Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

121 Chapter 121: You Are Really Uneasy 2

121 Chapter 121: You Are Really Uneasy 2
Hai Chengzong did not refuse after all, this was indeed an opportunity to perform well in front of his grandfather.

"Then I would like to ask Second Uncle Quan to give me some pointers."

Quan Yu nodded lightly, and stretched out his hand to pick up the white porcelain teacup. The same cup, in his hand, seemed to be extraordinarily different.

Next, Hai Chengzong took advantage of the opportunity to talk to him about the current development prospects of real estate in mainland China. Quan Yu didn't talk much, but his understanding of the market and his control of the direction convinced Hai Chengzong, and he pointed out the center with a few words. Ning Guiwan also felt that he had benefited a lot from listening to it.

Looking at Quan Yu's eyes, there was reverence.

Hai Chengzong noticed it, and remembered Tianchi Group, "I remember Tianchi is also engaged in real estate."

Ning Guiwan blinked her beautiful eyes lightly, and smiled, "Tianchi is mainly for construction, Grandpa Hai wants to do development, right?"

"Yes." Hai Chengzong said: "Our family entered the industry too late. We have devoted ourselves to gambling for decades, thinking that we might become the second king of gambling, but luck seems to be not very good..."

Hai Chengzong's tone was blunt, he didn't mind his family's downhill fortune being known by others, he looked very frank.

This kind of relationship will not be boring.

He looked at Ning Guiwan with burning eyes, "In the future, there may be an opportunity to cooperate with Tianchi Group, because we played games when we were young, please support us a lot."

"Promoting and supporting is serious. Friends should help." Ning Guiwan fended off Hai Chengzong's ambiguity.

Hai Chengzong was not annoyed either. Before coming to Haijia, he had done research on the real estate industry in Shanghai, and he knew the current situation of several major real estate development groups and construction groups. Tianchi occupies a place in the real estate construction industry, so it is naturally included in the investigation.

Nominally Tianchi Group became a subsidiary of UBS Group.

However, the Hai family got gossip and knew that the Tianchi Group was actually controlled by the third lady of the Ning family.

As for the twists and turns, it is not very clear, and there is no need to delve into it, as long as you know that Tianchi belongs to Ning Guiwan.

After hearing Ning Guiwan's words, Quan Yu changed his sitting position, showing a somewhat relaxed expression.


At twelve o'clock, the servant came and told me to go to the restaurant.

Quan Heng and He Yunqing also came over, no matter what everyone was thinking, there were eight people sitting around the dinner table, talking to each other, the atmosphere was very lively.

A few business people were talking about business together, Li Yang couldn't understand, so he quietly took out his mobile phone to watch the half-watched drama.

Zhang Ziyan played the female fourth, a sexy and charming killer, and her cold personality has won her some fans, including Li Yang.

"Zi Yan is really born to eat this bowl of rice." Seeing the excitement, Li Yang poked Ning Guiwan's arm: "A is dead! Goosebumps will fall all over the floor."

"Xiao Wan, Cheng Zong is not familiar with Shen Cheng, so take him out for a walk in the afternoon." The topic over there somehow involved Ning Guiwan and Hai Chengzong, Mrs. Quan talked to Ning Guiwan with a smile.

Ning Guiwan was thinking of finding a suitable excuse to refuse, Hai Chengzong smiled and said, "I hope I won't cause trouble for Xiaowan."

He Yunqing smiled gracefully: "Chengzong doesn't have many chances to come to Shencheng, Xiaowan must entertain him well."

"I'll be here more often in the future, Aunt Quan, don't find me annoying."

"Where will it be? We're going to be a family. If I dare to dislike her, Xiaowan won't blame me for being an aunt?" He Yunqing smiled slightly, her back straight, noble and dignified.

While speaking, she glanced at Quan Yu.

There was a deep smile on his lips.

"It's been half a year since the Zhonghai project started. I'm going to take a look in the afternoon. Since Grandpa Hai wants to enter the mainland real estate market from Shanghai, why don't we go and take a look together." When he said this, Quan Yu looked particularly careless.

The Zhonghai Holiday Project is one of the projects that UBS has invested the most in this year. When the Zhonghai land was won, the media reported it for half a month. The launching ceremony half a year ago also became the focus of the media.

Mr. Hai listened, his cloudy eyes burst into surprise, and he laughed: "My nephew and grandson are so polite, I don't want to be ashamed of this old bone."

Commercial real estate projects must be kept secret from design drawings to completion and opening to prevent someone from stealing design ideas.

Mr. Hai said, looking at his grandson beside him, "You go too, learn more from your second uncle."

Hai Chengzong hesitated for a moment, agreed, and then turned his head to look at Ning Guiwan: "Then we can only go out with Xiaowan tomorrow to get familiar with the environment."

"A man should put his career first." Quan Yu held the glass cup with a meticulous expression.

Like a staid and strict elder, he is warning the younger generation not to play with things and lose their ambitions.

Hai Chengzong was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this second uncle was a bit too high-spirited, but he didn't say much. Quan Yu's status in Shencheng, how many people wanted him to support him, and now he took the initiative to point out that Hai Chengzong would not It would be foolish enough to annoy him over such a trivial matter.

"Second Uncle is right, I will definitely study hard from Second Uncle."

Seeing his grandson so motivated, Mr. Hai was so pleased that his face was wrinkled.

It's a good thing for a boy to be diligent, so Mrs. Quan didn't say anything, anyway, the grandpa and grandson had to stay for a few more days, and the children had plenty of time to get to know each other.

He Yunqing didn't speak, but there was a deep smile on the corner of her mouth.

However, when she noticed the dazed expression on Heng Heng's face, the smile at the corner of her mouth disappeared silently.

The weighing eyes fell on Ning Guiwan.

The girl tilted her head slightly, and Li Yang said something in her ear, she pursed her lips and smiled, looking a little helpless.

Ning Guiwan gradually became aware of the gazes on her.

Looking over by feeling, she was stunned for a moment when she met the weighing and profound eyes, and then she showed him a polite smile.

Weighing seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, smiled slightly, and raised his wine glass to Ning Guiwan.


After the meal, Hai Chengzong followed Quan Yu and left, weighed something and said goodbye.

Walking down the high steps in front of the porch, He Yunqing's voice came from behind: "Where are you going?"

Weighing did not stop and did not respond.

"Weighing!" He Yunqing caught up and grabbed his arm, "You dare to see that bitch, believe it or not, I asked someone to dig her grave!"

Weigh looked at her, with no emotion in his eyes, so indifferent that he didn't look at his wife who had shared the bed with him for more than 20 years, but as if he was looking at an insignificant stranger, without love or anger.

"Crazy enough?"

The voice was even less disturbed.

He Yunqing hated his indifferent look the most.

This look of complete disregard...

"I feel sorry for that little slut, don't you?" He Yunqing sarcastically, her eyes and tone became sharp, and there is no such thing as the nobility and elegance in front of everyone just now, "Seeing that little slut is like seeing the heart That beam of white moonlight, isn't it? Let me tell you, the fun has just begun!"

"I want to make that little bitch's life worse than death! Let the white moonlight in your heart die and you won't be at peace!"

He Yunqing smiled viciously and cruelly, especially when she saw that Heng Heng's face finally changed, her heart was extremely happy, as if the breath she had held for a long time was finally smooth.

"Don't even think about meddling." He Yunqing backed away slowly, the smile on her mouth getting bigger and bigger, "If I find out that you secretly help that little bitch, I will expose the most disgusting and ugly side of you in your heart." In front of the whole city!"

"How dare you!" Heng Heng's eyes were on fire.

He Yunqing became more and more relaxed, and her tone was fierce: "Look at me, dare I!"


"Xiao Wan, we'll be on holiday in a few days. How about we come and go for a quick trip?" This weekend, the company was supposed to work overtime to prepare for the upcoming holidays, but how could Sunny do it for a royal family like Li Yang? Ask her to work overtime.

"I checked the strategy. The luxury train from Moscow to Hedland is worth taking. I saw some photos of the scenery along the way. It is beautiful, but a bit expensive. The per capita consumption is 14, but it doesn't matter. I used my second cousin's Card!"

Ning Guiwan sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, flipping through Tianchi Group's files of large-scale projects in the last ten years, without raising his head: "You are not watching over your second cousin anymore? What if Mr. Gu comes over during the days when you are not in Shanghai?" ?”

"It's not such a coincidence, is it?" Li Yang lay on the sofa with his feet up in the air, shaking and shaking, saying that he could lose weight this way.

Ning Guiwan smiled and did not answer.

Li Yang turned over and lay down on the sofa with his chin resting on the armrest, "Xiao Wan, what happened to you and the second cousin? Did you really break up? But the second cousin clearly still cares about you."

Ning Guiwan: "You think too much."

"I'm not very smart, but don't take me for a fool. The second cousin took him to the construction site of the project just because he wanted to date you, and he said that men put their careers first. Mensao male!"

Ning Guiwan: "..."


For dinner, Ning Guiwan and Li Yang accompanied Old Madam Quan, at the dinner table, Old Madam Quan couldn't help but mention Hai Chengzong again, both in and out of her words were her liking for this junior.

Li Yang wanted to speak several times, but Ning Guiwan stopped him.

After dinner, Ning Guiwan received a video from Tan Xi and Song Changfeng. It was nothing serious at the end of the year, but trivial matters accumulated over the year. The three chatted until almost nine o'clock before ending the video.

Li Yang was still chasing Zhang Ziyan's drama, seeing that her side was over, he asked with a playful smile: "I want to drink the banana milkshake you made..."

Ning Guiwan closed the computer, "Why didn't you call the kitchen to make it and deliver it?"

"The ones made in the kitchen don't taste as good as yours, but yours tastes better." Li Yang blinked his eyes wide.

Ning Guiwan: "..."

On the first floor, passing by the door of Mrs. Quan's room, she faintly heard a play coming from inside, Ning Guiwan paused in her footsteps, just in time Fang Butler came over with a glass of milk, Ning Guiwan glanced at the door of the old man's room, and spoke Said: "Why isn't Grandma Quan still asleep?"

Fang Butler looked worried, "The old lady has been unable to sleep recently. The doctor checked and found nothing, so he said that she might be too worried and told her to relax."

"But you also know that for your marriage with your husband, how can she relax, her hair is all grey."

Ning Guiwan pursed her lips.

Steward Fang looked at her, and said again: "Madam's greatest wish now is to see you marry a good family, husband marry a wife and have children, but this wish is so difficult to realize, alas..."

"The old lady always dreams about her son who died young more than 30 years ago. She is always worried that she will not be able to see you and your husband get married..."

When Ning Guiwan heard it, her heart felt cold.

Grandma Quan was married and had a son before she married Grandpa Quan. She heard from her grandma.

I have also heard that people who have been ill for a long time dream of their deceased relatives, which is not a good omen...

"Hiss!" There was a sudden pain in his finger.

Ning Guiwan didn't react, the injured finger was already grabbed by a big hand.

At the same time, a low and unhappy male voice sounded in his ear: "You really don't worry."

She saw the person in front of her clearly, she was in a daze for a moment, she blinked her beautiful eyes, and seemed to confirm: "When did you come back?"

With a sullen face, Quan Yu pinched the girl's injured finger, letting the bright red blood drip into the sink.

The wound was so deep that it took a while to stop.

The servant brought the medicine box, Quan Yu dragged Ning Guiwan to sit down at the dining table, Ning Guiwan looked at the man who lowered his head to treat his wound, he couldn't remember how many times this was.

His fingers were pinched by him, and the alcohol-soaked cotton swab rubbed against her skin. It was cool and tingling. The small sharp pain seemed to be alive, and penetrated from the skin. bottom of her heart.

Under the light, the man's thin lips were pursed lightly, the color of his lips was slightly lighter, revealing a sense of abstinence and coldness.

But when he lifted his eyes, there seemed to be tenderness in his eyes, and the black and white pupils were covered with clouds, and he could get lost in it if he was not careful.

"Does it hurt you?"

Quan Yu opened his mouth, his voice was low and soft, his Adam's apple was protruding and clear, and he moved up and down slightly when speaking, which was indescribably sexy.

Ning Guiwan turned his gaze to the side, and there was a strange emotion in his chest that he couldn't suppress.

"No, just to trouble you again."

Quan Yu lowered his eyes again, "I was absent-minded just now, what were you thinking?"

Ning Guiwan looked at him, "Grandma Quan doesn't sleep well these days, the doctor said she's overthinking..."

As a son, Quan Yu is naturally aware of this.

He looked at Ning Guiwan with deep and sharp eyes, "What do you want to say?"

Although it was a question, the man's eyes clearly knew what she was going to say.

Under such a penetrating gaze, Ning Guiwan opened his mouth, unable to say what he wanted to say, pursed his lips in silence for a while, and then said: "Grandma Quan is not in good health and is getting old, I think, do Her children and grandchildren shouldn't make her worry too much..."

 Another update today, a certain Yao topped the pot and escaped...

(End of this chapter)

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