The best martial arts queen: stunning and stunning

Chapter 447 Chicken Fly Egg Beat 2 Empty Empty 12

Chapter 447
Murong Xiaoyan immediately cast a stern look at him, and at the same time reprimanded, "Do you want me to return you to the police academy to continue your studies, kid? How dare you question the work of forensic medicine? Go back and write me an examination immediately. Now Take a picture of me, and get out of here immediately!"

After being reprimanded by Murong Xiaoyan, Liu Xinyuan drooped his head, said "oh", then raised the camera in his hand, and took a close-up shot of the skinned part.

With the flickering of the flashlight and the clicking sound of the camera, all the wounds and face of the female corpse were recorded in the camera after a while.

beach rot 4
Then Murong Xiaoyan left the autopsy room with Zhang Huaming and entered his office.

After Zhang Huaming entered the office, he took off his white coat, sat on his office chair, pointed to the chair opposite the table and said, "Sit!"

Murong Xiaoyan sat down with a wry smile. She had known this Zhang Huaming for nearly ten years. Since she was the leader of the serious crime team, this place was as familiar as her own office, but the person in front of her was still not familiar with him. He always had a cold appearance, a lukewarm attitude, and seemed deep and withdrawn. Except for analyzing the case and talking about the corpse, the two of them hardly talked extraneously.

It seems that today is the same!
Murong Xiaoyan muttered in her heart, and then heard the voice of Zhang Huaming on the opposite side, "Murong! Let me first talk about my personal opinion on the corpse. First, after dissecting the corpse, I found that there was alcohol in her gastric juice. I think this is The reason why she was caught by the murderer, secondly, her head and body received multiple wounds of different depths, and these scars proved that the deceased had struggled after waking up and was discovered by the murderer before causing those wounds. Appeared, but as for why the murderer peeled the skin after the murder, I don’t know anything, the deceased didn’t have any body language to tell me, so it’s up to you next.”

After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the door.

It seemed that it was time to see off the guests again, Murong Xiaoyan stood up with a wry smile, walked out of the door, and said politely at the door, "Then I will go first, you are busy with your work, don't see me off!"

Before anyone could turn around, the door slammed shut.

Damn, this guy is so shameless!I really don't want to give it away!
After Murong Xiaoyan stood outside the door for a while, she turned around and walked outside.

Hmph, didn't I just want to make friends with you? As for, I kept a straight face all day long, as if my subordinates said that I owed money to others in my previous life.

After thinking about it, he laughed at himself, and he even reprimanded his subordinates. Now, doesn't he also have a problem with people's informality?
Humans are indeed not easily satisfied animals!He shook his head, put aside this thought, and got into his police car.

When I returned to the police station and entered the serious crime team, I was surrounded by a group of team members, who asked in a hurry, "Team leader, how is the case going? Tell everyone!"

Murong Xiaoyan smiled, "Want to hear it? Gather in the meeting room immediately!" After saying a word, the figure disappeared.

When Murong Xiaoyan appeared in the meeting room, the team members were already sitting upright, all staring at her eagerly.

After coughing a few times, he also sat down, and the first thing he said was "Is Xiao Liu back?"

"I've come back, I'm developing the photos in the darkroom, and I said it will be ready soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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