Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 140 Chapter 140: Getting to Know You Again

Chapter 140 Chapter 140: Getting to Know You Again
In the quiet living room, as soon as Ning Guiwan's 'good' landed, Quan Yu sat beside her.

In addition to the hand still holding hers, there is a distance of half a foot between the corners of the clothes, but you can feel the intimacy, and the handling is very good. Ning Guiwan looked at the handsome face in front of him, and couldn't help but look carefully. Like a sword, the eyelashes are slender, the bridge of the nose and lips are very delicate, and the edges and corners of the jaw are clear.

Quan Yu saw that she was looking at him with eyes that had never seen him before, the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up, and the strength of her hand was slightly increased, and her tone was very relaxed: "Don't you know him?"

Ning Guiwan followed suit with a smile, paused for a moment, and said: "I think from now on, I should get to know you again."

The meaning of this sentence is profound.

Compared with the previous sentence "I like to see you in a white shirt", it is more worth studying.

But before Quan Yu could say "the future is long, you can get to know each other slowly", Li Yang ran in from the hallway.

Hearing footsteps, Ning Guiwan retracted his hand reflexively.

Quan Yu frowned because of her subconscious avoidance.

Ning Guiwan didn't notice the fluctuation of his expression, his eyes fell on Li Yang, and Li Yang didn't notice the subtle atmosphere in the living room, he directly threw himself next to Ning Guiwan, making a big fuss and said: "I just found out about sending Zi Yan to the hospital It’s Song Changfeng from Sister Xi’s family, it’s said on the Internet that he’s Ziyan’s rumored boyfriend, my God, can’t he? Song Changfeng doesn’t look like someone who can cheat!”

"But it's not necessarily true. Quan Xiangruo doesn't look like he can cheat. Why don't we hack anyway, and it's so substandard!"

Ning Guiwan: "..."

After Li Yang finished speaking, he picked up a glass of water from the coffee table and took a few sips to suppress his shock, only then did he suddenly realize that his second cousin was there, and his expression was not very good.

Immediately terrified, although the second cousin looked cold, he rarely showed such an expression.

After realizing it, I noticed that there were no servants in the living room, and even the darkest light was turned on. This environment, this atmosphere, is really a godsend opportunity to talk about love.

"I, I'm going back to my room first, good night!"

After speaking, he put down the water glass and ran away.

But being disturbed by her like this, the original drunken atmosphere was ruined, Ning Guiwan got up and said: "I'm going back to my room too."

Quan Yu nodded, sat still and watched her go upstairs.

Facing that hot, scorching stare, Ning Guiwan took every step as if stepping on the tip of a knife, and finally returned to the room, and when the door closed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Yang was on the phone with Zhang Ziyan, seeing her back, he immediately put the phone in front of her, "Zi Yan has something to tell you, but no one answered your phone."

Ning Guiwan looked at the phone screen and picked it up.

Zhang Ziyan called her a few times today, she was busy taking care of Tan Xi, and also angered Zhang Ziyan, knowing that Song Changfeng and Tan Xi were going to get married, and approached him.

She's a short-sighted person.

There was a mistake in this matter, Song Changfeng knew that he did not do it, and it was also wrong, but Ning Guiwan subconsciously blamed it on Zhang Ziyan.

"Do you need me to explain it?" Zhang Ziyan's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Song, as the president of Tianchi Group, is involved in this kind of scandal. If he doesn't explain clearly, he will definitely be in trouble."

"You don't have to say anything. Keeping silent will be a help to Mr. Song and Tianchi." This kind of thing is like rolling coal balls. It will only get darker and bigger with more explanations. What is the truth of the matter, do people care?They just need something to talk about after dinner, and stories they like to hear.

Just let it dry, ignore it, wait for it to cool down, fade out of sight, until it is forgotten.

Besides, Zhang Ziyan had scandals in the past, and she never deliberately explained it. If it is abnormal this time, it will inevitably arouse the curiosity of the media, and it may really dig out Song Changfeng in the end.

"Don't be so indifferent, Xiaowan." If Zhang Ziyan still put on airs at the beginning, since Ning Guiwan revealed her personal relationship with Song Changfeng and exposed the illusion of her maintenance, she didn't even bother to do superficial efforts.

Because of her tone, she said, "I also want to help you, and I want to make up for the guilt I felt a few years ago."

"To make up for it by destroying my friend's marriage?" Ning Guiwan's tone was even colder: "If this is the case, I don't think so."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Li Yang heard that her tone was not right, and asked, "What did Zi Yan say? Did you quarrel?"

"It's nothing." Ning Guiwan shook his head, returned the phone to Li Yang, paused, and said, "From now on... don't get too close to her."

Li Yang opened his eyes wide, obviously he didn't understand why, he thought about it seriously, and said, "Because of her and Song Changfeng's matter? But it can't all be blamed on her..."

Ning Guiwan listened and didn't say much.

Li Yang and Tan Xi and Song Changfeng have a shallow relationship, no wonder she thinks so.

The next day, Li Yang was thinking about delivering breakfast to Zhang Ziyan, so he got up very early, Ning Guiwan was disturbed by her movements, and when he woke up, he saw her going out sneakily.

Seeing that Ning Guiwan tilted her head, she said, "Is it disturbing you? Assistant Zi Yan is busy these days, and no one buys her breakfast. It's so pitiful. Don't be angry with her, right?"

Ning Guiwan sat up, combed her hair, and smiled, "Go."

After sitting for a while, she got out of bed.

A person who used to be very neat in everything he did, was extraordinarily dawdling today. He tidied himself up slowly, and called Song Changfeng again to ask him about Tan Xi's situation.

Song Changfeng said: "She is very quiet."

This is actually not good news. A person who has been severely injured can cry or make trouble, and feel comfortable after venting. The most fearful thing is silence without saying a word.

The crying in front of Ning Guiwan yesterday should not have been enough to vent.

Tan Xi went to look for Zhang Ziyan, but he didn't know what he heard, but no matter what, it must not be a pleasant word.

While thinking, when Ning Guiwan opened the bedroom door, Quan Yu's figure rushed into her eyes unexpectedly, she was really startled, and took two steps back before she could manage to stabilize herself.

"Why are you here?" After asking, Ning Guiwan suddenly found that these words were often said these two days.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Quan Yu was idly leaning against the door frame. When he saw the door open, he straightened up, and suddenly he was a bit taller than Ning Guiwan, condescendingly, "Wait for you."

"Wait for me?" Ning Guiwan's tone was slightly puzzled, but soon, he understood what he meant.

The tall and straight man was wearing a white shirt, buttoned all the way to the Adam's apple, and the hem was neatly tucked into the waistband of his trousers. The cuffs and neckline were fitted with sapphire collar pin cuff buttons.

She smiled and said from the bottom of her heart, "You look good dressed like this."

Quan Yu smiled weakly, but the smile came to his eyes, "It's an honor."

The two went downstairs together, butler Fang saw it, and quietly poked old lady Quan with his finger, motioning her to look.

Mrs. Quan couldn't tell what it was like to see the pair of men and women who looked like people in jade. In my conscience, if the two of them stood in the same place, they would be like a golden boy and a jade girl, but there was still a faint feeling in her heart.

But fortunately, it was not as bad as it was at the beginning. After eating, he watched the two go out. When they went down the steps, Quan Yu stretched out his hand to support Ning Guiwan's elbow, as if afraid of her falling.

Old Madam Quan stood on the porch, holding on to her crutches and sighing.

Steward Fang waited on the left and right, and said kindly, "Isn't this good? Miss Ning is with Mr., who would dare to bully her in the future? Besides, Ms. Ning and Mr. are not really uncles and nephews. As long as we treat them calmly, Who dares to make irresponsible remarks? You, just wait and hold your grandson with peace of mind. "

Mrs. Quan looked back at her: "You were not a talkative person before, why did you talk so much about this matter?"

Butler Fang laughed dryly: "How can there be?"


The car was parked downstairs of Tianchi Group, Ning Guiwan reached out to touch the car door, turned her head and said to Quan Yu, "I'm leaving."

Quan Yu looked at her, nodded, "Go."

That's what he said, and his tone was normal, but the look in his eyes always made Ning Guiwan wonder if he had forgotten something.

After thinking about it, I was sure there was nothing else to do, so I smiled and opened the car door to get out.

Zhang Ziyan's suicide and the sudden appearance of her mysterious boyfriend caused a little stir on the Internet. Ning Guiwan did a rough scan, but Song Changfeng's identity still hadn't been revealed.

This matter seems to be just the media's usual speculation, but Ning Guiwan doesn't think so. Although Song Changfeng's identity has not been revealed, and his reputation and company interests have been implicated, it has already caused a substantial impact.

The relationship between Song Changfeng and Tan Xi was separated.

These two are her right-hand men. Although they haven't been in contact with Tianchi for a long time, their abilities have improved by leaps and bounds. If these two people break up because of this, if Jun Liuqing does not stay, it is equivalent to breaking her arm.

Although her reputation is bad, she has no enemies except Ning Rongyue and Ning Qinghan.

Competitors in business...that's more, but if it's a competitor, it would be more beneficial to expose Song Changfeng's identity, so this whole thing is very strange.

I can't help but think of the mother's relic at the auction, which is also very strange.

It's all very strange, maybe it was done by the same person.

In the evening, Quan Yu picked her up from get off work.

Before Ning Guiwan went downstairs, the others had already arrived at the Tianchi Group, and only by lowering the car window to reveal their face, they had already become the focus of the crowd.

Before she got into the car, she saw two female white-collar workers walking together looking at her and secretly smiling, which meant a lot.

Xu understood the meaning behind that smile, or maybe there was something wrong in his heart, Ning Guiwan's face was a little hot, he got into the car with his head down, and closed the window smoothly.

When the car drove on the road, she breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to talk to Quan Yu: "Do me a favor."

Quan Yu: "Say."

"Help me check Zhang Ziyan." Ning Guiwan said what he had guessed.

Quan Yu stared at her intently, as if listening to her seriously, but that look made her voice become smaller and smaller, and finally she couldn't speak anymore.

"Why didn't you say it?" Quan Yu looked like he didn't realize how straightforward his eyes were, and the partition was put down at some point. Seeing him move to sit here, Ning Guiwan subconsciously went to look at the driver. Found in a very closed space.

 I, Yao Hansan, came back after a few days of rest, I hope you are still here, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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