Water Culture of Jianan Irrigation System: the Past,

Chapter 4 3 Year Rings Chapter - 2st World

Chapter 4 300 Years of Reincarnation - Second World
He really missed her, and he couldn't explain why, at least, when she put her warm hands on him, the cells in her whole body seemed to get new energy.Ever since Lin Zuning praised her for being "mature", the angel of the soul has not appeared again.

Are these two words really so unpleasant to women?
Since then, Lin Zuning has developed the habit of mumbling to the air.As long as the wind blows the curtains, he will think it's her.

When there was no shadow of her, he thought she was just hiding herself: "Hey, are you here? Why don't you come out?"

He even has a kind of psychological phobia - he is afraid that when he is bathing or changing clothes, the angel will suddenly appear, so what's the matter?
"I should have made an agreement with you for three chapters. You are not allowed to come when I am changing clothes, taking a shower and going to the toilet."

"I think you are crazy!" Fan Hongen didn't understand why he was talking to himself, he just felt that his nerves were not normal, "A car accident broke your head! Do you want to see a psychiatrist?"

Unspeakable is the most painful.He couldn't tell Fan Hongen that he saw an unknown creature called "Leaving Soul Angel", which came and went in the middle of the night, then Fan Hongen would definitely find a psychiatrist for him.

He really missed her and couldn't explain why.But at least, when she put her warm hands on him, the cells in his whole body seemed to have gained new energy.

Maybe the angel doesn't like Fan Hongen's house.

Based on this assumption, he decided to move back to his kennel—anyway, people have their own destiny, and fate cannot be forced. It has been a few days since Kuang Yulan left, and he is sure that he will not be hurt again.

As soon as I got home, I smelled a scent before I opened the door—the scent of five-spice stewed beef.

He was too familiar with that smell.This is Dad's favorite dish when he was alive - but, something is wrong!Will marinate this kind of fragrance, who else but mother?
Lin Zhangqiongzi was indeed in the kitchen.

"Son, you are finally back!"

She was full of pride: "Mom helped you marinate your favorite food."

"It's not me, it's Dad. You remember wrong!" Lin Zuning corrected her.

"It's the same thing. People say that like father, like son."

"Mom—why are you at my house?"

"Can't I come?" Lin Zhangqiongzi didn't take his question seriously, "I stopped the cram school today and came to see you specially. You unworthy person, you don't tell me where you go, which makes me worry It’s been a few days. Today, I have a plan to braise the beef in your kitchen to see if the aroma can call you back!”

This approach is more similar to summoning lonely ghosts.

"As expected, you are back, this is mother-child connection!"

Lin Zuning smiled helplessly: "How did you get in?"

"It's not easy, climb the windows, your windows are always open!"

"This is the second floor..."

"The second floor can't beat me. When I was young, I met your father when I was climbing rocks. I am young and strong."

Lin Zuning's temple was aching again. "Crack!" Someone opened the door with a key, and it seemed that the smell of beef called back more than one person!

The other person who has the key is of course Kuang Yulan.

The heavy suitcase was thrown to the ground.

"Hey, move in." She ignored the stunned two and shouted outside, "Be careful not to break my microwave oven!"

Lin Zuning's head was almost buzzing with pain.Lin Zhangqiongzi spoke before him: "Hey, what are you doing back? Didn't you just leave?"

She held a frying pan to seek justice for her son.If Kuang Yulan was a fish, Lin Zhangqiongzi would definitely burn her to eat.

Kuang Yulan glanced at her angrily: "What are you doing here again?"

"This is my son's home, can't I come?"

"Joke, this is still my home. Half of the half-year rent is still out of my pocket, just ask your son!"

"I'll pay you back if you want money, tell me how much you want!" Lin Zhang Qiongzi usually became very generous when he was provoked, which was unusual.

"There is a wrong, there is a debt, why do I want your stinky money... Hey, put the refrigerator over there!" Almost two women yelled similar words at the same time: "Lin Zuning, why are you standing there, commenting on the truth!"

How can the world be justified.It's okay if you don't go home, but once you go home, it will be difficult for him.But there is plaster on the leg, so it is the best policy not to slip.

Lin Zuning looked at his mother, then at Kuang Yulan, and finally came up with a way to get the best of both worlds: "You guys chat casually, and I'll go to the bathroom."

The heated argument between the two can still be heard in the bathroom: "It's shameless, come back by yourself if you don't tell."

"Yo, you're here to steal the show? Tell you, I'm half the owner of this family!" "If my son marries a daughter-in-law like you, I'll commit suicide immediately!" "If I had a mother like you, I'd become an idiot too." One. A joke, who is going to marry your son?"

"If you don't marry him, what does it look like to live under the same roof? Are you afraid that you won't get married?"

"My business, you can't control it."

"Can only use a microwave oven? God, only stupid women use microwave ovens, and they have no qualifications to be women!"

"Now only the older generation of antiques like you think that cooking is a bounden duty! You are proud of being a slave for a lifetime!"

Literal and verbal, back and forth.

Lin Zuning wished he could throw himself into the toilet and flush it down the sewer - yes!Why not try to escape?He reached out for his pocket, the wallet was on him.

Even Lin Zhangqiongzi can climb in from the window on the second floor, why can't he climb out?Although a leg seems to weigh a thousand catties, it should be no problem to support it with the strength of the wrist.

It was already dark, and no one would call out thieves when climbing down—Lin Zuning opened the window, and slowly slipped down holding the water hose.

— Turned and jumped to the intersection, stopped a taxi without thinking anything.

"where to?"

Where can I go?Going back to Xiao Fan's house is too boring. A man in love is so nervous that he will never see other people's sorrows.

He thought of the road where he had a car accident, and tried his luck to see if he would meet the Angel of Departure there.

Lin Zuning wanted to ask her: Why didn't you come for so long?Did he do something wrong, or did he say something wrong?

"No one ever got off here, sir, you were the first."

"This tree is very beautiful." Lin Zuning didn't make sense.

"Ha, you are an artist. I knew you were an artist just by looking at your face. Only an artist can be so romantic." "Thank you..."

"Is it that beautiful?" The taxi driver poked his head out curiously to have a look.

There is no shadow of the soul-departing angel.Maybe wait for her a while, and she will arrive.

The leaves of the terminal tree reflected the faint light of the street lamps, and they were a gentle emerald green in the dark night; the wind made a rustling sound, as if speaking to him.

Only then did Lin Zuning remember seeing a snake in the grass here.I hope that snake will go to bed early today and not have to come and say hello to him.

I don't know if it was luck or misfortune, there were no accidents at this turn all night.

Lin Zuning is definitely not a person who gloats, but he is indeed very disappointed that there was no car accident-meaning that the angel of the departed soul did not come!
He approached the tree to examine its trunk, hoping to find her roster or attendance book.

"Shushashasha..." The ensemble of leaves seemed to be laughing at him: Even if there is, your eyes can't see it.I will not tell you.

Since he was able to talk to the angel of the departed soul, he has no idea what is hallucination, what is the sixth sense, and what is non-existence.

After waiting all night, there was only one result: he had a bad cold!

And, lying in a house where a big fight could happen at any moment.Both Lin Zhangqiongzi and Kuang Yulan stayed, and neither of them was willing to move out first.

Kuang Yulan insisted that she paid half of the rent.

Lin Zhangqiongzi's reason is stronger, she has to take care of her abused son!
"I heard you came to see me."

One hand was placed on his hot head, as if Princess Iron Fan's fan had fanned the Flame Mountain.

"Wow! You're sick."

Lin Zuning slowly opened his eyes - he saw the Angel of Departing Soul!But... she became even more different.Her skin was still like translucent white crystal, and her long hair was still bright black silk satin, but she gave him a completely different feeling.She has grown up, and in just a few days, she has grown up a lot, she is no longer a little girl, and her tone is also charming and gentle.

This time I will not make any comments, because I am afraid that she will leave like the wind again.

"It's nice to see... see... you..." he said weakly.All the energy in the body was dissipated by the fever, "How do you know that I have looked for you?"

"I just know." She said coquettishly to him.

"You know? Do you know why I kept watch all night without letting me see you?"

"No, Terminalia told me later." She lowered her head and kissed his forehead.

It was as if a cloud was drifting past his eyes.

"It can talk."

"It only talks to me," said the angel. "You don't have to blame me. If I had known, I wouldn't have kept you waiting all night. I don't have such a bad heart. However, I have my own reasons, so I can't come to see you often." you."

When he saw her, he realized how important she was to him for so many days.

"Do you miss me?" Her tone was different to him, too.

"A little bit." He was embarrassed to say very much.

"Just a little bit and that's fine."

The angel moved slightly from the edge of the bed.

"Very!" He tried to grab her hand, but he couldn't catch anything. The feeling of not being able to grab it really scared him.

"Oh!" the angel shook his head, "meeting you, my troubles are even bigger, and it can't be solved by just having a fever."

He didn't understand what kind of trouble she would have—she'd killed countless people with cars and never gotten into trouble, so who else could find fault with her?
"Where have you been these past few days? What have you been doing?" "Your interrogation tone is not inferior to that of my boss... I'm wandering around in the world, wondering if I'll see you again—"

"Are you thinking of me?"

"I can't answer that question."

"It's a secret again, isn't it? If you don't tell me, I'll drive myself into a power line tomorrow." This is pure threat.

"No, no, I can't save you."

"I don't need your help, I want to be a ghost, wandering here and there like you!"

"Did you burn your head when you said these stupid things! You must be a pervert if you are a ghost!"

"I just ask you one thing, when you leave, say goodbye well - don't disappear in a blink of an eye, please." His eyes are unconsciously filled with sadness, if, if he can only look at her lonely Let him watch for a while longer!
The angel was very embarrassed: "But the place where you live is always too popular. I can't stay too long."

"Please find a ghost and take the two of them away!" Although the words were heartless, they were sincere. "There is no destiny, should I accept my fate?" the angel murmured softly.

"What did you say?"

"No," the angel smiled, "There are always some messy things between me and you." He didn't understand: "The story of your second life is not finished yet—how did you come down to do the second internship?" ?”

"When I return to being an angel, I am a child, and then I will grow up at a normal rate. When I grow up enough, I have to go down again, and then go back to being an angel child, and so on and on..."

Lin Zuning suddenly realized that maturity frightened her.But she did grow up... "The more mistakes I make, the bigger I grow, the second time, because I let an old lady go."

"Didn't you let her crash?" "There were no cars in that era, and when I was such an idle angel, she was sitting in a carriage, and my job at that time was to trip the horse with a silk rope."

"I can't see that you also have compassion."

"Rarely," the angel did not admit, "my mercy is considered lazy in the eyes of the heavens. That day when I was close to the carriage, I happened to hear the kind-hearted old lady chanting scriptures with prayer beads, saying in her mouth, you must forgive others and forgive others." ..."

"This sentence seems to be said to me, I tried twice and couldn't do it..."

"I was moved - I thought about my previous life, if those who had done me wrong were merciful and let me go, wouldn't I have a completely different fate in the mortal world?"

"So I spared her. She didn't know, so I couldn't hear her thank you, but I was so happy in my heart. Happiness made me grow up... All the emotions and desires will make me grow up. Above, this is all wrong. So we descend to earth to be unhappy people."

"But sometimes, desire is such a good thing."

"Tell it to the above, I agree that it's useless for you—" She touched her cheek sadly, "I've grown up again, haven't I?"

"You are getting more and more beautiful."

"No, beauty once killed me."

"The second time, God will pick another rose for you?"

"Yes, this time I choose purple roses..."

"Fortune, right?"

"You are really smart."

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

Mama told me so.

"Did I really have a spoon in my mouth?" The 5-year-old me asked the nanny blankly.I don't know that's just an analogy. "Yes! My baby Feng'er," the nanny smiled as she combed my hair, "You are blessed in three lifetimes, and your life is the best in Beijing. You were born in the Wang family, which is the richest man. Your father is a high-ranking official, and you are his only daughter, and your life is very good." The nanny was smiling, and the corners of her mouth froze after a while, and I saw her face in the mirror, and my eyes suddenly filled with tears .

"Why are you crying?"

"No." The nanny wiped away her tears.

"You must tell me, otherwise I will tell my mother that you are so sad that you are crying."

"My little ancestor, please don't do this."

"Then you have to say it." There are more than 100 servants in the entire Wang family, and no one dares to disobey me, a young lady.The more they love me, the more domineering I become, thinking that I can even win the stars in the sky.

"I was thinking of my youngest daughter, and I also named her Feng'er. Your name is Wang Jinfeng, and her name is Cui Yufeng. Unfortunately, her life is not worth as much as yours."

The nanny burst into tears.

"You are not allowed to cry," I said, "I want Cui Yufeng to come to the palace to play with me, I have no company, and I hate my brothers."

"As long as she is here, I will kneel down and beg your mother to let her come and play with you," the nanny said, "I am absolutely willing!"

"where is she?"

"Picking up duck eggs in Suzhou."

"Can I go to Suzhou to pick up duck eggs at the age of 5?" I remember my nurse saying that Cui Yufeng and I were born almost at the same time.

It was later learned that it meant she was dead.In order to raise me with abundant milk, my nanny had to give away poor Cui Yufeng.That family only gave Cui Yufeng rice milk, and she died before she was one year old.I don't know if my nanny will hate me because of this, I killed someone indirectly.But my nanny treats me better than my own mother.

In my memory, my own mother is a serious woman. She dresses up every day and is surrounded by a large number of maids. The time she spends to hug me every day is never more than a cup of tea.

She loved the elder brother and the second brother, and she said to me: "A woman needs a man to stand up straight. I used to rely on my father, now I rely on your father, and in the future I will rely on your brother. You will get married sooner or later. You have a good Daddy, I will choose a good husband for you in the future—your fate is destined to be good." Daddy is very busy.No matter how much he spoils me, he doesn't have much time to talk to me.He was later appointed as an official and served as a transshipment envoy to Jiangnan, so our family moved to Jiangnan and lived in a beautiful courtyard. I was 12 years old that year.

The nanny didn't come, she has family in Beijing.The moment I waved to her, I felt extremely lonely, as if I was alone.

"I'll send you a message!" I shouted from the carriage.

"No need, little ancestor, I can't read, and neither can my husband."

My literacy is also limited. My mother said that a woman's lack of talent is virtue. My brothers and I studied in a private school teacher for two years, and then we learned from a mother-in-law.

I really like Jinling.There is no strong wind blowing sand in the north, only willows sandwiching the shore.Miscellaneous peanut trees, flocks of warblers flying around.I wove everything into the embroidered cloth, and my youth and loneliness also became the scenery in the embroidered cloth.

The night of Shangyuan when I was 14 years old was the most unforgettable day in my life.

I wore the white jacket I embroidered on my body, and combed my hair into two shiny braids early in the morning.That was the first time I was allowed to watch lanterns, and it was my father's special permission.

He rented a painting boat on the river, and let our family watch the fun along the Qinhuai River on the painting boat.He said that there are too many people in the market, and they all have the vulgar smell of ordinary people-father has been an official in the court for generations, and he only has the powerful and powerful in his eyes.

We are Han Chinese, and no matter how talented we were at that time, it was not easy to get a job in the imperial court.Therefore, my father is always conscientious and serious.When I was a child, I asked my nurse, "Why doesn't Daddy come to play with me?"

The nanny told me: "Daddy is very busy. He has to do things for the emperor. If he can't do well, he will kill everyone, and he won't even have your life."

"I'm not wrong, how could someone want my life?"

"Little ancestor, not everything in the world makes sense. Do you remember Ruan Hezhu's family?" Ruan Hezhu is the daughter of a friend of my father's.When she was five or six years old, her nanny often took her to our house to play, but there was no news about her afterwards.Several times I quarreled with the nanny to find Ruan Hezhu, but the nanny always said they had moved away.

Actually not.

When forced to do so, the nurse will also tell the truth: "Her father didn't do things well for the emperor, so he beheaded the emperor, what a tragedy! Ruan Hezhu is no longer Miss Qianjin, she must be grinding in the mill, where is it?" Is it your life?"

On Yuan Ye, I didn't go on that boat.

When the sedan chairs arrived at the market, the crowd was like a bee, and the sedan chair team in our family was scattered. I opened a corner of the curtain, and I couldn't see the sedan chairs in front, nor the ones behind, and the crowd continued to come like a tide.

I didn't feel panicked, but found it interesting.It was the first time I saw so many people since I was ten years old.

The gongs and drums on the street were loud and deafening. Compared with the quiet courtyard, it was a paradise.

There are also candied haws!The candied haws are still steaming hot, and they are more beautiful than the priceless blood agate hairpins on the mother's head.

"Stop, stop!" Anyway, no one at home saw me, so I went down and bought one!I still have a piece of silver on me, which my brother gave me to play with.

The bearer obeyed and stopped.I lifted the corner of my skirt and squeezed through the crowd.It's so warm in the bustling crowd of you and me!The cold air of early spring is completely overwhelmed by the heat of people rushing to each other.

Finally squeezed into the stall selling candied haws.I handed over a tael of silver to the fat middle-aged dealer: "Buy candied haws!"

The dealer looked at the ingot and was dumbfounded: "Girl, we are in small business, but we have no money to find you. Are you kidding me?"

It turns out there is still something to look for.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money to look for. I cherish candied haws more than that ingot of silver. I can't wait to eat ten or twenty skewers of it.

"Buy it all."

"My God of Wealth is here!"

One, two, three... He made me hug me full of candied haws... The red sugar juice stained my white embroidered jacket flushed.

"There's more! I'll help you do it again."

"No, no more." I quickly turned around and walked back. At this time, I looked like a hawker selling candied haws.I hugged it like a treasure, afraid that someone would snatch it away.

The crowd came like a wave, I tiptoed, wow!Ten miles away, there are all black heads!Then I hardly set foot on the ground again, as if I was sitting on a sedan chair, I rushed forward involuntarily, men and women, old and young, kept rubbing against me... I felt dizzy, helpless, and really wanted to Crying, but still holding my candied haws tightly.

I don't know how long it took before my feet touched the ground.

In an unknown place, in a narrow and dilapidated alley, crowds of people are still flowing at the entrance of the alley, like a rushing river.

That river blocked my parents, my Qinhuai painting boat, and my Shangyuan night lantern.

I usually stay at home, how do I know where I am?With a pair of small feet, I am afraid that I have traveled more roads this night than in the past 14 years.

But I have nothing left, my lucky Wang Jinfeng only has a handful of candied haws left.

I fell to the ground, crying while licking the sugar juice. "You are crying! Why are you crying? Today is Shangyuan night!" A man squeezed into the alley, and he found me.

I never talked to strangers other than my dad and my brother.Seeing him, I kept thinking about whether I should lower my head the way Yiniang taught me, like a lady.

He was a young man, two or three years older than me, wearing ordinary blue cloth clothes, thin and thin, his trousers were rolled up high, and he had no shoes on his feet.

Looks like a rough guy.The nanny called paupers who dressed like that, and she used to say they would be too poor to take wives.

I didn't bow my head, looked at him curiously, and forgot to shed tears for a moment.

He stretched out his hand to help me up, and I also forgot about whether men and women give or take kisses.As if he was my relative.

"Don't cry, there are so many people, are you afraid that you won't be able to sell all the candied haws? No problem, look at me, I'll sell them all for you, and your father won't scold you! Hey, give me—"

He misunderstood me.But I still gave him a big handful of candied haws.When he smiles, his neat white teeth are so beautiful.

"My name is Zhang Yan, and I'm the son of a tofu seller in Water Mill. Today I sold the sweet cakes my mother made, and I sold them all out in a short time!" Money! Hello, what's your name?"

"Wang Jinfeng." I said shyly.It was the first and only time that a strange man asked me my name.

"Let's go!" He took me around the other side of the alley to an open space, holding candied haws and yelling, "One penny, one penny!"

Sure enough, someone hugged the baby and happily bought candied haws.He put the copper coins in my palm: "Hey, you have to keep them well, there are many people with mixed hands, so don't pick them up."

In the distance, there are thousands of lights blooming in the night, my eyes are fascinated by the lights, and I am also fascinated by his high-spirited face.

"Don't be in a daze, learn to sell like me, and you will be able to do it in the future!" He gave me two: "Like me, one penny!"

"One, one, one penny—a penny!"

If my parents passed by here, they would definitely not recognize me as their daughter, but I have never been so happy!

"One penny, one penny, louder!" His voice is Jiangnan accent, with a turning point at the high point, and a lingering rhyme in the turning point, which is better than the piano played by Dad's musician.

"One penny!"

We laughed as we walked, and soon there was only one candied haws left.

"Let's share this one in half!" I was hungry——I sold him a handful of candied haws, and I only licked a little sugar juice.

He took a bite, and I took a bite. We shared a candied haws on the night of the Yuan Dynasty, and he saw my white embroidered jacket: "Wow, why are you dressed like this? You can wear coarse clothes for business, otherwise the business will not be done. , People were robbed, there are so many bad people on this kind of festival day."

The crowd dissipated at midnight, and I didn't want to go home yet.It would be great if this Shangyuan night was endless!I forgot both my father and my mother, I only knew how to watch him laughing foolishly.

"Wang Jinfeng, where do you live, I'll take you back."

I froze for a moment: "I don't know."

"God, don't you know where you live?"

"I live in Wang's house." I said I couldn't figure out the place, I only knew that my father's name was Wang Rui. "There are hundreds of families surnamed Wang. What are you talking about? Your father's name is Wang Rui. Isn't that the same name as the transit envoy?"

At this time, someone called me: "Miss, miss..." It was my mother's maid, followed by four disheveled bearers.

"Miss, are you okay?" The girl looked at Zhang Yan, "You didn't do anything to our lady, did you?"

"Don't get me wrong, he helped me," I said.

Zhang Yan was too nervous to speak. "That's good, let's go! Your father and mother almost skinned them!" The girl pointed to the bearer.

"Get in the sedan chair!" She pulled me away.

"Wait," I hurriedly turned to Zhang Yan and said, "Your money!" I took the copper coins out of my pocket.

"No, it's yours, I'm just helping out—" He couldn't think of the reason for this—why the girl selling candied haws was sitting in a sedan chair.

With a push and a push, the copper coins were scattered all over the ground.

Jingle jingle jingle...

I didn't get to say goodbye to him properly.The sound of ding dong jingle rang in my mind thousands of times every day.

Jingle Jingle...

How wonderful the sound of copper coins!I kept begging for copper coins from my brothers to play.

My brothers suspected that I was sick: "You don't love silver, you don't love pearls and flowers, you only love copper coins. How can there be a girl as stupid as you in the world who spends her whole life, and I'm the only one who knows this secret..."

I only love one person quietly playing with copper coins, and I think of his face in the sound of jingling.

The interior decoration project of the villa has already started.

Lin Zuning received a thank you call from the hostess of the villa as soon as he returned to work after developing a fever.He Ya was extremely satisfied with Lin Zuning's design draft, saying that Fan Hongen had found several skilled workers to realize his design.

This was the first non-company case that Lin Zuning took over.The owner is satisfied, of course he is happy, so he added after-sales service: "Miss He, don't worry, I will come to monitor the quality one day!"

He Yatui said she was sorry, but still made an appointment with him to send a car to pick him up.

Since He Ya still lived in the house, the renovation work had to be completed one by one.There are three bedrooms, so she doesn't have to worry about having nowhere to sleep.

The first time I went to He Ya's house to supervise the project was Saturday.When he arrived at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the workers had already left. Lin Zuning didn't care much about whether he was paid or not—he still carefully checked every detail.He may not be a motivated person when it comes to work, but he demands perfection.

He Ya wore a complete set of casual clothes this time, relaxed and lively, and looked much younger than the last time he saw her.

Like a happy little skylark, she poured him tea and sent towels, and comforted his leg injury.

"The plaster cast will be removed next week, just learning to walk again."

The doorbell rang loudly.

He Ya opened the door bouncingly: "Ah, it's you!"

"Uninvited!" That happy voice belonged to Fan Hongen.

"Call me before calling you here, you..."

"Can't you come?" Fan Hongen said, "Today is my 28th birthday!"

"Sweetheart... who said you can't? Your friend is here!"

After listening to the conversation, Lin Zuning finally understood the relationship between the two.what!Fan Hongen is so good, he even hides it from his friends!

Lin Zuning was afraid of misunderstanding: "I am dedicated enough! I will supervise the work."

Fan Hongen is not a guy who would be suspicious, but when he saw his friend appearing, something happened suddenly, and he said in amazement: "Wow! What a coincidence!"

He thought Lin Zuning didn't know anything, and wanted to hide it: "I...I...I...I'll talk to He Ya about something..."

Lin Zuning saw the embarrassment of his friend, so he could only pretend to be confused: "Hey! What a coincidence, I should go!"

"No, no," He Ya, the master, felt embarrassed, "Mr. Lin, please sit down for a while, let's talk together!" "I...I have something to do."

Why are you here as a light bulb?If he spoils Fan Hongen's weekend here and it's his birthday again, maybe Fan Hongen will secretly hate him for the rest of his life.

"My driver hasn't come back yet! How about it! Mr. Lin, please wait a moment—"

"May I talk to Ms. He in the study next door?" They were in the living room on the second floor.Because the construction has already started, it is a mess.

He Ya and Fan Hongen entered the study, leaving Lin Zuning in a daze in the living room.

He could see that Fan Hongen was a man in love.

When I first met Kuang Yulan two years ago, he was also so bold and shy - he thought that others didn't know his excitement, but in fact, everyone could see it.

They met in the library, and Kuang Yulan sat across from him, reading seriously.In fact, he has nothing to do. Not long after he finished his military service, he just found a job and went back to the school library to catch up on the architectural theory he had learned in the past.He patiently read books with her for four hours, and asked her if she wanted to go out for lunch together at noon.

"I treat you." He offered the invitation very politely.

"Why did you ask for a treat?" Kuang Yulan didn't accept his kindness, as if it was a shame rather than an honor for a stranger to invite her.

"I just got a job and there's no one to celebrate with."

"Oh?" That beautiful face proudly raised up to look at the sky, and after some calculations, "I can celebrate with you, but we each pay our own way, and you don't get paid for nothing. I didn't find your job for you. .”

The two walked to the Taiwanese restaurant outside the school gate, Kuang Yulan ordered all the dishes, anyway he had no objection.

At that meal, he broke the record by eating chicken feet and bitter gourd - Lin Zuning never touched these two things, although Lin Zhang Qiongzi's craftsmanship is very superb - but he made an exception for Kuang Yulan, and pretended to eat with gusto .The first time I kissed her was when we came out of the library together one night.

His first kiss was dedicated to the evening when there was a rainbow in the sky.

Alas - Lin Zuning couldn't help but sigh.Men in love are blind, and so are women in love. Neither of them could see the difference between them at first.That kind of difference is just like the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, and love is the narrow Panama Strait, which can make them intimacy like glue.

He Ya and Fan Hongen haven't come out yet.

It's not about business at all, it's about love.Love doesn't necessarily have to be talked about yet.

While in a daze, the doorbell rang again.

He quickly half-slid, half-jumped down the banister and opened the door.A gentleman has the beauty of an adult, and he doesn't want to spoil Fan Hongen's date.

"Who are you looking for?"

As soon as the door opened, the visitor was stunned at the same time as him.

Such a familiar girl!But I can't remember where I saw it!

"You are..." The two said at the same time.

The girl with black thin-frame glasses on the bridge of her nose looked at him: "Are you my sister's friend? You...you look familiar."

He knows who she is.She must be He Ya's younger sister, the outline is somewhat similar.He Ya is gorgeous, this girl is delicate and very bookish.

"I also think you look familiar." Lin Zuning wouldn't say that to every girl.

"I'm He Mei, hello." The girl extended her hand gracefully.

"Hello, I'm a friend who helped He Ya with the interior design."

"Ah! I remembered." He Mei stared at his broken leg, "You are the one I rescued last month. You got into a car accident and you were in the grass with mud and blood on your face... ..."

"is that so……"

Although he was in a coma and opened his eyes at that time, he probably remembered this face at that time—"You saved me?" "I sent you to the Peace Hospital!"

"Yes...then, you are my savior?"

"It doesn't count. I just happened to drive by that road in the early morning, and I stopped to look at the terminal tree, and then I saw you. I thought you were dead." He Mei laughed.Who says there are no coincidences in the world.Where there is fate, there is coincidence.

He Ya and Fan Hongen then went down the stairs.He Ya heard what her sister and Lin Zuning said, clapped her hands and said, "You two are really destined."

He Mei curled her lips and smiled, neither denying nor agreeing: "Coincidence."

"Did you come to see me?" He Ya asked, "Is everything okay at home? Where are your parents?"

"Fine. I just drove by to see you."

"Are you short of money?" He Ya seemed to be very concerned about her sister's financial situation.

"No, no, you can't die of hunger—you have friends, and I'm leaving."

"Don't rush away—" He Ya is a person who warmly welcomes guests, let alone her own sister.

"No, I have to teach two hours of watercolor class in the afternoon." He Mei said, "It's a pleasure to meet Mr. Lin. Oh! And..."

"Fan Hongen." Fan Hongen greeted him with a smile and introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm leaving, see you by fate!"

"My baby sister is a [-]% artist. Apart from teaching painting, she paints. She doesn't worry about her boyfriend or lack of money to eat..."

"The temperament is very good." Lin Zuning commented.

"Driving around every day, her monthly income is spent on compensation and fines. She is so stupid! I really regret giving her the old car." He Ya said.

How amazing that this frail woman is her savior—Lin Zuning inspected the construction situation again.He will retaliate well.

It's the night of the Yuan Dynasty again, in Jinling.

I have changed from Wang Jinfeng to the Chen family. When I was 16 years old, my father betrothed me to the children of the Chen family who are also the richest man in the area.

I kept saying no, and kept saying no in my mind.How could they know that there is only one person in my heart - that man once accompanied me to sell candied haws all night.There is a whole layer of copper coins on my dressing table, and the sugar-stained white embroidered jacket has not been washed, so I carefully store it.I remember the ease with which he asked my name, and I also remember his neat white teeth.

Never saw him again.I surreptitiously read those folk novels about rich ladies eloping with bums, hoping to do the same one day.The new maid my mother found for me is called Ah Man, and she is always capable of getting those books for me.

But no matter how powerful Ah Man is, he couldn't get Zhang Yan, the son of Water Mill's tofu seller, for me.Because even Ah Man doesn't know what's on my mind.

Zhang Yan is my secret.

Only the tinkling copper coins know, and so does the sugar-stained white embroidery.

I don't know if he remembers me or not.Except that I am the baby daughter of the Wang family, I am just an ordinary woman, not particularly beautiful, not particularly smart, not particularly memorable.

At the age of 25, he went to Yuanye, in Jinling.I have a child in my arms, a boy.

I was sitting on a large painting boat specially made by the state official, and the singing and dancing in the boat were graceful.I took the baby in the female family room.

My husband Chen Yuan inherited the ancestral business and received great help from my father. He is considered to be one of the most wealthy businessmen in Jinling.

Besides me, he also took two concubines.

I was silent.A woman who is not jealous is regarded as a virtuous lady. I don't care if she is virtuous or not. I keep silent just because I don't love him.

I admire his intelligence, his wrist, his courage, but I don't love him at all.

For this reason, I also persuaded him to take a concubine, even though the woman he recruited came from the background of a singing girl, I also treated him equally.My mother said to me: "Look at it, your father is not like that. He has three concubines and occasionally goes to the wine alley singing house. He is so prosperous and rich that he dies. Chen Yuan is a person with good face, he will not treat you badly."

She was right, but my heart was as cold as ice.

Can Wang Jinfeng only have glory and wealth in his life?Why can't I have other lovers like Chen Yuan.I only want one person, the boy who sells candied haws, and I will never forget the relationship I met.

Sitting next to me is a young woman, about 18 years old, wearing a new red padded jacket, she looks like a Jiangnan girl, but it is a pity that she is a Xiaojiabiyu type, and her beauty is spoiled by wearing brocade clothes.

"Ma'am, she is the bride of Jinling's current Juren." Ah Man approached me and said, "That padded jacket is too vulgar, it seems like it's the first time I've put on clothes and I don't know how to cut them properly."

"You don't criticize people."

Ah Man is a girl, but she was also raised in a wealthy family. After a long time, she thinks of herself very high, and everyone is inferior to her.

"Who is the new recruit?"

"He is the son of a tofu seller, named Zhang Yan, and it is said that he made it through ten years of hard study!" "Zhang Yan——"

This name has been said a thousand times in my mind!Not the man I've been thinking about day and night!I was startled again and again.

Can't help but look at the woman around him.My heart was filled with infinite sadness and jealousy.

She is younger than me, prettier than me, more lovable than me.

More importantly, she gets my love!I thought about not being able to see Zhang Yan for more than ten years, but why would she be able to share the same bed with him every night!
The dancing, dancing, lanterns, fine wine and gourmet food, none of them could enter my eyes, I just stared at this young woman infatuatedly.

She also noticed that I was looking at her and smiled at me.An official lady next to her said a few words in her ear, and I heard:

"That's the first wife wife of Chen Yuan, a wealthy businessman in Jinling. She is the daughter of the Wang family."

She politely nodded to me and introduced herself: "I am Zhang Yan's wife, and I have heard about your family's name for a long time."

An ordinary sentence makes me feel like a needle pricks my heart.I looked the same, for I was trying to quell my welling up of grief.

The song ends.

I saw her go with an officer.

That's right!His back has been etched into my heart, he is the man I long for day and night, I hugged the sleeping baby, and foolishly watched a good couple leave.

"Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan—" recited thousands of times silently like chanting scriptures, hoping that he will find me when he turns around, then I will have no regrets in this life.

He did turn around.Sure enough, he saw me and hesitated for a moment.

His wife also turned her head, as if telling him, I am Chen Yuan's wife.

I didn't dare to laugh, because there were so many people around me talking, it was only when I moved my eyes that I was guessed.

He didn't even dare to smile at me.At that moment, I knew: he knows me, and I know him!He's calling me...he's calling me Wang Jinfeng!

The child was thrown to the ground by my loose hands, crying loudly.I had completely forgotten that I had a child in my arms.

"Ma'am, what are you doing!" Ah Man snatched it up.

Apart from him, apart from him, I don't want anything—but I can only be speechless and watch them go away like a daze.

Still with my copper coins as companions, jingling, through the golden years.It's hard to wait until the temples are graying.Every year on the night of the Yuan Dynasty, I always dress up to go to the official banquet on the painting boat, but I don't see any Yi people.

Ah Man said that he went to the capital to be an official.

I was not reconciled and didn't say another word to him, so I made deep plans and worked diligently to teach my son.

Tell him to go to Beijing to study, tell him to secretly inquire about my benefactor, a man named Zhang Yan.

"Mother, he is my mentor!" my son told me when he returned home.

"Does he know who I am?" I asked anxiously.

"He said he never remembered being kind to anyone."

"This is Qian Chong, you have to learn from him." I changed my tone abruptly.

Over the years, my son brought news again.The mentor intends to betroth his daughter to him.He had seen the girl once before, and he liked the appearance very much.

"Mother, what do you think? Father has agreed."


"Okay, okay—" In this life, if you can't form a good relationship, the next best thing is to be your son and daughter's in-laws.Well, I can finally see him again.

My husband-in-law and I went to Beijing with full makeup, and prepared important gifts for our son.Chen Yuan was looking for a gorgeous mansion in the capital to build a new house for his son.

Red candles hang high, praying to heaven and earth three times.

"A talented man and a beautiful woman!" "Many sons and grandchildren!" The crowd of congratulatory guests came and went like a colony of ants.I seem to have returned to the night of the Lantern Festival that year, back to the bustling crowd, I cried and shouted, no one heard me, and finally found a narrow alley, and wept while licking sugar juice.Suddenly someone said to me, "Why are you crying? You can't sell all the candied haws, so I'll sell them for you!"

I saw Zhang Yan and his wife.The lady greeted me warmly.I bowed in return and said to her, "Our Chen family is highly interested in this marriage."

"Where is it? We are all very happy when our daughter is married into the native place. The youth in the capital are young and frivolous, not as honest as your son. He is born rich and noble but has a kind heart. It is rare to be neither arrogant nor boastful." Zhang Yan hurriedly exchanged greetings with the congratulators.He was also old, wrinkled and stooped.

A mouthful of white teeth is still there, it is still the boy from back then.

I wonder if he remembers me?
All I want in my life is this answer.God!I even wanted to go straight to him and ask him: "Do you remember Wang Jinfeng? The girl who sold candied haws with you in Jinling decades ago?"

I walked around in the congratulatory group, and finally the crowd turned me to him.

I trembled beside him.Overjoyed.

"My mother." He finally spoke to me.

No, I don't want that sentence.

Another wave of people poured in.The face-saving Chen Yuan opened the water table, which was divided into three classes, and waited for the VIP relatives and friends on the table—who knows that there are as many VIP relatives and friends as ants.

My palm touched something cold.

Almost screamed out.

He stopped me with his eyes, signaling me not to disturb others.

A copper coin.

what!A copper coin—

I gripped the copper coins tightly, moved with the crowd with a calm expression, and didn't dare to stay longer.

He didn't say my name, but he gave me so much more than I asked for!I, I have no regrets in this life—really no regrets...

Laughing in my dreams, too, until I draw my last breath.Fu Lu Shou, I have it all.But is my life a tragedy or a comedy?

You say, is it a tragedy or a comedy?

Everyone says my life is good enough.Relying on father, husband, and son, all of them are stable and outstanding.Is it a tragedy or a comedy?

"Goodbye." This time, the angel kept his promise to say goodbye to him.

No matter how he said goodbye, he was still infinitely disappointed.

"Goodbye!" he said to the flying screens.

The light turned on with a snap.Needless to say, it is Lin Zhangqiongzi.

"Let me see if you have covered the quilt. What are you doing when you say goodbye to me? You want that woman and not me, don't you? Women are very easy to find, mother, you only have one, heartless..."

Lin Zuning pretended to be asleep.

"Here we go again! Are you playing with me like your father? Hmph—" "Zuning, I want to talk to you."

Kuang Yulan accidentally spared time to accompany Lin Zuning to the hospital to remove the plaster cast on his leg.It turned out that I wanted to tell him something, but it was inconvenient for Lin Zhangqiongzi to be at home.

X-rays were taken and the doctor said the recovery was good.It doesn't take long to walk freely.

After walking out of the hospital, Lin Zuning was not in a relaxed mood, because Kuang Yulan had something to talk to him about.

It's been a long time since I talked to Kuang Yulan about anything too targeted.The two lived under the same roof, and both knew it was a mistake.

What's there to talk about?Kuang Yulan is better at eloquent debate than him, stronger in logical reasoning, and has more opinions than him.

He is most afraid of "talking" with Kuang Yulan, it is worse than elementary school students listening to the principal's lecture, saying the wrong thing and not speaking are both guilty.Lin Zuning thought to himself: It's a good thing Kuang Yulan didn't become a judge, otherwise the serious criminals would die, and the minor criminals would hardly see the light of day.

"Where to go?"

He asks her opinion.Strange thing, after he got to know her, he became more and more like a little servant under the autocratic system. He was afraid of being offended, so he simply listened to her.

"Can you have your opinion?"

"Honglin?" That was the French steakhouse where he invited her to have her first big meal.

"My God! It's closed long ago, don't you know?"

"I'm sorry. That—McDonald's?"

He used to eat breakfast at McDonald's every day.He thought, McDonald's will never fail, right? "I can invite you, you don't need to be stingy."

"Yesterday's feelings?" "The indoor light is too dark."

"The town of Windsor?"

"It's too far away, I must meet the client at four o'clock!"


"How old are you? Do you still hang out with teenagers in the post-modern era?" Kuang Yulan's picky habit has not changed, "Forget it, forget it, you never said the right thing!"

She likes to play this guessing game.Then he said, let it go, all the gentlemen are flat, you have not won my mind.

It was a small coffee shop that she picked out by herself, which was clean and elegant.She skillfully parked the sports car in the small gap and helped Lin Zuning out, "What are you going to do, between us?"

She ordered Irish coffee for herself and asked Lin Zuning to drink orange juice.She said caffeine was not good for patients.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't evade the question, I'm the one who asked you first."

"Lady First!" Lin Zuning smiled helplessly.

"Okay!" It seemed that Kuang Yulan was no less helpless than him, "Do you want me to move back?"

"Do you want me to want you to move back?"

After three times, Lin Zuning became a sophist, because he could never answer the correct answer, and could not understand the truth.

"It's like this again!" Kuang Yulan stood up angrily and wanted to turn around and leave, but then restrained her temper and sat down.Cursing inwardly: This man is simply a slug, he walks slowly and doesn't even have a shell! "You speak your heart, can we start again? If you think it is possible: first, please move your celebrity chef mother away; second, please be more aggressive; third, please be strong and decisive! Fourth,..." She thought he would accept all the conditions and fulfill them one by one.

"No." Lin Zuning nodded firmly.Kuang Yulan couldn't believe the scene in front of her eyes: this man who had never had his own opinion voted veto!
"You said... no?"

"Yes," Lin Zuning felt so relieved, "We have different personalities, you know it yourself! If you procrastinate any longer, you will delay your youth. To you, I will always be a dead wood. All I have is a motorcycle! Maybe Yes! But I like my way of life. If I was born a tortoise, I would have to crawl at my own speed, and I cannot be trained to become a rabbit! Yulan, think about it yourself, what you want is a rabbit, Not a turtle like me!"

"You have so many metaphors—" Kuang Yulan shook her head absently, she had never heard Lin Zuning speak so fluently in front of her.

"You don't want your mother to go?" She asked tentatively.

"I can't wish for her to leave. I'm most afraid of people singing arias next to my ears every day!" "What's the reason? You won't have a new girlfriend, right?" In Kuang Yulan's mind, Lin Zuning, who had a broken leg, almost How can there be any chance if you stick to the sick bed every day?
"Facing the problem! Yulan, we are not suitable." Lin Zuning became firmer as he spoke, "You and Li Daying are a more suitable couple!"

"Him? Do you think—me and him? I haven't had any relationship with him other than business affairs."

"Yulan, that's your freedom."

"My God, I seem to have met you today, Lin Zuning!" Kuang Yulan took a big sip of coffee and regained her composure. Her professionalism does not allow her to lose her composure, "At this time, I will really appreciate your determination! If You're not saying goodbye to me."

"You are very good, Yulan," he said from the bottom of his heart. Indeed, you may not be able to find a young woman in Taipei who is as talented and beautiful as Kuang Yulan in the newspapers in a year. "You are really good, you are beautiful, Young, bright, capable—"

"You think I'm not gentle! Do you?" Kuang Yulan unconsciously blushed. "No. Ask yourself, you don't love me that much. I'm just a habit to you. You don't love me anymore."

"Thank you for finding the steps for me," Kuang Yulan sniffed, trying to hold back the tears, "Maybe you're right."

"I hope you find a better partner. I appreciate you, I really appreciate you." "Just appreciation," Kuang Yulan smiled wryly, "and our cohabitation is just a habit? Sigh! I really shouldn't Moving back, yes, just a habit of coming home. Your slow-moving style has been a good balance for my Ji Jingfeng, because we have been able to be together in the past."

"That's not love." Lin Zuning said, "Are you looking for it?"

"I'm just thinking, and I'm confused too."

"I didn't know you would use the word 'confused' to describe yourself."

"I'm often confused, but I'm not used to saying it like this, because it's useless." Lin Zuning looked at his old lover, "We are usually close at hand, but we are far apart, right?" "Still friends?" Kuang Yulan asked again After gulping down her coffee, she held out her hand.

For the first time, the two reached a consensus.

shake hands and make peace.

(End of this chapter)

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