Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 125 Chapter 125: Misunderstanding 2

Chapter 125 Chapter 125: Misunderstanding 2 (1 more)
The abnormality of the boy also attracted the attention of the waiter. Today, the daughter of the Zhai family and the grandson of the Lu family are engaged here, and all the people who come here are dignified people. This child must be a young son of some family. rise.

For a while, several waiters came around to help.

Ning Guiwan hugged the child, he was much calmer than the waiter's panic, "Inform Li Annan that his son has asthma, let him bring the medicine."

One of the waiters reacted quickly and ran back into the hall.

When Ning Guiwan carried the child to the entrance of the hall, Li Annan rushed out, holding the anti-breathing aerosol in his hand, his expression was flustered, but his movements were calm and orderly. Take the child and put it on the chair.

"Hold him up and lean forward a little."

He didn't specify who to call, Ning Guiwan was the closest, so he naturally supported the child.

An An was panting so badly that his face changed. Li Annan pinched his chin, raised his face, and sprayed medicine into his mouth.

"An'an!" The woman who came with Li Annan, Zhang Shenglan cried and pushed Ning Guiwan away, and supported the child by herself, her pale face was covered with tears, her hands were visibly shaking, and she could see that her son was very nervous.

Ning Guiwan's attention was all on the child, she was unprepared, and was pushed to the side and staggered a step.

All the attention in the hall was drawn to this side. As the woman's parents, Chi Xiangyu and Zhai Xixian got up and walked over to check the situation. The man's parents also stood up.

An attendant called an ambulance.

An'an was still panting, looking very painful.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the child had asthma.

Asthma is a disease that cannot be cured, and it is very easy to attack suddenly, and no one thinks about it in a sinister place.

They all rested and watched quietly, only Zhang Shenglan's crying and An An's painful panting were left in the hall.

"It was fine just now. The doctor clearly said that as long as you take your medicine on time and don't get frightened, you won't get sick..." Probably responding to the words of concern, Zhang Shenglan suddenly looked at Ning Guiwan who was standing next to him, as if he had found something The crux of the problem is general: "I know I showed up at the wrong time, if you are dissatisfied, you can come to me, the child is still young, and the health is not good..."

At the end, she was so choked up that she couldn't make a sound.

The unfinished words are imaginative.

Ning Guiwan heard this and looked at her in surprise.

At this time, many people also remembered that before Li Annan's son appeared, he was dating Ning Guiwan, and the two even attended a wedding banquet together. The media also reported that the two were close to good things.

Immediately afterwards, all kinds of bad deeds of Ning Guiwan were also remembered.

"It's really easy to change the country, but the nature is hard to change. Four years ago and four years later, the methods are still the same vicious, and they attack children."

During the dinner, someone murmured. Although the voice was not loud, the hall was unusually quiet at this time, and many ears could hear it clearly.

For a moment, countless eyes fell on Ning Guiwan.

That's right, this woman is notoriously ruthless, she caused Ning Qinghan to have a miscarriage twice, and Ning Rongyue has been disfigured till now, she is not feeling well for a while, it is not impossible to bully a child.

Ning Guiwan almost got married with Li Annan, and now Li Annan is showing up in public with his wife and children. As an ex-girlfriend who was forced out, he must feel uncomfortable.

"You woman, why are you so vicious? How old is An An? You can do it too?" Li Annan's grandmother, who was almost 80 years old, had an angry look on her face.

"An'an in my family has a problem, I will fight this old bone, and I will not let you go!"

An An is a sensible and well-behaved child. Although she is sick, but after being together for a few months, Mrs. Li has already hurt her bones.

Ning Guiwan was standing there, her champagne-colored dress, a ladylike style, neutralized the glaring color on her body, making it more dignified and elegant. At this time, her eyes were cold and her whole body was alienated.

When a person has a taint, others will have prejudice against her. Once something bad happens, they will bear the brunt of the suspect.

Chi Xiangyu and her husband Zhai Xixian exchanged glances.

It was the old father Chi Jinrong's idea to call Ning Guiwan to the engagement banquet.

Chi Xiangyu is the leader of the department, and the Zhai family is also a military and political home. Zhai Xixian himself is expected to be promoted to a higher level this year. Many dignitaries came to the scene, and his leader is also there. At this juncture, everything you say must be in your head Processing and reprocessing, doing things is to think and think again, for fear of accidentally leaving a handle.

Ning Guiwan did have a criminal record. Maybe he met Li Annan's son outside and wanted to scare him twice, but he was so scared that he had an asthma attack. This is not impossible.

Chi Xiangyu found it difficult. At his engagement banquet, he should defend Ning Guiwan. It was unfair to the victim. What would he think if he was seen by the leader?No protection, but she is a relative and friend of the woman's side. If the woman's relatives and friends do such a thing at the engagement banquet, what will the man think of her Qiao Qiao?
In my heart, I regretted agreeing to the old father's request.

This is indeed a small evil...

She glanced at her elder brother Chi Jiaming, hoping that he could come forward to solve it.

But Chi Jiaming sat on the seat, with an indifferent attitude of nothing to do with himself, and years of immersion in officialdom, which made him calm enough.

Seeing that he didn't care about it, his wife lowered her head to drink the juice, and the niece who turned two corners really didn't need to care about it.

Chi Zhengjun also watched the play, with a smile on his face, while looking at the helpless woman standing at the entrance of the hall, he turned his head and said to Quan Yu: "My eldest niece can really cause trouble."

After speaking, he turned his eyes to see his friend's expression.

Only to find that the seat next to me was empty.


It has only been three to five minutes since Ning Guiwan returned to the hall with An An in his arms, but these three to five minutes seem extremely long.

Zhang Shenglan was still crying bitterly, her eyes were full of her son's safety, she seemed to be ignorant of the predicament that Ning Guiwan had put into with her two words.

Under the influence of the medicine, An An gradually calmed down. Chi Xiangyu came out to smooth things over and spoke smooth words. The man's mother, Mrs. Lu, also said a few words with a smile. everyone's interest...

Seeing that her great-grandson had stabilized, Mrs. Li breathed a sigh of relief, and when she looked at Ning Guiwan, her expression became harsh, "Fortunately, my family is fine, today is the engagement banquet between the Zhai family and the Lu family, and I don't plan to pursue anything, you Apologize to my family An'an, and promise not to do anything to hurt An'an in the future, and that's all."

Ning Guiwan looked at Old Madam Li calmly, "I didn't hurt An An."

"Didn't hurt An'an? Then how did my An'an get sick?" Seeing her sophistry, Mrs. Li's eyes burst into flames, "How did you bump into me by chance? Is this a coincidence? That's just too coincidental!"

The atmosphere was suddenly tense.

Chi Xiangyu and Mrs. Lu wanted to say a few words to relax——

Mrs. Li raised her hand to prevent the two of them from speaking, and only looked at Ning Guiwan: "I'm not an unreasonable person, as long as she apologizes and makes a promise, this matter will be over like this, but take a look, She doesn't have any remorse at all, I think she really wants to make trouble with my old Li's family!"

Mrs. Lu frowned, she was very displeased that the engagement banquet was going well, it was so ugly.

But still smiling, maintaining his calm face, he looked at Ning Guiwan: "Miss Ning, why don't you just apologize and expose this matter, how about it?"

Now that the Li family has made concessions, Ning Guiwan will no longer know how to advance or retreat, and will not know what is right and what is wrong.

Ning Guiwan looked at Mrs. Lu, and then looked around.

The atmosphere was quiet, and everyone seemed to think she should apologize.

Thinking of four years ago——

Ning Rongyue was scalded in the face by a cup of boiling water. Everyone accused her and asked her to repent. Four years later, this scene happened again, and she was still the one who was not trusted.

In the past few years, she has also been reflecting on whether she has failed too much in life and is not worthy of others' trust?

But at this time.

"She did nothing wrong, why should she apologize?"

A deep male voice broke the eerie silence.

While everyone was watching, Quan Yu walked up to Ning Guiwan, stretched out his hand, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to his side. The man's suit was opened, revealing the black shirt and dark silver tie inside.

His brows and eyes were calm and calm, and his calm aura spread silently.

It's clearly an attitude of favoritism.

There was a lot of discussion underneath.

Different expressions, mostly surprised.

Quan Yu is notoriously ruthless in the business world, and he has never seen him show mercy to anyone, let alone protect anyone in public.

"Didn't do anything wrong? My An'an..."

Mrs. Li still wanted to fight, but Li Annan interrupted her: "An'an is fine, grandma, don't blame Xiao Wan, I don't think Xiao Wan did it on purpose."

Li Annan looked at Ning Guiwan with passion hidden in his eyes.

Ning Guiwan actually vented his anger on An An because of him, and Li Annan found that besides feeling sorry for An An, he also had a little bit of joy.

She actually... cares about him so much...

To be honest, during the time we were together, he thought that Ning Guiwan didn't like him. From the eyes of this girl, he didn't see any moment of affection, and she didn't agree to be with him.

Mrs. Li is so old, she can't see her grandson's thoughts, her face is even more serious, and her wrinkles are as sharp as a knife. "I think you are stunned by her! That's your own son! If she doesn't give An An today Sorry, we'll see you in court!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall.

"Grandma..." Li Annan came to his senses and was the first to speak.

The noise filled his ears, Ning Guiwan only tilted his head, looking at Quan Yu's handsome profile with sharp edges and corners.

The man's eyebrows were stern, but the big hand holding her wrist was wide and warm, as if with him, all problems would be solved easily.

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Quan Yu accepted Mrs. Li's words with thin lips and cold eyes.

Mrs. Li was startled instead, "Are you trying to cover her up?"

"Cover up?" Quan Yu cast his dark eyes on Old Madam Li.

A pair of bottomless glazed eyes slowly swept across the audience, carrying a daunting oppression.

"Wan Wan is stubborn, and even if she is misunderstood, she doesn't bother to explain, but it doesn't mean that you can frame her at will. Over the years, I have heard a lot of gossip. Today I am here to express my opinion. Those who slander me, don't blame me for being rude."

The deep male voice, every word falls to the ground with sound, which makes people's heart tremble.

It is clear that this is not for anyone, but for everyone present.

The atmosphere was extremely quiet, and the wind whimpered outside the window.

In this extreme silence, Ning Guiwan heard her own heartbeat.

Plop, plop... heavy and heavy.

Mrs. Li was so threatened by a junior that she blushed, "You want evidence, don't you?" Looking at her great-grandson who had recovered to normal, she said directly to An An: "An An, tell everyone, why did you get sick just now? Is it this Did the woman bully you?"

She pointed at Ning Guiwan.

An An's pale face showed that her big eyes were dark and clear, she looked cute, followed her grandma's hand to look at Ning Guiwan, she shrank into Zhang Shenglan's arms as if she was a little scared.

Mrs. Li was overjoyed, her cloudy eyes lit up, and her voice encouraged excitedly: "An'an, don't be afraid, speak out bravely, grandma is here, no one will dare to bully you anymore!"

Children don't know how to tell lies, An An personally confessed, let's see how Ning Guiwan can quibble.

Let's see how Quan Yu still protects him.

Although the Li family is not as good as the Quan family, but at her age, being beaten up in public by a junior made her angry.

But what An An said next made the old lady's face stiffen.

"No, grandma, the beautiful sister didn't bully me, I accidentally bumped into her..."

"An'an, don't lie!"

"I didn't. My mother said children can't lie, so I won't lie." An An looked at Ning Guiwan timidly, "I'm sorry, I didn't hit you on purpose, can you forgive my mother?"

Ning Guiwan smiled slowly, in such chaos, she remained beautiful independently, "It doesn't matter."

After hearing this, An An lowered her head in embarrassment, shrank back into her mother's arms again, and raised her face to beg for praise: "Mom said that you must know how to apologize when you do something wrong. Did I do it very well?" Great?"

Zhang Shenglan smiled, but the smile was a little stiff: "An'an is the best." After speaking, he glanced at the banquet without a trace, met a pair of eyes, and quickly moved away.

An An smiled happily.

A love-hate scene where love gives birth to hatred and waits for an opportunity to retaliate was turned into a misunderstanding by a few words from the child.

Ning Guiwan also changed from a murderer to a savior.

Many people also saw the scene where Ning Guiwan rushed in holding the child just now.

The many gazes looking at her changed again.

Mrs. Li's face was ugly, and she stood there in embarrassment.

Li Annan looked at Ning Guiwan and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. Although he didn't intend to argue with Ning Guiwan, he didn't believe her. He also subconsciously believed the seemingly logical misunderstanding just now.

Quan Yu's deep gaze fell on the banquet, and it landed precisely on Ming Zhen's face.

Ming Zhen met his meaningful eyes suddenly, her expression froze, there seemed to be a cold light in the man's eyes, but when she took a closer look, Quan Yu had already looked away, as if the staring just now was just an illusion.

At this time, Quan Yu's eyes fell on Zhang Shenglan.

"Mr. Li and Mrs. Li have been taking good care of Mr. Ling, but it is a coincidence that Mr. Ling is allowed to go out to play during the time when he is going out late at night."

Li Annan was taken aback when he heard this.

An An has asthma and cannot exercise vigorously. There are many children in the hall. An An always wants to play with the children. He and Zhang Shenglan are worried that he will get sick and keep controlling him.

He was talking to someone just now, but he didn't pay attention to when An An went out.

Zhang Shenglan trembled when he heard Quan Yu's words.

He buried his head lower and hugged An An tightly.

Quan Yu cast his eyes coldly on Mrs. Li, and his words were even colder: "All children know that they have to apologize for doing something wrong. Mrs. Li is not even worse than a child, right?"

Mrs. Li's embarrassing face was even more embarrassing.

Quan Yu put one hand in his pocket and the other held Ning Guiwan's wrist. He just stood there without saying any aggressive words, but his imposing manner did not give an inch.

In the end, Li Annan apologized to Ning Guiwan on behalf of the old man, and said a few words of thanks.

At this moment, the ambulance came, and Li Annan was worried about the child's problem, so he and Zhang Shenglan took the child to the hospital. After such a commotion, Mrs. Li seemed ashamed to stay behind, and followed the ambulance.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the banquet ends.

Ning Guiwan left early.

Chi Zhengjun looked at her back, and elbowed Quan Yu: "This girl really has no heart, you protect her so much, she didn't even say thank you, shouldn't she treat you to a meal or a date? of?"

Quan Yu was holding the goblet, shaking it lightly, wine red silk was rippling in the cup, which made the man's fair and clear fingers feel strange.

His eyes were cold and he didn't answer.

The banquet was over, but the guests hadn't cleared up yet, and a game of cards was set up over there.

Quan Yu was dragged by Chi Zhengjun to sit on one of the card tables. After the game, the Lu family organized everyone to have dinner, with bells and drums and jade, the luxury of the rich.

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Quan Yu walked out of the brightly lit gate of the villa drunk, his sight touched a familiar figure, and his footsteps paused slightly.

Ning Guiwan leaned against his car, a red overcoat that reached to her ankles was wrapped around her body, and the debris of firecrackers lay on her feet, the girl probably felt cold, she hugged her arms, and exhaled into mist.

Quan Yu thought of a possibility, his eyes deepened.

Ning Guiwan also saw him, straightened up, and looked over, she didn't smile, she had a very serious expression.

Quan Yu walked down the steps, walked over, and glanced at Zhan Yan standing beside the car.

Zhan Yan lowered his head.

Ning Guiwan said: "I didn't let them tell you."

Quan Yu looked back at her, "Waiting for a long time?"

Ning Guiwan raised her head, under the light, the girl's eyes were clear, her skin was fair and clean, "I have something to tell you."

Quan Yu nodded, "Get in the car and talk."

Ning Guiwan turned his head and glanced at the empty and quiet manor, "Let's go, the air conditioner makes people sober."

Quan Yu did not object.

The two walked on the deserted asphalt road, the night was quiet, the high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground, there was a crisp sound, and the sound of Quan Yu's footsteps was much quieter, but steady and calm.

Ning Guiwan looked at the shadows of the two, following the changes of the street lights, they moved from the front to the back, and from behind to the front.

After a long time, she suddenly stopped, turned around, and faced Quan Yu, "Did you really believe that I would not hurt An An, that's why you said that, or... just want to defend me?"

Quan Yu then stopped, turned around, and faced her face to face, with his black coat unbuttoned, his hands in his trouser pockets, and his heavy gaze suppressed.

"What kind of person you are, I know very well." The dark silver tie at the bottom of the man's neck reflected cold light under the light, "I will believe in you no matter what time it is."

Night Breeze was suddenly intoxicating, Ning Guiwan heard the sound of his own heartbeat.

"If one day, there is sufficient evidence to prove that I have done something bad, will you believe me?"

Quan Yu's eyes showed warmth, he bent slightly, and looked at Ning Guiwan accommodatingly, "I have my own judgment, Wanwan, you are a good girl."

Ning Guiwan opened his mouth slightly, staring at Quan Yu in a daze, the man's eyes were deeper than the night, possessing a deceptive charm.

A different kind of emotion surged from the bottom of my heart, rolling and clamoring, unable to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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