Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 137 137: How do you know?He told you?

Chapter 137 137: How do you know?He told you?

After hearing Li Yang's words, Zhang Ziyan turned her head to look at Ning Guiwan, she seemed to be stunned for a moment when she saw Ning Guiwan's slightly indifferent eyes, and then smiled palely, "What's interesting about me, don't waste your energy, you go back Bar."

She looked miserable and hopeless, Li Yang winked at Ning Guiwan, signaling Ning Guiwan to say something.

Seeing her blinking really hard, Ning Guiwan finally said, "Go and buy her something to eat.

Li Yang paused for a moment, then came to his senses, and happily left with his handbag in his hand.

In an instant, only Ning Guiwan and Zhang Ziyan were left in the ward. Zhang Ziyan smiled forcedly towards Ning Guiwan, as if she was touched by her thoughtful words, "Thank you."

"But I'm not hungry at all, and it doesn't make any difference whether I eat or not."

Ning Guiwan sat two feet away from her, looked into her eyes with a stern expression: "Li Yang is pure and sincerely cares about you, you shouldn't use her."

Zhang Ziyan listened, and fell silent. After a while, she said: "I was injured before, and you would love me very much."

Ning Guiwan didn't answer her words, "The person who found you in time and sent you to the hospital was Song Changfeng."


The lingering death and sadness on Zhang Ziyan's face suddenly dissipated, replaced by a strange interest, "How do you know? He told you?"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head again, "No, he won't take the initiative to mention it to others. He wishes that no one will ever know that I have been with him in private."

Although she had guessed, but Zhang Ziyan accepted it like that, Ning Guiwan was still secretly surprised, faintly angry, "He is getting married soon, why did you provoke him?"

"If I say that I am in love with him, you will not believe me." Zhang Ziyan sighed quietly, "It's just that you have seen the ugliest side of me. If you haven't seen me and that old man Han Tai It looks like we are together, maybe we can still believe it."

"You won't tell Director Tan about that poor woman, will you?"

"I don't think you will tell her that you still need her and Song Changfeng to do things for you. If the two of them break up because of me, they will definitely not be able to work together in the same company in the future. It will be a big loss for you, and... ...Director Tan knows that you and I are old classmates, and we had a very good relationship before, so it is uncertain whether he will resent you for this."

"Oh, I almost forgot, those two people should have had a very unpleasant quarrel by now, the men are all the same, they say they love you, but they eat from the bowl and look into the pot behind their backs."

The reason why Ning Guiwan guessed this way was because of the words Song Changfeng reminded her last time: Be careful with your celebrity friend.

At that time, she only thought that Song Changfeng felt that there were too many scandals in Zhang Ziyan's circle, so she asked her to keep a distance.

But this time Song Changfeng abandoned the bidding meeting and left, and it happened to be at the time when Zhang Ziyan cut her wrist, so Ning Guiwan couldn't help it.

What she said just now was just a test, not very sure.

Zhang Ziyan didn't even cover it up, she just admitted it, what is she trying to do?
Zhang Ziyan didn't seem to be addicted yet, the smile on the corner of her mouth grew bigger and bigger, but she didn't seem happy at all, "I'll even stab you in the back, and then push you into hell, you are the most experienced, right?"

Ning Guiwan: "You seem to be very experienced."

Zhang Ziyan's face changed, as if bitten by a poisonous snake, her face was green.

Ning Guiwan stood up and didn't want to stay any longer, "Song Changfeng and Tan Xi are my friends, please take care of yourself, I don't want to see any of them get hurt because of you, otherwise, don't blame me for not being in love."

After finishing speaking, she stopped looking at Zhang Ziyan and walked out directly.

When they got downstairs, they met Li Yang who had sold a box of lunch and came back in a hurry. Seeing that she was about to leave, Li Yang wondered, "Leaving so soon? Where's Zi Yan? How's it going?"

"I have something to do, you can stay here with her." Ning Guiwan smiled slowly, "Go back early in the evening."

The two came in the same car, and Ning Guiwan left the car with Li Yang. After leaving the hospital, she wanted to take a taxi, but this time was when the taxi business was booming. After waiting for a long time, there was no empty taxi. car.

Suddenly, a silver-white SUV slowly stopped in front of her.

The car window was lowered, revealing a handsome face. Quan Xiangruo's handsomeness was completely different from Quan Yu's. The former was overly beautiful, while the latter had a silent and powerful temperament.

"Waiting for the car?" Quan Xiangru looked at Ning Guiwan through the car window, "I'll see you off."

Ning Guiwan was about to speak, when he said again: "No other meaning, just be a friend and do me a favor."

The two of them know that they are just ordinary friends doing a favor, it doesn't mean others think the same way, especially Ning Qinghan, Ning Guiwan thinks of her angry and entangled appearance, and thinks it's better to keep a distance from Quan Xiangru, she is not afraid of trouble, It doesn't mean she likes trouble.

Coincidentally, as soon as Quan Xiangruo's car stopped, a taxi with a light of 'empty car' came up behind him, Ning Guiwan walked around the one in front of him, raised his hand to signal the taxi to stop, without looking back He sat in, and soon, the light green taxi drove away slowly.

Quan Xiangruo stared at the rental car for a long time, until it could no longer be seen.

Ning Guiwan didn't go to other places, but went to the community where the house she had prepared for Song Changfeng and Tan Xi was located, she didn't go up and knock on the door, she sat by the fountain in the community and called Song Changfeng.

Not long after, Song Changfeng came over in casual clothes and sat down beside her.

No one spoke, after a while, Ning Guiwan said, "Don't you ask me where I come from?"

After hearing this, Song Changfeng seemed to be cooperating with her, and asked her with a slight smile, "Where are you from?"

Ning Guiwan's expression turned serious, obviously Song Changfeng already knew the purpose of her visit, so he didn't beat around the bush: "You received a call from Zhang Ziyan that day, and you left the venue only after knowing that something happened to her, I won't ask you what happened to her. What happened, I just want to ask you, what about Sister Xi?"

After being silent for a while, Song Changfeng said, "Look at her."

Ning Guiwan understands, let's see if Tan Xi can continue to accept him.

"Are you going to confess to her, or wait for her to find out?"

Song Changfeng didn't answer this question, maybe he didn't know the answer himself.

Ning Guiwan is an outsider after all, so it's hard to say more, no matter how Tan Xi knows about this matter, she shouldn't say it out of her mouth, they are all adults and should handle it by themselves.

But Song Changfeng hasn't decided whether to confess or continue to hide. The incident of Zhang Ziyan's suicide was reported to the media. She has always been the focus of entertainment. Reporters from various major media dug deep into the reports, and even exposed the elevator monitoring of Zhang Ziyan's current mansion. When it came out, the content was exactly the part of Song Changfeng going to carry her downstairs the afternoon Zhang Ziyan cut her wrist.

As for the angle, Song Changfeng didn't show his face, but Zhang Ziyan's pale face was under the camera. The public was very happy to hear about her scandal, and the nameless man who didn't show his face was immediately labeled as a 'secret boyfriend'.

People who don't know him may not be able to tell that it is Song Changfeng.

But people who know him can recognize him at a glance.

Holding the newspaper, Tan Xi's face was so pale that he didn't look human at all.

(End of this chapter)

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