Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 146 Chapter 146: Book Collection Experience

Chapter 146 Chapter 146: Book Collection Experience

Ning Guiwan supported Quan Yu's shoulders with both hands, and suddenly didn't know whether to push him away or hug him tightly. Seeing that she didn't resist, Quan Yu took her hands and pressed them against the elevator wall, sliding his fingers across hers. Palm, slowly intertwined with her fingers.

"Mom, what are they doing?" Just as she was forgetting herself, Ning Guiwan suddenly heard a childish voice.

All of a sudden, there was a thunderbolt, and blood rushed to the face. The elevator door was open, and a mother and child stood outside. The child was only four or five years old, with big eyes that were ignorant and curious.

No matter how calm Ning Guiwan was on weekdays, she was a little restless at the moment. Seeing that she was about to bury herself, Quan Yu moved and blocked her behind.

"This..." The child's mother was embarrassed. She really didn't know how to explain to her daughter, and she didn't know whether to go up or wait for the next trip. After hesitating for two seconds, she said "ah", "Mom forgot to take the wallet, Baby go back with mommy."

"But Mom, aren't you holding a wallet?"

"Oh, I forgot to take the car keys."

"Mom, don't you have the car keys?"

"You child, can you not dismantle my desk?"

The sound faded away quickly, Ning Guiwan's face was getting hotter and hotter, but luckily Quan Yu had already reached out and closed the elevator.

"It's time to come out and meet people." Quan Yu's voice carried an obvious smile, Ning Guiwan stared at his lower back, thinking about how he would react if he squeezed hard, but in the end he didn't take any action Well, Quan Yu probably doesn't like this kind of childish behavior.

Putting the back of his hand to his face to cool down, he walked to stand side by side with Quan Yu, Ning Guiwan said: "Should we go home directly?"

Quan Yu turned to look at her, "Do you have other arrangements?"

Ning Guiwan shook her head.

Back in the urban area, before the sun set, Quan Yu asked Ren Yong to drive the car to the supermarket.

Ning Guiwan: "Do you want to buy something?"

Quan Yu kept holding her hand, "Shopping for vegetables."

Ning Guiwan looked at him puzzled, wouldn't Aunt Fang tell the servants to buy it?
Quan Yu understood the meaning of her eyes, and said: "Don't go back to the old house, go to my place."

Ning Guiwan heard this, turned her eyes to look outside the car, and didn't say anything.

I thought that a man like Quan Yu would only do business and manage the company, and buying vegetables and cooking must be a shortcoming, but I didn't expect him to be very straightforward and sophisticated when it comes to picking vegetables and fish.

"Did you often buy vegetables and cook?"

Ning Guiwan followed behind empty-handed, although he knew that he was expelled from the country back then, but the Quan family has a big business, so he must have prepared house servants to serve him with delicious food and drink.

Although she asked so, she felt that it was impossible in her heart.

Who knows, Quan Yu gave an 'hmm' and said: "I couldn't do it well at first, but then I gradually became good at everything."

Ning Guiwan looked at him and calmly picked two small rows for the waiter to weigh. The neat white shirt and the expensive wristwatch seemed inconsistent with what he was doing, but it was precisely this incongruity that It made his whole person have a different charm.

This is the second time that Ning Guiwan has set foot in Quan Yu's private space.

The last time we didn't get along so happily, we ended up breaking up badly. The servant somehow saw that there was something wrong between the two of them, so he suddenly saw the two of them coming in amiably side by side. The angry shopping bag couldn't help but stare.

"Sir and Miss Ning are here, do you want to cook? Leave it to me..." Butler Tu reached out to pick up the bag.

Quan Yu said: "No, you all go back."

The master spoke, and the others who worked with money naturally said nothing, and quickly left.

Zhan Yan and the others didn't know where they were hiding, Ning Guiwan followed into the kitchen, "Do you want my help?"

Quan Yu was taking the ingredients out of the bag without looking back: "Go and play by yourself."

That tone seemed to be chasing away children who might cause trouble. Ning Guiwan turned around and went out. The last time the relationship between the two of them was tense, she didn't take a closer look at it. Taking advantage of the fact that nothing happened, she looked inside and out. After reading it again, he wandered to the bedroom and saw the sofa set by the French window, Ning Guiwan remembered that it was there last time, and drove Quan Yu away in anger.

Looking at it after time has passed, it's just funny.

And Quan Yu was actually angry because of her saying 'you can only do it when you're drunk'.

She didn't understand why at the time, but now she understands a little bit.

The person you like has to be drunk to be intimate with you, which is ironic to everyone, especially a man like Quan Yu, who is arrogant and arrogant.

Ning Guiwan wandered into the study room, Quan Yu's collection of books was very miscellaneous and arranged in different categories, Ning Guiwan picked out a book at random, flipped through a few pages, there were traces of reading it, but it was kept very new.

After touching the books within reach one by one, Ning Guiwan was satisfied and planned to change places, when she inadvertently raised her head and saw a spine that was incompatible with other books.

The words "History Compulsory" were printed on it, and Ning Guiwan thought it looked familiar, so she pulled it out on tiptoe by accident.

Quan Yu still kept the previous textbooks?But why keep this one alone?
Curious, Ning Guiwan opened the title page.


Quan Yu made two meat, one vegetarian and one soup, and found that there was no one in the living room. He didn't know where she had gone. He went back to the kitchen and picked up his mobile phone to call her, but when he looked up, he saw the girl leaning against the door frame, smiling look at him.

That smile had a deep meaning, as if he had discovered some great secret.

Quan Yu frowned slightly, preemptively: "Where did you go just now?"

"Oh, I didn't go anywhere, I was just idle and wandering around." Ning Guiwan walked in leisurely with his hands behind his back, "But just for a stroll, I actually solved a mystery case a few years ago. .”

Quan Yu glanced behind her and said calmly, "What?"

"It was the second semester of the second year of high school. I lost a history book. I remember that I was picked up by my mother to have dinner with Grandma Quan right after school. I clearly remembered that I took the book that day and put it on the sofa in the living room. , I forgot to take it with me when I left, how come I couldn’t find it when I came back to look for it?”

As she said that, she put the book upstairs on the dining table with a snap, "Mr. Quan, can you explain what you mean by hiding this book from me?"

Quan Yu was extremely calm: "..."

Ning Guiwan smiled and said with a pun, "Ah, you hid it really well, I didn't notice it at all."

Quan Yu divided the chopsticks: "Let's eat."

A meal lasted for half an hour, Ning Guiwan had been humbly asking Quan Yu for his book collection experience, even though Quan Yu was as calm as a mountain, in the end he had no choice but to get up and walk around the table, lifting him up to gag him.

After being taught a lesson, Ning Guiwan was finally honest.

"What else do you want to ask?" Quan Yu's tone sounded very hopeful that she would not stop her 'curiosity'.

Ning Guiwan covered the lower half of her face with a book and shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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