Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 148 148: Did you sleep well last night?

Chapter 148 148: Did you sleep well last night?
But Quan Yu's next two words immediately dispelled the emotion in Ning Guiwan's heart.

"Go to sleep."

After he finished speaking, he went to bed first.

After laying down, he found that Ning Guiwan was still standing there, smiled and lifted the quilt, put his arms on the pillow, "Are you going to stand all night?"

Ning Guiwan: "..."

This is the first time for the two of them...to sleep together in the same bed, Ning Guiwan struggled on the same spot for a while, Quan Yu waited for her quietly, the room was dark and quiet, the fragrance and mist wafted in, and the ambiguous atmosphere was silent Spread out.

Lying in Quan Yu's arms, her whole body was stiff.

Quan Yu didn't do anything excessive, he took her into his arms, tucked her in the quilt, and turned off the light.

that is it?

Ning Guiwan was surprised, and at the same time felt a little moved in her heart, the man's even and slightly heavy breathing above her head, Ning Guiwan lay in his arms, her body gradually relaxed.

Xu Shi was tired from traveling between the two places today, and as soon as he relaxed, his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

That night, she slept very deeply, and didn't even have a dream.

When he woke up the next day, Quan Yu was not in the room. After Ning Guiwan washed up, he went to the cloakroom to pick out a white shirt with a knee-length red skirt. There is no servant in this huge house. It must be the master's order, and he heard the noise coming from the kitchen. With the sound of frying something, Ning Guiwan stepped on the room and dragged it.

Quan Yu stood busy in front of the kitchen counter with his sleeves rolled up, his slender legs were particularly eye-catching, and when he heard the sound of footsteps, he also looked back and asked with a smile, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Ning Guiwan stepped forward, with his hands behind his back, watched him fry the steak, and said, "Is it due to your delicious smell?"

In fact, she didn't sleep that well. Although she didn't suffer from insomnia, she always had a few dreams at night. She hadn't had a dreamless sleep like last night for a long time, and it couldn't be because of being hugged by him.

Quan Yu seemed to sigh, and said, "I didn't sleep that well."

Ning Guiwan didn't know what was going on, she understood what he meant in seconds, she pretended not to understand, and walked around behind him doing nothing: "Do you want me to help?"

Quan Yu looked at her, pointed to a cabinet door with his chin: "Take two plates."

After eating, Ning Guiwan very conscientiously praised Quan Yu's cooking skills, Quan Yu listened very well, and pursed his lips and said: "If you like it, you can move here, I will cook for you every day. "

Ning Guiwan smiled, but did not dare to answer these words.

Quan Yu sent her downstairs to Tianchi Group, Ning Guiwan was carrying her bag and was about to get out of the car, but the car door was pushed open, and Quan Yu suddenly grabbed her wrist.

She turned back in doubt, and Quan Yu stared at her for a long time.

"Anything else?" Ning Guiwan couldn't help asking.


Ning Guiwan's face was extremely red, and when she got into the elevator, she suddenly felt blessed, and understood why Quan Yu always looked at her with the eyes that she had missed doing something every time he sent her downstairs to the company.

"Mr. Ning, morning."

Such greetings came one after another, and as soon as Ning Guiwan entered the office and sat down, Ren Xiaofei rushed in grabbing a newspaper, "Have you read today's entertainment headlines?"

Ning Guiwan pressed her cheeks with her fingers, and said slowly: "Hurry up, the sky is falling?"

"It's about the same." Ren Xiaofei brought the newspaper under her nose, "Look, Zhang Ziyan has another scandal."

Ning Guiwan glanced away, and the headline was "Suspected Rumored Women Suspected to Be Hidden".

The content was the scene of Li Yang's riot at the hotel yesterday. At that time, some of the onlookers were from the entertainment industry, so they naturally knew Zhang Ziyan. Her state when she came out, and Li Yang's yelling when she smashed the door, it is easy to think of a scene. If someone breaks the news of a series of eclectic stories, it is not difficult to disclose them in the media.

"The Internet is already buzzing, and it's the most popular search, and it's been hanging all night." Ren Xiaofei said, "Will this affect our company? The commercial photos she took have just been released. In fact, let me tell you, at the time You shouldn’t ask someone with such an unclean ass to speak for her.”

Ning Guiwan showed a thoughtful expression.

What if Zhang Ziyan broke the news herself instead of someone else?

The purpose is obvious, it is to drag the Tianchi Group into the water.

When Wen Wan called, Ning Guiwan was planning to go out to meet a client, Wen Wan said: "Xiaowan, I found it for you."

Ning Guiwan didn't know why, "What did you find?"

"Who donated your mother's belongings to the auction."

Ning Guiwan's eyes turned cold, "Who?"


Seeing Zhang Ziyan again, it was still at the film and television base, Zhang Ziyan was not filming, she had been resting in the hotel, Li Yang had been guarding her, seeing Ning Guiwan, Li Yang was so happy that he wanted to jump up, "I knew you wouldn't really leave Zi Yan doesn't care!"

Ning Guiwan smiled: "I'll have a chat with her alone, you go out for a walk."

"Okay, you guys have a good chat." Li Yang happily went out, Zhang Ziyan was leaning against the head of the bed, the curtains were closed tightly, the light in the room was dark and oppressive, Ning Guiwan walked to the bed and opened it, letting the setting sun shine in.

"The darker the place, the more sunlight it needs."

Zhang Ziyan laughed out loud when she heard it, "It's already moldy and rotten, so what if it shines in the sun?"

Smiling to herself for a while, she looked at Ning Guiwan, "Didn't you ignore me? Why are you here? Watching me laugh? You are not that kind of person. When I was young, everyone loved to laugh at me. I never saw you laugh once. back."

Ning Guiwan stood by the window, half of her face was illuminated by the sun, "The dress you donated to the Nan'an Group's charity auction is my mother's relic."

Zhang Ziyan seemed to hear something funny, and laughed more happily: "So?"

"Where did you come from?" Ning Guiwan was suddenly annoyed when he saw her expression that he knew earlier, his eyes became colder and colder.

"I picked it up." Zhang Ziyan tilted her head, looking innocent, "Do you believe it?"

"Zhang Ziyan!" Ning Guiwan said every word, "My mother knows that you are my classmate and that you are in a difficult situation, so she takes pity on you. Every time she buys something for me, she will bring you a copy, not for you. Keep it in your heart, at least you have to give her some respect! But what did you do?"

"I thought you were just cowardly and timid, but I didn't expect you to be ungrateful!"

This was the first time Ning Guiwan called her by her name since the reunion after a long absence, and it was also the first time since the two of them knew each other.

Zhang Ziyan lowered her head, and at an angle that Ning Guiwan couldn't see, the smile on the corner of her mouth disappeared, "I was originally this kind of person, it's just that I acted well and pretended to be pitiful. Well done... Disappointed?"

Looking up again, he was full of spring and sexy again, "If you want to know who gave me the clothes, help me leave Golden Phoenix."

 A certain Yu: My heart was so congested that I didn't sleep well all night.

  One night: Hey, the weather is really nice today.

  A certain Yu: Come and live with me, I will cook delicious food for you every day.

  One night: Hey, the air is not bad today.

  A certain royal: ...

(End of this chapter)

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