sorry baby." Ning Guiwan's voice became gentle, after more than two years of getting along, the relationship is already hard to let go, "Mommy misses you very much too, Mommy promises you, I will go back to see you soon, okay? "

After coaxing the little guy for a long time, the little guy smiled through his tears and ended the call. Ning Guiwan sighed slowly, and when he turned around, Ning Rongyue stood behind her, looking straight at her, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth .

It was as if he had caught something against Ning Guiwan.

Ning Guiwan didn't bother to pay attention, and walked around her.

Ning Rongyue took a step sideways, blocking Ning Guiwan's path, she looked at Ning Guiwan with a smile: "Congratulations, you finally got the Tianchi Group."

Ning Guiwan looked at her for a moment, then smiled, his brows and eyes instantly showed flamboyant charm: "You stopped me on purpose to say congratulations? Thank you, you've got a heart."

"Dad is sick." Ning Rongyue suddenly changed the subject.

Ning Guiwan's eyes paused slightly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth faded a little.

Ning Rongyue saw this subtle change in her eyes, she always knew how to poke a needle into the most painful place of others, "I told Dad to call you and let you go back and have a look, after all, they are biological father and daughter, but He said he didn't want you to see him even if he died..."

"He is so stubborn because he is old. I will help you to persuade him."

Ning Guiwan's knuckles holding the phone turned pale, but the smile on his lips was restored, and even more voluptuous, revealing an undisguised sarcasm: "You can't do anything other than sow discord? For example... Get a job now."

Ning Rongyue's complexion changed, she was fired, it was a stain that people in the workplace couldn't wash off, she almost gritted her teeth for a moment, but soon, she laughed again, with a smug smile:

"You don't know, Dad fell ill because I was fired, and he was out of breath. When he was in the hospital, he didn't forget to call everywhere and begged his former friends to arrange a job for me. I was really moved gone."

"Haha..." Ning Rongyue finally saw Ning Guiwan's face change and left with a triumphant laugh.

 It's over, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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